Great-Grandfather Long

After the ordeal with the guinea pig and Madam Long, Master Long returned to attend his own business.

Madam Long returned to her room, as she still needed rest after having gone into labor, leaving Xiao Ling in the hands of the maids.

The maids watched Xiao Ling curiously.

"She's not only cute, but she's also quite smart." One of them commented.

"Yeah, look how she makes eyes at us, so cuteee!"

"Oh, and to think she was only born yesterday... Do you think it's the genes we've heard about?" Asked the Old Maid in charge of Xiao Ling.

"Oh, you mean the rumors coming from our predecessors?"

"Yes, that's right..." the maid, who mentioned the genes, looked straight into Xiao Ling's intelligent eyes.

"You know, little girl, it's said that it has been a long, long time ago... Your Great-Grandfather was a mysterious warrior, who appeared in this place that was a desert, no water, no plants... Just sunshine and dryness for kilometers around. But as soon as Great Grand Master Long set foot in this desert, flora and fauna were born."

The maid paused, as the others listened to the story along with Xiao Ling.

'Oh? Such a story happened? Why does it sound like something I've read before? But it's interesting.'

Giving the Old maid's eyes to continue, the latter just laughed. "You're pretty smart. Do you want me to continue?"

Xiao Ling nodded several times.

"Okay, okay!" the Old Maid continued with a giggle.

It is said that the ground where Long City is today was a deserted place, full of lifeless valleys. But as soon as the Long Ancestor, Long Aotian, set foot there, plants grew, animals ran, everything appeared as if by magic.

Deciding to make the place the appropriate place for his offspring. From the trees that grew, he built the Pavilion. From the earth he formed the roads around the City, using every drop of water to form canals to allow free flow of water, making animals reproduce to produce meat and more. Making the soil grow plants for daily food.

With the skins of animals he hunted for food, he formed the wall that today protects the city.

Building house by house, until one day a group of people, amounting to one hundred mortal humans looking for a place of refuge found Long City, deciding to take a rest inside, they discovered that there were only houses and no Inns, Great Grand Master Long saw no problem with there being none because the place should only serve for his family and not for outsiders.

But seeing the desperation of the mortal humans asking for a roof to spend some time, he resigned himself and, out of compassion, let them stay.


After two months with Master Long Aotian, the mortal humans wanted to leave. Thanking their savior, they told him that if he needed anything in the future, they could help him fulfill it.

But Great Grand Master Long Aotian just waved his hand, dismissing them and telling them, "Destiny brought us together, if I need your help in the future, I will look for you, but if I don't need it, it is unnecessary for you to return... This will be the home of my descendants only."

The city had only twenty houses, and the Pavilion in the center, which is the main house, where he lives.

But what the mortal humans found strange is... That Great Grand Master Long Aotian, was alone, if it is for his offspring... Where are his wife and children?

A man in his twenties should already have children. With his physique and handsomeness, there is no need for a wife. He could have up to ten concubines. High-nose and powerful face, rugged and masculine, his jaw chiseled, sharp golden eyes with green specks, something strange to have that eyes he must have some kind of magic or skill, let alone cultivation.

When asked about curiosity, he only answered. "My future wife... I have to go get her in a few years..."

Not understanding what their savior was saying, they did not inquire further. As they were about to leave, Master Aotian said something to them, and then, without letting them answer, he disappeared.

Flabbergasted by the last words their savior said to them, they had no choice but to obey.

"Stay here for a while, my future wife called me ahead of time, her family is ready to let her leave that place, but she cannot find our nest, I must go for her, but I am afraid that humans as weak or as strong will come to break into my home.

I will give you lodging until you want, you will be the first to live in my home with a different surname... Wait for me to return, so you can decide what to do next..."

With those words, he disappeared in an instant. They had no choice but to accept the task at hand.

During those two months that they have been inside the walls of their home, they have realized that not only the flora and fauna are abundant around each house, but the air around the home is fresh and makes them feel strong as if the tiredness of the day was nothing. Allowing them to do more strenuous tasks.


One year later...

Knowing nothing of where their savior is, they continued to live in his home, or what he calls 'Nest', but not being idlers, but they built and improved all the houses around, the resources that exist in the wall helped them to sustain themselves.

The animals reproduce quickly and easily. Water never stops flowing. The plantations grow and do not wither if they're not cared for or harvested.

Throughout this year, they felt the drastic changes in their bodies, unknowingly they were cultivating. The fresh air around the city was what many call the Legendary 'Spirit Energy'. A kind of advanced energy to what mortal humans call 'QI', only that the latter has many impurities, while Spirit is more condensed and purer.

Their bodies cultivated Spirit for a year and two months, so their bodies became stronger, reaching the lowest level of Body Cultivation.


Another year passed. The mortal humans were no longer normal humans, nor mortals, entering the higher ranks of cultivation. But there was still no news of their savior until one day....


A tremendous explosion outside the walls of their savior's home rang out, echoing within the walls. Scared that something bad might happen, they armed themselves with the tools they made themselves and headed for the city entrance.

As they stood there, they saw their savior and in his arms; he was carrying a beautiful lady in her early twenties, with white skin, red eyes, and silver hair, wearing a red wedding dress A delicate beauty who could topple entire nations with her gaze alone.

She saw a group of cultivators inside the place where her husband said they would live and looked at them curiously.

Master Aotian seeing her with that expression and gave her a laugh.

"My love, they are the ones who looked for a roof to sleep under for a while, I let them stay because I wanted them to take care of our nest, besides, I thought you would feel bored just being with me, so I let them stay here for the time being, but the final decision is theirs alone." Explained Master Aotian to his now-wife.

But she saw them stunned, not knowing what to say or do, taking the initiative she introduced herself...

"Nice to meet you, my name is...-"


Just as the story was about to go on, two boys burst into Xiao Ling's room...