Patient File #1 & 2

                   ————Table Of Contents————

1. Identification Information

2. Medical History

3. Medication Information

4. Family History

5. Treatment History

6. Medical Directives

7. Lab results

8. Consent Forms

9. Progress Notes

10. Financial Information

 Identification Information:

"Name: Cara Sumerholten; Age: 18; Ethnicity: Mixed Race; Height: 5 foot 3 inches; Weight: 140lbs Waist: 28 inches. Guardian…" He read off one, glancing over her phone number, social security number and license number. He turned to look at the other, "Name: Diana Alluers; Age: 18; Ethnicity: Black & European; Height: 5 foot 6 inches; Weight: 170lbs Waist: 34 inches…", nothing about them was the same aside from their mixed race, he didn't attempt to use that to make a connection, "Need all the puzzle pieces before you can see the full picture." 


 Medical History:

"Seems to have no…" he noticed that they had a history of using Cola-Citri products in early childhood, they also had the same treatment for addison's disease, a disease that led to your body not producing enough adrenal hormones. "Cola-citri in the psycho active drugs business… ARA, look up Cola-citri pharmaceuticals in the public corporate records and anything related to drugs and experimental trials…"

The office assistant styled Augmented Reality Assistant populated his vision, when he looked at her he just saw a sickly Cara, "I have found an agency nearby that manufactures and tests products by Cola-citri." 

He flipped some pages.

Medication Information:

"Seems like they both took pain killers and homemade remdies for clearing nasal pasages, stomach pain, nuesea, and constipation. Would be easy to write off as some sort of stomach virus or inner ear pressure."

Family History:

"None, N/A, No, Ahh… Diana's Family has a history of brain cancer, Diana's mom actually had a brain tumor when she was Diana's age… need to connect the date, when was Cara in contact with Diana… and how long was Diana contagious or sick."

 Treatment History:

"Seems like they are both taking medicine from Cola-citri… but Cara hasn't refilled in over a year. Her distrust of Cola-citri backfiring? I can't tell if her recovery is drug related."

Medical Directives: 

"Seems like Cara's mom signed for her not to be a donor but instead studied so they can find out what this new virus is, Hmm, Diana is set to be used for 'Study', Diana was set up for the same but she's recovering so they likely wont get her."

Lab results:

"Even if they don't get her they already have tissue and blood samples. Seems like they are calling it… PCV-13. Their PCV is a virus? Or extracted from the virus some how?"

Progress Notes:

"Cara's condition is stabilizing but she is still comatose, her brain chemistry seems to be making new connections and changes as her condition stabilizes." He looked to Diana's files, "Same here but the connections were forming much slower, even though she'd been sick longer she had less new connections. Hmm… So something about Diana's brain makes her resistant that Cara doesn't have. ARA copy all the lab results. My host has arrived."