Ceremony [ II ]

After the bath, and the 'conversation' with her mother, it was only a few hours before the next day. Xiao Ling succumbed to the darkness of the night.


The Pavilion's activities became active. The servants rushed to each other for the last preparations for the celebration.

Everyone knows that the celebration is no ordinary one.

Having prepared for it twice, years ago when the Young Masters were one month old, everyone has experienced it, but this time it is a little different as the celebration is unique.

The Clan's princess is turning one month old. That's something the family has been looking forward to celebrating since she was born. Being able to boast that they have a daughter makes them feel proud and domineering.

But no one can do anything about it. The Long Clan has had no women in their family tree for generations, except for the wife there is no other woman, not a descendant. Which has left every Lord of the clan disappointed.

The clan is not a patriarchal one; instead, they would prefer to only have daughters. But it is not something they can have just by wishing for it.

"Father, everything is ready, isn't it?" Long Shun is nervous and has asked the same question almost a hundred times in the last two hours.

"Yes, Shun'er, don't worry. Everything is ready."

Lord Long reassured his son.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Long Shun knew that his father would not deceive him. The trust he has in him is on a par with his pride that he is his father.

Madam Long looked at her husband and her eldest son. Finding them amusing.

"What can happen? It's not like she chooses a husband..."

Just by saying the word husband, referring to their princess, they felt that word should be taboo for the Clan.

Seeing their expressions filled with sour and then contorted, Madam Long held back her laughter.

'What if they knew about the ring? From the design, the ring most likely belongs to a man.'

"Well, calm down, it's not like she's going to do it at the ceremony."

Lord Long worried about all the beasts dressed as men, who would want to take away his baby girl, his princess. The very thought of it caused shivers down his back, and rage builds up inside his heart.

"Husband for Xiao Ling... that phrase will become taboo within the entire Clan! I will make sure of it..."

"My Little sister is an angel. She will not choose a man, neither now nor in the future..."

Madam Long covered her mouth with her hands to prevent them from discovering that she was laughing, but her shaking shoulders didn't help at all...

'I think it's too late... For her to be defensive about the ring, that means she's already chosen her future partner... I just hope he's handsome and strong.'


From the other side of the continent...


"Master, do you contract a cold?" Tao feeling uneasy seeing his Master sneezing.

The little Master couldn't help but look at Tao speechlessly.

"We Immortals don't catch colds..."

"... Oh... Right..." Tao blushed in embarrassment, scratching his head.


Back to Xiao Ling.

They magnified the Hall with gorgeous decorations. Each family has its own table and chairs, each having its own space to unwind. Harmony and top-notch service.

The time for the celebration arrived, and the guests arrived one by one. Many brought their children to accompany Princess Long and her brothers.

Some with pure feelings that their children would make authentic friends with her.

Others with schemes, 'If you make her fall in love with you, we will be in-laws with the Longs. That is a better way to climb the Ladder...'.

Very few stood indifferently but still brought their juniors to interact with others of their ages.



Everyone was in the main hall of the Pavilion. Enjoying drinks and snacks that the servants were serving, chatting with neighbors at their tables.

There were some performances by dancers. For a better entertainment.

None of them are new to the wealth that the Longs have and showcase. Not being the first time, they have attended a celebration of the same nature.

But there is one family that has been new in their rise to Nobility.

The Jun surname started calling themselves as Nobility formally three months ago, and being their first appearance in front of the public, they wanted to show how capable they are, plus they have a baby girl the same age as Xiao Ling.

Walking in front is a gentleman in his thirties wearing a blue Hanfu cloth.* A lady in her late twenties comes to a step behind him, wearing a matching cloth with him. Holding a baby girl in her arms, with a pink blanket. Next to her comes a six-year-old boy with a grumpy expression.

Their brown eyes distinguish the Jun. They are the only ones in the family ranks who have normal eyes. Their appearances are average.

Two steps behind them come to a woman in her early twenties, wearing an extravagant and somewhat revealing outfit, with a flirtatious smile.

Feeling that it is a splendid opportunity to claim ties with them in the name of friendship, the Jun Family and their Patriarch Jun Song brought his wife, his favorite concubine, and his two youngest children to the celebration.

No one paid any attention to them when they joined, nor did the servant announce their arrivals.

Feeling a little indignant, they said nothing. But when they felt their spirits were lowest, it was when they saw the hall.

"My Lord... Those pillars..." Madam Jun hesitated to ask...

"... Yes, each pillar made of pure gold... And the crystal walls..."

Seeing everything around them made them feel insignificant, feeling gloomy around her husband. Madam Jun took his arm lightly and whispered a few words in his ear. Hearing what his wife said, Patriarch Jun Song's eyes lit up. And a scheme of light passed through them.

Looking at his wife with satisfaction, giving her a nod, which made her feel on cloud nine.

'Let's see if those concubines can come up with a better plan than mine...' Madam Long's eyes flashed with viciousness, giving a fleeting glance to the concubine following them.

The exchange no one noticed... Or so they thought...

Outside the main hall, there is a tree in front of the door, and behind it, there is a shadow, which disappeared in a second.


Everyone was enjoying themselves when a servant came to report the entrance of the principal person.

"Lord Long, Madam Long, Young Master Shun, Young Master Hao, and Young Miss Mei Ling, make their arrival!"

Accustomed to what happened, everyone stood up to pay respect towards the Family Clan.

Patriarch Jun, his wife, and concubine were slow to do so. Being their first time in high society, they thought little of it.

But it was at this moment that the others paid attention to their table, curious to know who had the guts to be disrespectful to get up late to greet them.