Break time

Thank you everyone for reading. I know it was all dialogue based so hard to keep track of events and where it lead but I'm confident in all of you that you fam can do it. This is going to be a 4 book series but possibly more cause as you saw they are now going from clue to clue to collect a piece of armor then might make another book after the 4 just of them fighting with the armor and then another after that of where the map led them. Idk. Anyways, the last time I wrote a 3 book series took me 6 years; 2 years a book and from 4th grade to 10th grade around so we'll see how this goes. If you would like to see something in the upcoming books then comment down below whether its a Bible verse you want incorporated as a clue; someone to come along for the ride or anything you think I may have missed. Thanks again and now its back to school homework and exams for me :) Have a blessed day