I Don’t Do Parties, But For you Luv, I’ll Try

She got super excited as we started walking to class. "Danny guess what I found out." I already knew what it was, she had gotten similarly excited last time she was invited to a high school party, and I heard some students whispering to each other about a party that Alexis was going to have at her place.

Apparently, her parents would be away Over this four day weekend. Lorra almost screamed the information at me in her very loud whisper, "Alexis is having a party and invited me, but better yet word is she's going to ask you to be her date to the party."

"What? Me?" I didn't realize she hadn't gotten over this, and with me? I need to stop this before it gets out of hand.

"Yeah aren't you lucky, one of the Cute popular girls wants to go with you."

"Well I'm not going for her, if you're in, for you luv… I'll go, just to satisfy my curiosity if nothing else. I have after all, only been to a few parties in my high school career." I chuckled and grinned, "Next time I see her I'll ask her and ask to help out, you know."

"I knew it would interest you. Sorry to say she left school early today."

"She what?" I was again surprised and starting to lose my mind over this. So many things I didn't know?

Lorra could tell my interest in the subject was slowly fading away. "But we'll see her tomorrow and I heard her uncle married Lunar's mom so… her aunt is a cop."

"I…" I thought long… to me at least, and hard about what I was going to say. I'm THE DARK KNIGHT, I'm going to stop this crime and the detective was right. Is what I would have liked to say but it wasn't that easy. So much I would like to tell you, you're smart and this is too much to do alone… but I can't rope you into this can I?

Can you? I heard a distinctly feminine voice alarm my mind setting of flags as numerous memories flashed and boomed in my mind.

I saw Cara looking back at me. I-I can't. I told her. I won't let what happened to you happen to anyone else. No one else gets abused, no one else gets hurt from my naiveite.

But what if you could. You're stronger now, you're faster, much smarter and you've had experience, you know what you're dealing with.

But she'll know information that will put a target on her back if anyone knows, and she'll have to be careful with what she does and says for the rest of her life.

She leaned on Lorra's almost unmoving body. No one said tell her everything, and when was this a long-term thing, remember when we were doing this, and you told me we should only do it till we make the town safe again and then we're done.

Things are different now Cara.

Why? Because of me? If you told me all I needed to do to make a real-life hero who will make the world a better place was to get sick, then I would have done it ages ago.

This thing wasn't Cara, it was a figment of my imagination and I wasn't liking her style of humor. Take that back, your just an imagined version of her.

Why? If I'm not real, then I'm as close to real as you're going to get for a while. What's with that dopey look? You look like you're sad? I can't tell.

Even if it wasn't her, it was hard to even try to hate something with her body and mannerisms. I miss you Cara.

I know Danny.

I paused my thoughts to realize that even though it'd seem like I had been thinking for a while, I had barely reached the half a second mark. It was judgment call time; it was in a sense her choice to join me or not, if I asked, but knowing this information could ruin her life and ultimately it was my decision whether to tell her or not.

Lura looked at me with distrust. "Are you going to find some lucky guy? Eric maybe? Or perhaps you aren't going." I deflected. I could read her body language like a book. She looked like she was halfway between sadness and a laugh, but only for an instant so small that a bee could probably wouldn't be able flap its wings once.

Then I could see her forcing her mood back to happy. "Oh… you can't go. Is it you father?"

She chuckled and punched my shoulder, a little harder than what would normally be considered affectionately. "No" yes, a blatant lie I can see it in your face and I can smell the sweat, but no salt, "and I have a bunch of homework" you don't I have you in half my classes and its early in the year, I also haven't heard anything from anyone on it. "We're still on for Saturday night?" and top it all off with a deflection. What has your dad threatened you with this time.

I hugged her out of reflex. "Just let me talk with him I can convince him to say otherwise. I'm good with parents."

She punched my side, there was no effort behind it. "I hate how you just know like that."

"You're like my sister how could I not know what's going on."

She chuckled, "You have a sister."

"That woman is just my friendlier mother."

She giggled when she pulled away, I saw the dry stains left behind by tears. She wiped her face immediately.

I punched her shoulder lightly, "Well short stack we've got to make it to second period."