Special Energy / Giants

"Where do you think are going, dumbass!?" an angry voice could be heard.

"To a place where I won't see you again in this life," answered a sweet voice,

"… But I'm everywhere…" continued the angry voice.

"Yes, that's why I'm here so close to the sky," the sweet voice told with melancholy.

"Close to the sky my ass-…"

Before he could finish his words, the sweet voice interrupted him…

"Goodbye my love, wish you a happy ending in your story because mine ends here."

Jumping off a 100-story building.

"My life ends in tragedy and blood… I'll paint in crimson red the road if you want to see my last piece of art… better take the elevator to the first floor," in her last sentence, she tried to be a little funny, she didn't want to have a boring death, at least she'll give some drama to the traitorous family of hers and her supposed fiancé.

"If there is a next life, I don't want to love you, I just want to feel how is being loved back."

Were her last words, before touching the ground and her bloody body with broken bones were the only thing left of her.




"Oh, where am I?" she couldn't open her eyes and her body feels weird, she can't move but knows that something is wrong.

"I died, I jumped from the 100-story building, it was his company, the one she invested just for him… What happened after that…. Wasn't I supposed to be dead?"


"Well, it doesn't matter, what comes has to come, but first I want to sleep for a while."

She didn't notice a light in the far away in the darkness was approaching her with a fast speed…

Seconds later, the light was so bright that she couldn't even open her eyes.

"Child, you died with regrets, but everything, it's going to be okay from now on! So, cheer up"

"What the hell… now I'm hallucinating… what are you?… God?"

"No, child, that is blasphemy asking me that, I have power, but I'm not as overpowered as him"

"So, who are you? And… Where the hell am I?"

"Language, young lady, how is possible for a lady to have such a dirty mouth…"

"What the…"

Sigh. "Your mouth can't be fixed." Now the only desire in the woman's heart is to teach her a lesson.

"I'm just a caretaker of souls, my job is to make sure that the soul who died with regrets can have another chance"


After a couple of seconds of silence, she asked, "Reincarnation? Reborn? Transmigration? All that is… real?"

"You can say, I'll send you to another world. There you'll have to fight to be stronger." said the light.

"Sure, I appreciate your kindness." answered almost immediately the sweet voice.

"It will hurt a little so endure it, young lady"

And with that the light was getting smaller and smaller quickly, didn't leave time to react, until it was the size of a round pill. Then that pill approached the young woman's face, and go inside her mouth.

Scared she wanted to vomit it, but she could not because the moment the pill touched her tongue, it dissolved completely, leaving only a liquid. She was more scared because she did not know what it was; the books said nothing about it.

Then she felt a heat in her throat and this directed throughout her body, is as if the liquid of the pill was energy and behaved like ants passing faster and in a rampant way in her organs, muscles, and bones, there were slight suffering, and she struggled but seconds later it slowly comes to a stop.

Until it stopped completely and that special energy rested in her belly, but at that moment something more unexpected happened, the liquid forms a pill again, then this pill grew and became the size of a grown man's hand until it was twice the size of that basketball, then it split in two, one ball stayed still in the same area under her belly, the other went directly to her head.

Stopping its movements, between her eyebrows, and without realizing that the white light had shrunk again, and this time was coming out of her forehead, she felt a lot of pain and something burning in that place was so hot that even a few tears came out after a few minutes, the light on her forehead gradually extinguished and instead of the light, there was a golden mark, as it was dark and the light had completely erased is not discernible what kind of mark is.




She didn't understand what was happening, but she felt what was changing. She did not realize how much time had passed, nor how a black wormhole was pulling her towards it.

After the intense pain became lesser, she felt that something was pulling her. She could not resist, and after a while everything was calm.

Then she heard voices. She did not recognize them, neither the language nor the voices. She could not make sense of what were they talking about. But she knew they were voices. She felt happy and fearful, but happy because she no longer wanted to be in the dark.


At the same time in another place, unknown to every entity in the universe...

"Oh no, I leave too much power with the young lady!" the light's voice sounded on a corner...

An old man who was with the owner of the voice that spoke to the girl, with curiosity in his eyes as he spoke

"Power? Young lady? What are you talking about, Old Nana?"

"Ah, it can't be. How is it possible…?" An incredulous voice from the light's voice.

"Come on, say it, Old Nana, what's going on? Why that face... Like the world is ending?" Inquired the old man.

"She is a young lady, who I wanted to help. Apparently, her soul left my jurisdiction and went somewhere else I can't find her anymore."

"Oh, it must be one of those fugitives' souls' cases, but it's more serious because you can't find her. Let me use my mirror...."

A mirror appeared out of nowhere in the Old Man's hands...

"Name, age, cause of death?" asked the Old Man.

"Yang Xianyi, 30, threw herself off the 100-story building that was her ex-fiancé's company because he cheated on her with her younger sister." answered hastily.

"Oh, interesting. I found her, but I didn't find her."

"What are you talking about?"

"You gave her the energy pill, but it was too loaded with energy, and it split in two, going to her dantian and her meridians, one under her belly and one on her forehead. The energy recognized her as its master and became submissive to her... but because you gave her so much power...."

"Ah, she had a very dirty mouth and said rude things, then I punished her, but because it upset her, I didn't realize how much energy I used. What can I do? Where is she?"

"She is in another dimension... jurisdiction of that entity..."

"That entity?... You mean that… beast?" Old Nana asked with a quickened breathing.

"Yes, to that beast... Let's hope everything goes well."




In a sunny place, an erect mountain vibrant with greenish life, on the top of the mountain there is a huge golden palace with silver features, deep inside it, in a huge hall adorned with unknown golden objects, with black details, something that was supposed to be sleeping.

It opened its eyes abruptly, fierce golden eyes, full of malice. Just his look is more than enough to tell what his temperament is, merciless, bloodthirsty.

After opening its eyes, turning its gaze to the horizon, and retorted.

"An aberrant soul and she has one of the legendary marks." the anger instantly evaporated the moment he spoke about the mark. "Well, I will accept you into this world. But the energy that the Old hag gave you are not to my liking, I will grant you mine... But it will be dormant until times come for you to awaken your bloodline, and it will be completely pure, I will wait for you in this cursed place of oblivion."

With that, the being with bestial eyes. Let out his breath, and it formed into a sphere the size of a watermelon, and keeps increasing, two watermelons, three watermelons... Ten watermelons until it stopped.

Then a claw touched the sphere and a drop of blood came out of what it seems to be a claw, towards the sphere of energy, the drop was not a normal drop, in the human term, it will be a sphere the size of a tennis ball, and this one fused with the enormous ball of energy, but this energy was golden colored with black, red and silver lines.

When it finished merging, the sphere shrunk faster than it grew, until it formed a sphere at the size of a pill. Then the claw nuzzled it, and it flew out of the window into the horizon...

"Good luck little one."


Returning to our Xinyi.

When she heard the voices louder and felt something pushing her, after a while, the feeling of being free was exceptional for her, but she felt her body tired, and with great difficulty she opened her eyes, it took her a while to adapt to the light, but when she did, she got stunned by what her eyes saw...


"GIANTS!" she shouted, scared in her mind. She freezes and stares with wide eyes and raised eyebrows at the one who held her.

"How can it be possible that they are giants, and why this woman has me in her arms carrying me like a baby and talking to me in a comical way?"

After a few seconds, she realized what was happening.

"I transmigrated just like the woman's voice of the light said before... The heck... And now, well, it's worth more than anything and I keep the memories from my past life, I could survive better, I can continue with my novels. Yes, I will be a full-time author. I didn't finish writing my favorite one, the one I made a mix of each of my previous creations, the one I've written. Well, there were only 4, but they were 2000 chapters minimum.


While she was thinking about what to do in the future, she forgot about the present.

"It's a girl!" declared one person.

"She doesn't cry, we have a curious one, she's going to be very smart, better than her peers," said the woman who held her.

When they were discussing the newborn baby girl, there was someone who opens the door with a lot of strength.


Coming to their senses, all kneel before the man in his late twenties, long nose and powerful face rugged and masculine, his jaw chiseled, sharp golden eyes, and red hair, coming inside the room.

"My lord!!!"

"My lord!!!"

"My lord!!!"

"My lord!!!"

Not paying attention to the rest, the man approached the bed where the woman who just gave birth to the baby girl was lying down weakly. She is in her mid-twenties, silver hair, red eyes, because she looks exhausted, her facial features don't look too good.

"My beloved wife, you have worked hard. She is the third baby you give me, two boys and a girl. It is more than enough. Your body won't be able to take it anymore..."

"..." The woman on the bed was pale after losing so much blood in childbirth.

With a forced smile, she replied: "It's alright, my lord," and inside her, she was rolling her eyes at the shameless man. 'Humph, you are the one who can't hold on in front of the beautiful me.'

***A/N: And talking about shamelessness. (rolling eyes)***

The man only nodded his head and turned his gaze to the nurses, precisely to the one holding the baby.