Water of Life

"Dad, I like the décor you've acquired."

"Thanks. I don't know where it came from but you got to agree; I look more Moses than anything now. Now where uhh...is the rest of the fleet? I know we set off from town with way more than these."

"Let's just say there will be less sleeping bags to take out for tonight. We lost a quarter of our men tonight because they either looked back and stared into the eyes while others couldn't escape talons fast enough. We need to be more careful."

"So how do you propose we htandle the spirits son? It's not like we can walk in with our eyes closed or anything. What's the plan?"

"I'm gonna think on that later. Right now the plan is to not get killed tonight. You can see the entrance to the valley right over there but we had enough fun adventure for one night and I'm beat. You unpack and get everybody to bed while I stand first watch. This close to the valley we can't take any chances. Tomorrow when we enter this valley keep your eyes peeled for the sword of the Spirit. It could be anywhere."

"Umm. excuse me. One of you. We're uhh, umm, running low on snacks and drinks. Do any of you happen to have a back up plan brewing?"

"Oh no. I do not want to eat mana...again! New plan. Hopper, here's the staff. Go find food but please be careful. I'll go get some firewood; and you my boy. Think you can look after the men while we're gone?"

"I won't let you down sir. While you're gone maybe I can think up things to use as a case to put all our stuff in like Moses'.

"Son, all you do is look at this. Turn a bag over, empty it out and walaa. Put the important stuff back in. Don't let me down Croak."

"Wait, I don't remember saying that."


"While my dad was out gathering wood I wanted to test how powerful Moses' staff really was. I know it was just another ordinary stick like any other that lay beside Moses as he was talking to the burning bush but looks can be deceiving. Never judge a stick by a stick.

One thing still kept puzzling in my mind and I couldn't figure it out. 'Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for your rod and your staff comfort me. You know how you're doing a puzzle and a piece seems to fit someplace but you realize it is supposed to fit somewhere else. Yea. I thought I had that phrase down but now that I'm holding Moses' staff in my hands I am not too sure what that phrase's clue means anymore. Am I looking for a physical rod now that someone holds because no one left with….one. The two rods that held the Ark of the Covenant. Now if I were an ark where would I hide? I am so unprepared for this. Note to self. When Moses agreed to go on the quest to save Egypt he was unclean. God had said a while ago that any male boy of Abraham was to be circumcised before God for repentance of sin and Moses had two sons that were both descendants of Abraham. One he did circumcise but the other he did not so God's wrath was on him and his family so before he set out; his wife Zipphorah circumcised the uncircumsized son so that Moses could be clean and serve God in complete obedience. Hmm. What did my mom have to do to help dad so he could be a pastor? Maybe it's not my mom that had to do something to help my dad but my dad's parents that had to do something so that their son could serve God as a pastor in complete obedience. But what was that? Aaron was completely obedient yes but my dad was not so He chased him until he was at his lowest of lows. He was running from the blues but in that moment God spoke to him to be a pastor but he was still not yet circumcised. Maybe his parents knew and did something or possibly….Aaron!! Aagh. Too many thoughts racing around in my mind. I can't focus on them all I need..water. There it is.

Ooh how badly I wish I could split this water in two but I must resist. I need to go back and get the empty water bottles but first to make sure it is safe to drink. Wait, what was that? The water; it stirred. There's something in there. Again. Did you see it? I hope this staff is as powerful as people say it is."

The night grows colder and the water glistens under the starry sky. Scales!! Oh crap. I forgot about him. The Leviathan! Where'd he go? I try to move but again my feet freeze underneath me and it's too late. My body turns to walk away but out of the water a tail springs forth, wraps around me and throws me against the nearest rock breaking a chunk off. I struggle to regain consciousness and watch as he rises.

"Who dares to drink of the water that I give? The next drink you take will be your last! No mortal can drink of my water without my knowing; especially one who is as unlawful as you….Doubter."

My hands tighten on the staff and I stand. Out of the corner of my eye I see a gold rod at the bottom of the water.

"I've come to reclaim the armor so that we can fight the foes of darkness and reconnect with the lost."

"Haa. Your sweet words humor me. I see what you want. Many have come to grasp it...and they all came to die. So shall you…."

The Leviathan sweeps across the water and I aim the staff. He stops cold in his tracks and stares.

"You bring blasphemy before me!! I know his staff and I know him. You're a faker. Moses's staff was cut from an almond tree and was always in bloom. His Aprentice Joshua took the staff after Moses's death and has passed it down from generation to generation and from kings to kings until Solomon hid the ark beneath his temple. Then when the destruction of his temple came the tunnels gave way and everything in it was washed away by the water to where it now lays embedded on the sand. Now I guard it and I alone. Why shouldn't I just kill you here and now?"

"Please refrain and let me explain. No, this staff is not Moses' I know. This is the staff of Aaron. I saw him. He gave my dad a map that can only be decoded with the help of dissecting the Bible and so far it has led us here. The first clue was a promise to my dad and a comfort but within that promise I found a hidden map that found us at this spot. 'Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil because your rod and your staff comfort me. I have the staff in my hand but I also need the rod. I don't know what these two things will do but I always know that whatever Aaron does, it is for a purpose and reason unknown to others. If I may just let me have a rod. You can keep the ark."

"Touching speech young one. If you truly are part of the family of Aaron then the waters of life will tell. Aaron we know but if we find you not true then just know that I haven't feasted in ages."

"Part from me and I'll take what I need."

"Wait. You didn't tell me the ark is where you got that rod from. Why didn't you grab the ark as well? It was sitting right there."

"Croak, the rod was all I needed and I knew that what the Leviathan said was true. I wasn't true to the word and although I knew lots I didn't act out lots so I was in all sense of the word a blasphemy so him letting me take a rod was way more than enough. What did you do while we were away from camp?"

"I read everyone a bedtime story out of one of your books. You know you should really get those published. They're good."

"Croak, I meant this…nevermind. Let's see what dad was up to."

"Nothing. He was already back from collecting firewood. We were just waiting on you. Man, you were like a girl. You always took forever."