1 Month Old [ II ]

"Father, tomorrow the Chibi Master will be one month old, and they will have a celebration for her at the Pavilion, can you send her something as a gift?"

The guinea pig can't help but say so, as he wants to give her something important. He knows she is smart and whatever they send her, she could take care of it and treasure it.

Tao thought about it and felt that it is an excellent idea to have Master give the little one a gift, as a sign to lead her to understand that she is important, and if as his son says she is smart, then she can feel moved by the act.

"I will report to Master about it, don't worry, he will look for something to give the little Mistress."

Jin felt relief to hear that. Although deep in his heart he wanted his father to be the one to send something, not the Master, because he wanted to take credit for the gift, and if the Master sends it, then he won't be able to do it. But he has no choice but to resign himself to his fate.

"All right, I'll wait for the good news."


On the other side of the continent.

The boy is sitting on the throne, with his legs crossed and his eyes closed, as if he becomes part of a beautiful, quiet painting.

His indifferent expression shows what his personality is like.

The strangest thing is that his hair flashes between sky-blue, gold, black, brown, and red.

He heard haste footsteps on the other side of the door where he was.


"Master... Master..."

The door abruptly opened and Tao walked in, his forehead full of sweat, making it look crystal clear.

The boy upon being interrupted. A frown enhanced his clear, smooth forehead. And when he opened his eyes, the same thing happened as with his hair, but in the end, he stabilized with the blue-sky color.

Massaging the space between his nose and forehead, the boy gave Tao a glare.

"Tao, now what?" the boy's voice is sharp- and cold-blooded.

The sweat on Tao's forehead froze, just as he noticed that his back now covers in sweat. And noticing the irritation in his Master's voice, he had no choice but to blurt.

"Master, Chibi Master will be one month old in a few hours. Will you send any gifts for her?"

The boy raised his eyebrow and remained silent.

Not knowing what his Master thinks, Tao remained silent, waiting for orders.

"... What to give to a one-month-old girl?" The boy felt a bit frustrated thinking about what to give to a baby girl.

"Oh, Master, Jin told me that she is very smart and that when she found out that he can talk, she got excited, and even more excited when she found out that he can understand her thoughts. She might like jewelry? Books?"

What he heard left the boy amazed.

"She understands? Wait... Who is Jin?"

"Oh, Jin is my youngest son, the one the Oracle asked me to command, and she gave that name to him."

"Oh? Is that so? Hmm..."

Thoughtfully, he asks... "What's her name?"

"Eh? Oh... Her name is Long Mei Ling." Tao answered quickly.

"Long... Mei... Ling..."

"Ling Ling..."

When he thought of her name, the corners of his lips lifted. He already had the idea of what to call her when she came in front of him.

And remembering that she is smart, he knew that her future would not be normal; she's destined for great things... Looking at his hand, he noticed that the ring on his index finger glows with beautiful red light, like a beautiful ruby.

Removing the ring, which identifies him as the heir to 'that place', he stands contemplating. Although his heart had an answer, he can't help but hesitate a little... But it only lasted a few seconds. After thinking about it, his eyes filled with determination.

Looking at his ring, he spilled a drop of blood and muttered some incoherent words.

Watching all this happens, Tao did not understand what his Master was doing, but one thing is for sure, he wants to give the red ring to the Chibi Master.

A title that Xiao Ling got because of Jin.

He knows that the ring has been with his Master since he can remember, thinking that it has something to do with his real identity.

As he finished the muttering, the boy saw Tao and his dazed expression.

"Finish the incantation, send this, with the following words."

Tao straightened his back, paying attention to what his Master commands him to say.

"The ring will grow with you. This is just a small gift, but you can only use it when you enter the cultivation path, you can find whatever you wish inside the ring."

'Turns out the ring is some kind of space where you can store things!?'

Don't blame Tao, he's a creature who has seen little of either world, even though he belongs to both. Perhaps because he's locked up with the Master in the castle, or because his powers and memories stay sealed.

But that's a story for another time...


Being called with a deep voice, Tao came back to his senses and looked for a box with a pillow inside.

And carefully brought it close to his Master, for him to place the ring, fearing to touch it.

And yes, he was not wrong. If the person to whom he does not address the ring, it gets so hot that it is impossible to hold it with the bare hand.

But Tao didn't notice when letters appeared on the interior of the ring. Beautiful strokes from a master of calligraphy.

"Make sure Jin doesn't touch the ring, but let her do it. If she's smart like you say, she can put it on directly, and it will adapt to the size of her finger."

Giving the last orders, the boy waved his hand, and Tao excused himself with a bow.

Leaving the throne room, Tao ran as fast as a shooting star to where the Oracle is.


Back to Xiao Ling.

"Chibi Master... Chibi Master!!!"

'Aish, Jin... Remove the chibi... I may look chibi, but it's not something I can be proud of...'

"Oh, sorry, but I've gotten used to saying it..."

The little girl could only roll her eyes in response to the rodent's sass.