Breastplate of righteousness

"Let me tell you! Those kids took off faster than a slimy pig when you're trying to catch it. Hi there. Seeing Hoppers dad is quite busy at the moment I've decided to take over narrating from here on out. Well maybe for this event anyways. I've been following Hoppers journeys for quite some time and none of them have even come close to being this extreme I must say. The Bible unfolding before my very eyes and epic fight scenes yet to come. I didn't expect it to be so…..perfect!"

"Hopper, he was there the whole time and no one knew."

"Yes Croak. Now. Shh!"

"Guys, look out for that..aagh! Watch out for the..*crash*. Man, I thought unicorns were supposed to be sweet and loving. Guess they're not called the most powerful creatures for nothing. Just look at them. The pasture is no longer peaceful that's for sure. They're tearing up these frogs like they're appetizers. Wait, someone tripped. Noooooooo, the locust is gaining on him.

KEEP YOUR EYES CLOSED AND DON'T TURN AROUND UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. LISTEN TO ME. DON'T turn.. Ar.. shoot! He just turned into salt. Haven't we learned anything from the Bible? When God tells people not to turn around we listen because He is our Father. Why can't these frogs listen to Hoppers dad and heed his advice? Don't you remember Sodom and Gomorah? God told them to leave town and not look back so He can spare their lives. What did they do? They did exactly what God told them not to do and looked back. Guess what happened to them. They turned into stone and salt. Whenever God sends a warning; no matter how weird it may sound I advise you heed it with everything in you or else the consequences will be severe. You think God gives warnings like swim at your own risk signs? The answer is no! Like a Father that He is, a parent will tell their kid that if you swim outside the lines you will drown. Why wouldn't you take him seriously?"

"Bro. I knew it. Coffee when we're done here. I'm paying! Same time same place.?"

"Shh. Go back to fighting and pretend I'm not here. Wait, before you go take this."

"Hmm. Still don't trust him I see?"

"Let's just say one can never change the past no matter how hard they try."

"I'll spread the word."

"Thanks. Just touch the sword on the challenge coin and it will transform. Can't have your journey without the staff. You can go now. Your faith has made you well."

"Hey kid, stop talking to yourself and help this old man out. I'm struggling to breathe here."

"Oh, sorry. You're not complete without this. Here...catch."


From the ground you were born and from the ground you...shalll..RETURN!!!"

"He's dead. Quick, grab the breastplate. Hopper, round up the troops. We got the piece so let's get out of here while we still have our eyes."