1 Month Old [ III ]

"That's not the important thing, the important thing is that someone sent you a gift as your first month of birth, it's a tradition to do it during the first month, and the first year, depending on what you choose that will be your future..."

Xiao Ling cracked her eyes, and it could not remove the astonishment from her face.

'A gift? From whom? Tradition?'

"Oh, you're only a month old, and you don't know many things, let me explain."

The little rodent stood on two legs with a smug and proud expression and went ahead to explain.

The tradition in many continents is about babies. When they turn one month old, receive gifts in which they choose what they like the most. Many boys choose swords or books.

Girls, on the other hand, choose embroidery, musical instruments, or even jewelry.

When they choose, it is said that this will be their first hobby, and they will become proficient in that area.

The same happens when they turn one-year-old. This becomes their second hobby.

Xiao Ling felt she was looking at one teacher at the college, who appear to be know-it-all, but, in the end, only know the superficial, and seeing him like that, she imagined the glasses and books under his paws.

'Who sent me a gift?' Xiao Ling went back to the beginning of the conversation.

"Oh, I forgot... This..." he pulled out a chest about the size of Xiao Ling's hand, a lovely and exquisite golden box with red patterns around it, the patterns forming a kind of animal that she couldn't tell apart.

When she saw it, her eyes couldn't tear apart from it, wearing stars in her eyes, fascinated with the box.

"Chibi Master, only you can take what is inside, and that person sent you to say a few words..."

When Xiao Ling heard the words, she feels amazement; she found that there is someone who sends her a gift. Basically, for the description of the message, she can assume that the gift is the legendary portable space, which she has only read about in wuxia novels.

But the question that cries out in her heart is... 'Who sent it?' Forgetting the how, or the why, she focused on the who.

The rodent could not divulge who was the person who sent him the gift, but he could tell him a few things.

"The person who sent me, the person you will meet when you grow up, that person sent you a gift... Quickly, open the box..."

Not wanting to say too much because he knows he might be able to spill the beans early. Which would be partially disadvantageous for his father's Master.

Xiao Ling didn't want to delve into more details, not because she cares or not, but mostly because she knows she had a long-lasting road ahead of her, and she knows that she will find out in due time.

Besides that, it seems that they have no intentions against her and her new family. She doesn't know if this is true or not, but she feels she can trust the person Jin is talking about.

Receiving the gift of such magnitude and importance made her feel the warmth in her heart. One that she thought she would forget after losing her grandfather.

'This world gives me the warmth I lacked in the previous one. If this world has cultivation, as that person says in his message, that means I can be strong in the future, and protect my loved ones.'

The little girl's determination made her golden eyes with green flash with a red light. She didn't notice, but Jin did and watched in amazement at the changes in her eyes.

Her eyes became full of golden, and it drew green and red patterns on them. But that's not all. The red patterns that were mixed with the green ones disappeared in a jiffy.

Jin didn't want to comment on what he saw, but by listening to her thoughts, he could deduce what caused the change in his eyes.

'It must be the determination and the genes of her ancestors... Right?'

Although a bit confused about it, Jin didn't want to comment on anything and preferred to change the subject.

"Chibi Master, open the box and take the object." Insisted the rodent to Xiao Ling.

With emotions overflowing his eyes, Xiao Ling couldn't help herself.

Leaning on a corner of the cradle, she takes the box with difficulty. She tried to open it, but the box with a tight seal, so after several attempts, with tears in her eyes, she gave Jin a pitiful look.

'I can't open it...' her teary eyes made Jin's heart fluttering, and he agreed to help her.

"I'll open it, and you take the item, okay?" he said to his Chibi Master patiently.

Xiao Ling gave him a nod. 'Okay.'

The guinea pig used its front paws to open the box, carefully... Slowly...

As he opened it, a bright red light emerged from the bottom of the box. It blinded them both.

Instinctively, they both closed their eyes, and when the light disappeared, Xiao Ling felt something cold wrap around her index finger.

Opening her eyes, Xiao Ling wanted to know what it was that wrapped her finger, while Jin looked inside the box, but there was nothing. Seeing that, he felt panic.

While he is repeating circling in the same spot, Xiao Ling is in a daze, looking at her index finger.

A beautiful red ring with gold and black patterns. The shape of the patterns seems to have a meaning, but she paid little attention to it. What caught her eye is that the ring really fit her finger.

The intrinsic beauty of the ring made her fall in love with it.

The guinea in panic, realized that his Chibi Master is silent, and calming his little heart, he looked at her out of the corner of his eye and discovered her gaze on her finger, and upon seeing the ring, his mouth opened wide and his pupils contracted.

'The gift. Is it a ring? And if I don't remember incorrectly, that ring seems to be like the one in the portraits of that person, on the same finger...'

Jin has never seen his father's Master in person, but he has seen portraits of him, and he knows the ring has accompanied that person throughout their lives. But that is something he has no right to say or comment on.

The little girl felt a connection with the ring. It is as if she had seen the ring before. As if it had been with her for a long time, but she cannot pit-point out the reason.