
… After school …

Lorra told me she was going to go to the anime club meeting, and I would have joined her but … "BEEP BEEP!" My motion sensor, essentially a baby monitor I had set up by Cara's hospital bed and connected to my smart watch went off. I would have ignored it but I heard her voice. "Wha?" She just woke up and was disoriented but she was lucid. I ran without saying a word and drove at breakneck speeds, moving this car faster than I had ever made it go. I heard her pick up some papers and by the sound of what she was saying under her breath they were my letters to her.

When I arrived, she smiled at me and the little friend I brought her. Well she smiled after I snuck in through the window. Friends we're allowed in until the hospital knew she was lucid, but due to the fact that she was only ever lucid for a maximum of 30 minutes. I had stopped and gotten her ice cream. She took the tube that I handed her and the spoon. She nodded and didn't say anything, not that she could if she wanted to. She just nodded and made facial expressions which I could read easier than a mathematician solves one plus one. So, what will we do today? She shrugged and raised her eyebrows.

"We'll just watch tv, whatever you want." I started scrolling through the channels on the hospital tv. She nodded at one of the channels, a cartoon was on and we spent the next thirty minutes watching it. She was growing more and more delirious as time passed, seeing things that weren't there and I played along with it. Then she went into a seizure. She had started violently shaking and I reacted quicker than a father energized on adrenaline when their kid is in danger. I turned her on her side, and I grabbed a sedative I hid in the curtains months prior and administered it to her cheek. She went back to sleep. I jumped out the window and rolled and as I went to walk off my eyes widened as I saw Lorra enter the hospital. She looked back but continued on. I need to leave. I had told her that I wouldn't blame myself and wouldn't visit her as frequently as I do but I could have in no way predicted that she was going to come at the same time I was leaving. I quickly got in my car and drove away.

She texted me. "Was that you?"

I responded playing dumber than a doornail, "What do you mean." She began typing but stopped. She didn't send another message.

I put on my makeshift suit and put on a long black cloak. Then I went to Cara's bed room window behind the house. Time to get back to work. I scaled the almost smooth wall rather easily. I opened up her window and went into the room. It felt empty, not having her there. I looked around the room and found her camera and I looked through it as I skimmed the room. As I looked through it I stumbled upon what seemed to be a normal bump in the rug. But upon further inspection it seemed more like the bump you get if you're lazy and don't smooth out all the creases. But when I put weight on the area it has less give than a crease would. I picked it up and it was a floor board that was a bit too high. I suddenly remembered, She had told him about a space in her room where she found an area under the floor to hide things. When I lifted it I saw her diary. I skimmed the first couple of pages until I got to a page that mentioned having a hard time.

September 1st 2018…

I someone in the city has gone missing now it's not very unusual for people to be missing for a couple days but I think this is different. At work seems to be hitting on me. He doesn't look too bad himself, not someone I'd ever be with, but I'm a minor and he's my Boss. But he does touch me more than other workers and I saw blood on his collar after he met with Ann and she soon went missing, and he gives me more attention just like he did Ann. I heard from some other students that he's bad news and I've heard from others that if you do some weird stuff he'll give you a raise you.

"Sounds like she was having more trouble then she let on when I talked to her before we…before she went after him." He thought to himself. He heard her parents coming up the steps. He took pictures of all the page from September 1st to the 27th. He put the book back in the hiding space and closed the window as he slid out and fell to the ground.

Ouch, you need to get better at this agility thing. Cara whispered into my mind as she appeared. I ignored her and drove to my first interviewee. I pulled up to a different hospital and then snuck into the hospital through Diana's room window. She's the other girl who I suspected got the same virus as Cara but seems to be recovering. She, like Cara, tried investigating the virus and the drugs going around. But she got too close to Mister Smartman who owns the Citri company. She woke up. "Who's there?"

I smiled as I walked closer into the light but not completely leaving shadow over more than half of my face. I mimicked her best friends voice, he like I helped her but he wasn't unscathed. "Diana it's me Miles. We need to talk. I want to take down Mister Smartman, but I need to know what happened when you were with him."

She sat up, "I missed you Miles. You can walk again?"


"Oh… good. Don't go after him."

"Why?" I pried at her statement to get the info I needed.

"All he did was kiss me. I was willing to go that far to get him to expose himself but after the kids I was like this."

"I see and what type of virus is it he gave you?"

"The papers, I think they left copies for my parents to look at and I think they left them there." I got what I needed. I took the pictures of he scans and the details.

"It's been nice seeing you Diana. I hugged her and she kissed me… I let her. I saw Cara in the corner of my eye and she began talking to me. Do you feel bad? I genuinely can't tell, I may be in your head but your emotions are hard to pinpoint as if you're purposely changing them. I can't tell if you feel bad because you do, or because you should.

Stay out of my head. I'll pulled back form the kiss and went to sneak out of the room through the window. Cara appeared in front of me. You took advantage of her, she's sick and deleterious and you used that to get information.

"I know what I did." I almost shouted. I jumped out.