Her Past

The baby girl looked curiously at her new parents. In her past life, she was an orphan; well, basically an orphan, she never knew her parents, because they abandoned her in an orphanage; until she was 14 years old, and her grandfather found her, but her parents did not grace her with a look. Even while she was growing up, they even tried to take her life, due to two reasons.

-First, her Birth:

The beautiful baby conceived in an arranged political marriage, they felt disgusted and displeased to see each other, and have Xianyi was the worst and as they did not want her, as they felt she was a stain for them, they planned together how to get rid of her and ended up falling in love, as a result. The 1 year and 5 months old Xianyi got involved in the scheme of... 'Kidnapped and lost at the enemies' hands for revenge'...

Then they carried on as if nothing. After 2 years of enjoying their loving marriage, they had 2 more children, a girl, and the youngest, a boy. And they completely forgot about Xianyi, only the old master of the Yang family never forgot her, because she was the only one between his granddaughters and grandsons who did not show fear to him, because the first thing she gave him, was a smile.

And at that time, she was only 5 months old. We must say that the Old Master has always had a stern and scary face, that with a single look could make any adult cry, let alone any baby.

But his affection for that baby no one could understand other than him.


Years and years went by, and he wanted to retire, but he could not, because there was no worthy successor, although he had so many grandsons and granddaughters, none of them was good enough to inherit the Organization and the Empire that he had formed with sweat, tears, and blood.

One day he remembered that there was a baby girl he longed to see, he hired a private investigator, his old friend who had retired 20 years before, at the moment the little girl got kidnapped and killed he was in a lot of pain, and at that moment he was not thinking very well, his emotions were too strong that he did not think about his old friend, nor to doubt the death of the little girl, until that moment he did not remember her just for the sake of it.

It was a rainy day in which he saw the eyes of a 14-year-old girl, whose eyes were the same, but he did not want to be disappointed, and that is why he went to look for his old friend, who was living in another country.

When they connected the evidence they had, they realized that the little girl did not get murdered, but that the captor had a slip of hesitation and did not want to kill the baby, he left her in an orphanage where she grew up being treated badly.

The Old Master Yang and his friend the detective cried, heartbroken, seeing her living conditions and her treatment; they both went to see her, even without having finished the investigation.

They met. It's supposed to be a beautiful meeting, but... The girl didn't want to go, and meet with her parents... Why? That's because the captor left a letter to her and told the Nana of the orphanage to let the girl read it when she learned to do so.

When the Old Master asked her why she didn't want to, she handed him the letter...

In the letter, the captor asked forgiveness for having taken her from her home, but it was a direct order from her parents, and that if she realized who her parents were, she should not return, because they would get rid of her without hesitation, the reason, arranged marriage, and they did not love each other, after scheming against her, they fell in love...

The old master was furious, but he couldn't do much because he was sick and had little time to live. What he did was to put an idea to her. He would train her academically to take over the Organization and the Yang Empire, to which she agreed.

"I'll give what is rightfully yours. I'll train you for that, and that way you can have more power than your parents and make them regret plotting against you."

He trained her and kept her hidden until she was 24 years old. The Old Master spent 10 years training her, made her a weapon in the business world and martial arts. She tried so hard and did it faster because of her high IQ.

She could feel love for all the 10 years that she got to know her Grandfather, a strict but loving Old Man, he gives her the love that she lacked since birth, and more. Furthermore, she had a fiancée, but she never met him, either become acquainted, worst knowing his name.

Apart from love, the Old Master Yang trained her in everything psychology, law, business, martial arts, computer systems, and more. Xianyi knew everything. There was no one who could break through her defense. Until she met him...

-Second, she became the Heiress:

The Old Master Yang made her his heiress and here comes the second reason her parents wanted her dead. She was a hindrance to rise in social status to absolute power. A stone that was in the way.

And they used a weakness that even the Old Master succumbed to at the time... LOVE... She got the love from her Grandfather, but she yearns and keeps longing for a lover, a partner, to form a family. And he came into her life…

The man she fell in love with or made her fall in love with, spent 5 years with her, they were a lovely couple, but it was a trap, he was cheating on her with her younger sister, it would be more appropriate to say that he had been in a relationship with her younger sister even before meeting Xianyi.

Because of this, they took away her company and everything she loved the most, but one thing they could not take away, her passion for writing novels. She found it euphoric to write everything that her imagination guided her to.

She wrote four novels, one Sci-fi, one contemporary romance, another reincarnation, and her latest work, which was still being edited, and there was no end yet. Furthermore, she wanted to leave it open for the next volume. But this last book was a mix of the three previous ones. It included a little of everything.

But no one knew this. She could make more money from her works than from what she did in a day at the corporate office.

When the cheating came to light, the deception of her supposed fiancé sleeping with her younger sister, they schemed against her, to make her sign a document in which she transferred the company to her parents.

It was all planned; They drugged her at the time of the signing. They told her a lie too. Even drugged, she didn't know what was on the paper, but she knew it had to be signed. It was a transfer of her shares and transferring the Chairperson position.

Her Grandfather died from a heart attack when he knew what his son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter did to his heiress, the one who he has groomed and loved for ten years.

She felt helpless and the pain of the betrayal of her love was stronger than anything else, the day she turned 30 she went to the company and called her ex, she told him she was waiting for him on the top of his company, which consists of a 100-story building.

Furthermore, she didn't want to confront him, because despite everything she enjoyed the time she spent with him, and so him. But he had already put her feelings aside for greed and lust.

And the outcome; she ended up throwing herself off the 100th level after exchanging a few words with him.

In the end, her reason for doing that might be for him to regret his decision, or to make them stain their lives once more.

The pain for being cheated, the pain for having lost her only family member that gave her love, losing the company that was entrusted to her by him, and to know that the fiancée was the boy who gives her warm milk when she was 10 years old, he was her first love, a sweet childhood love at first sight, and it was mutual, it's just that they didn't know.

But they leave the long-forgotten love and continue their lives, something destined it, for them to be together, but in the end, someone intervened with their fate. The scheme of that hateful people.

She left her will, to her private lawyer, in which states that she leave her rights to her novels to her supposed fiancée, her first long-forgotten love, which name she learned one week before her death, and the regret of not wanting to get to know him; her will together with a letter under his name, telling everything and asking if he could get revenge for her instead.

She didn't know if he did it, but one thing is for sure, the Yang's doomed to bankruptcy because every contract she made with sponsors, investors, clients transpired all in her name, instead of the company. That was her being careful of everyone.

She could only imagine what will happen after her death. All the ones who sign a contract with her will retract their business, orders, ending projects, and more, a fatal loss.

"Sorry Grandpa, Xianyi couldn't protect your Empire, it ended with me." her second regret was that lost her Grandfather's Empire, the Organization left to her so-called fiancé. She didn't need to worry about that.

Thinking this way, it would be impossible for her Grandpa to blame her. There wasn't a suitable person for the position.