Xiao Ling engross herself in the ring's beauty, when someone opened the door, she didn't want the ring to be taken away, so she wanted to hide her hand, but her arm is too short to do it behind her back, so she tried under the pillow, despite that, it was too late.

"Sweetie, it's time for your bath..." Madam Long may have many maids around her, as well as those who are taking care of her little daughter, but she lets no one other than herself feed or bathe her children when they are babies.

And Xiao Ling is no exception. Being a girl, she needs more attention, for she can grow spoiled.

Xiao Lin panicked slightly. She did not want the ring to be taken away from her. The connection she feels with the ring is deep, to the point that she would cry if it's taken away.

When Madam Long was about to pick up her baby, she looked at the change of expressions and realized that she went into panic mode. She watched her closely and realized that she has a ring on her index finger.

"Baby, where did that ring come from?" curious, Madam Long took her little hand and felt the little one struggle to break free from her grip. But curiosity overcame what her mind told her to let go.

Seeing the ring, Madam Long amazed her at first. She seems to have seen the same design, only bigger, but she doesn't remember where....

Worried that it might cause some damage to the blood circulation on her little finger, she tried to dissuade her.

"Baby, you are too small to wear a ring. Wait until you grow bigger to wear it."

Xiao Ling felt the world collapse with what her mother said, not wanting her to take it off, but it all happened in slow motion in front of her small, teary golden and green eyes.

When she saw her mother's hand gently trying to take it from her, her mind crash.


The scream caused the cradle to shake violently; the movement was so abrupt that it caused Madam Long to retreat three steps away from the cradle. When she composed herself, the shock on her face when she looks at her daughter is so intense that she wants to dig a hole in her little body.

Xiao Ling was looking at her mother with pain and tears in her eyes.

It filled Madam Long with heartbreak.

"I won't take it from you, baby... I'm sorry, I promise I won't take it from you..." Madam Long's eyes turned red, not knowing what to do or what to say.

Her daughter was watching her with suspicion in her eyes, which made Madam Long not know whether to laugh or cry.

'My daughter's expressions become too advanced for her age. Do I worry, or do I get excited?'

But just the same, she is her daughter. For Madam Long, there is nothing more important than that.

"... Baby..." she was a little hesitant about what happened when the cradle shakes.

Xiao Ling looked at her mother curiously.

"... Was that you screaming in my mind?" The nervous Madam Long wanted to know if it was just her imagination or not.

That gives Xiao Ling an alarm in her heart. Her little body turned stiff, her eyes contracting, evading her mother's gaze. She herself did not understand what happened, but after the scream her spirit felt weak, but the ring gave her warmth that ran through her whole body, and the feeling of weakness disappeared completely.

'Will she see me as a freak? A creep? Or something strange?'

The little girl thought of many adjectives of what her mother would call her if she realized the thoughts she had, or worse yet, that her mind is not that of an ordinary baby.

Madam Long felt the change in her daughter's emotions. Who can know the children better than the mother who gave birth to them?

"Baby, it doesn't matter if it was you or not, but I'm glad you can tell me something, it's just... Don't hide it from me, okay? Even when you grow up... I'm your mother, and I can understand you better if you talk to me, all right?"

The surprise she expresses in her eyes is quite obvious.

After a few seconds of seeing her mother's expectations, Xiao Ling gave her a slight nod.

Madam Long gave her a beautiful smile. She is no longer pale from childbirth. Her warm smile made the dead flowers around her revitalize in a few seconds.

'This is the smile of a mother to her daughter?' She remembers that her birth mother in her past life gave her looks full of disdain and scorn; while the looks she gave her younger siblings were full of love, but not like the one she is seeing now.

'Her smile and eyes give me to understand that she really loves me, it's not hypocrisy, it's not a fake smile either. It's a genuine smile, her love is genuine...'

Xiao Ling still didn't know, but in these moments her soul felt lighter, and a delightful and cute smile appeared on her face, satisfied with her new mother.

During this month, it was a little hard for her to adapt to her new parents. She always waited for the time when they show her disdain or mock, but neither her parents nor siblings showed it to her.

On the contrary, they showed her warm and real smiles. The doting in their eyes is more than obvious, even with all that. She was afraid to accept them completely.

But at this moment, she accepted her mother completely.

Raising her little arms for her mother to carry her. Her mother understood and brought her into her arms, which Xiao Ling did next, leaving Madam Long shaken.

With her little arms, Xiao Ling brought them to surround her mother's neck, with her forehead on her mother's cheeks. She tried to squeeze her mother. For a few seconds she stays still, like that, then she moved away from her, and with the height at which her mother held her, it was more than enough for what she was trying to do now.

She moved closer to her mother's face and placed her little lips on her cheeks. Leaving Madam long stunned.

'My baby, hug me and kiss me!!!' Madam Long's red eyes shone brighter than the stars, her charming and deep smile could make the surroundings lose color and everything become dull.

They both forgot about Jin. Who, at some point, disappeared.