Annoying Brothers

Who else could be the one who interrupted the story that the author... (Cough Cough) the old maid was telling the maids and Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling showed her disappointment and dissatisfaction with what is happening, her eyes lost the luster and shiny that she had before, she knows she has heard something similar in the past, but she can't pinpoint where. She was about to remember when Long duo interrupted.

'Why are they so annoying!?'

The brothers don't know that at this moment they have been blacklisted and labeled as annoying brothers by their little sister. But even if they knew, they would find a way to coax her into apologizing and even tell her the rest of the story.

Because the old maid couldn't continue the story even if she wanted to, since what follows has been a secret from generation to generation in the Long Clan. So only the family knows. But that, Xiao Ling, still doesn't know.

But the fact that the people who live around the Long Pavilion, as they call the Mansion, are the descendants of the group of people who were with Great Grand Master Long Aotian.

Xiao Ling did not want to pay attention to her two older brothers for interrupting the story. And she realized that Jin was not near her, not knowing where he had gone she looked around, not that it is so big, the cradle is not huge but can fit up to two big people if they stick close.

When she tries to find Jin, she is disappointed because she cannot see him. But she doesn't know that this Jin is looking for food.

The gluttonous Jin is inside a pan of food, moving his fat body nimbly and eating quickly, in a few seconds the food in the pan is gone and the only evidence of food in the pan is Jin's whiskers.


Raising his head, he looked around to see if anyone appeared, and when he heard the kitchen door open, he ran out and the only thing he could see was a blurry golden stain.

Jin was walking freely through a garden, but he doesn't know where he is... YES, he's lost!

"Well never mind, I just have to follow the scent of the chibi Master, and I'll go back to her..." Jin muttered as he walked back.

"But... Who would have thought that she would have such a background, if that Great Grand Master Aotian did as the old human said, then that means he was a person with great status in the higher realms..."

Jin didn't realize that he had reached the door of the chibi Master's room, as he was still muttering.

"It wouldn't be bad to follow her from now on, I thought I only had to keep her company because of my father's Master, but apparently it's not like that, she's quite a character..."

The rodent's happiness didn't last long when the door in front of him abruptly opened.

"Big brother! There's a rat in here!" sounded a childish voice.

"Get it out of here, it might do something to Xiao Ling!!!" a more adult but young voice spoke.

"Oh no! The rat can even eat our baby sister!"

The chaos descended, leading them to pursue Jin began when...


Entering the room, the Long duo were impatient to see their little sister, whom they had not seen shortly after she was born.

"Xiao Ling, your big brother came to see you!" Long Shun spoke first, and he was apparently in a good mood.

"Hey, Big Brother, it's not fair... You approached her first!" Long Hao frowned and pouted, indignant why Long Shun is taller and his steps are bigger.

"If you want to move fast, you must grow up, and to grow up you must exercise, there is nothing that can be taken a short way." Long Shun trying to look cool and wise as a big brother, wanting to set a good example to his younger brother in front of the Clan princess.

'He looks funny, trying to show if he has seen the vicissitudes of life...' Xiao Ling wanted to roll her eyes.

But all this going on in front of Xiao Ling, she was not as interested as the story that was interrupted by the two uninvited guests. And in the end, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at the actions of the two older brothers.

'I wanted to keep listening to the story! It's not fair, wait until I grow up more, I'll make your life miserable.' Xiao Ling pouted and being so small, her cheeks look more like two mini balloons and more adorable in the eyes of others. Who wants to pinch her cheeks.

The old maid saw how he behaved and just laughed, and then approached the cradle, looked straight into her eyes, and this one saw that the baby was throwing a tantrum at the two Young Masters.

Reaching out her arms to the baby, the old maid lifted her out of the crib and held her in her arms, and patiently explained to her, as she would to a ten-year-old child.

"Young Miss, you may know more of the history of your ancestors from your father Lord Long, your mother Madam Long, or your older brothers Young Masters Shun and Hao. They are the only ones who know the rest of the history, we as servants have no right to know the rest."

Xiao Ling opened her eyes wide, and stared at the old maid, to confirm whether it is true or not, understanding the old maid nodded, and the brightness of the baby's eyes regained their luster, and with a little difficulty because of the position in which she is held her gaze turned to her brothers.

'Now, if I may say that you are pleasant to the eyes, if you will tell me the story, I can forgive the interruption.'

The two brothers didn't know why the old maid was talking to Xiao Ling about it if she doesn't understand. But seeing the baby's response, the eagerness in her eyes, that hunger for knowledge that they can understand because they expressed the same thing... They both started to fight.

"Me, I can explain the rest of the story to you, if it's from our ancestors, I'm the best one to do it." Long Shun raised his chin with pride and a touch of childish arrogance.

But Long Hao didn't want to be left behind, with his red eyes glared at his elder brother, "Brother, it's not fair, you know... I know the history too! Don't you dare take the credit!!!"

The old maid watched as they fought over telling the story before the baby, the other maids just shook their heads, they still can't understand why she is being treated like a grown-up child when she is barely less than a day since she was born.

But as they fought the old maid, she couldn't bear to see the look of dissatisfaction on their faces at the high volume of their voices.

'These two talk too loud. They can't talk any softer, my poor little ears can't take any longer!' Xiao Ling frowned.

And the old maid came to the rescue.

"Young Master Shun, Young Master Hao, I think you'd better ask your parents who can tell you about the story because Young Miss must rest, for now, she can't get too tired, it will affect her growth and her health."

When the Long duo heard that, they both paled, and spoke in unison. "Old Nina, you are right, we must not tire Xiao Ling, she must rest, when she wakes up we will have already asked our parents who would be the one to tell the story." Both nodded in satisfaction at their ideas.

But they forget the tradition. Only the Lord of the Clan can speak about the story, they have no authority to do so, due to a restriction. And when they remember, they will have already received a beating from Lord Long, but not for the willingness to tell the story to his little princess.

Opening the door ready to leave, what they found was Jin hovering at the door.

"Big brother! There's a rat in here!" Long Hao exclaimed.

"Get it out of here, maybe it will do something to Xiao Ling!!!" Long Shun opened his eyes wide.

Both of them started chasing after Jin.