Ceremony [ III ]

The other families looked at Patriarch Jun in confusion. Then they exchanged glances with each other... Everyone's eyes had the same question. 'Who are they?'

But finding no answer, the servants of each whispered in their Lords' ears.

Realization hit them.

Returning their attention to the Jun family, all the family members present shook their heads. But since they had not paid attention to the members of that single-family, they did not see the woman behind the Patriarch's Official Wife.

At the sight of her, many frowned.

Feeling all eyes on them, both Patriarch Jun and his wife puffed out their chests, feeling proud of drawing attention to themselves. But the atmosphere became a little strange, and realizing that everyone ceased their foreheads, he followed everyone's gazes.

Finding their gazes on his favorite Concubine, he felt it strange. But then he watched carefully what was going on. The other Patriarchs only brought one woman as a companion, and the formal attire shows that she is the official wife.

Tying the two loose ends together, he realized what a mistake he had made...

'Isn't it that on important occasions, you can bring the Patriarch's favorite Concubine?'

Madam Jun understood what was going on, and her resentment against the Concubine grew.

Patriarch Jun swallowed hard. The words his mind was telling him to say do not come out of his mouth. Worse yet, he cannot even open his mouth.

But at that moment the main doors opened wider, to let into the Host family of the Celebration.


"Welcome, my esteemed guests."

The man in his late twenties, long nose and powerful face rugged and masculine, his jaw chiseled, sharp golden eyes, and red hair, coming inside the hall with a smile from ear to ear. The smugness in his eyes is irritable. His golden hanfu with seven-legged dragon decorations covered his body that screamed masculinity.

He enters, but the atmosphere covering the hall is strange...

Beside him, walking at the same pace, is a beautiful lady. Her mid-twenties, silver hair, red eyes, because she looks charming, her facial features enhance the look is simply breathtaking. As for the color of her hanfu is gold with red, just like her husband, the design of her hanfu has a Dragon, but accompanied by a Phoenix.

In her arms is a beige blanket that covers Xiao Ling's little body. With her beautiful bright green eyes and golden sparks, she was looking curiously at her surroundings. The softness of her beautiful golden hair, which reaches her ears, can be seen with the naked eye.

Xiao Ling was curious to see more people in this world, she has seen her parents, siblings, and the servants of the Pavilion, but she wants to see what the others are like, if they are beautiful like her family members or if they are average like the servants.

'I heard that family members have outstanding eye colors, which makes them look attractive...' commented Xiao Ling in her mind. Knowing that no one can hear her, she thinks without restraint.

But she remembers that there is someone who can hear her, 'Where did he go?'

Jin almost never gets separated from her, only when he goes for snacks.

She also noticed the unpleasant expression of the others and the heavy atmosphere.

Lord Long, Madam Long, and Xiao Ling curiously watched the line where everyone had their gazes locked.

They realized it was the new Jun family, who recently just went up the ladder.

But seeing the woman behind the Patriarch and Madam of the family, Lord Long and Madam Long's expression changed.

The smile drawn proudly on Lord Long's face fades away. And the curiosity and kindness in Madam Long's eyes disappeared. And remained in both of them, stuffed with chilliness. Their eyes filled with killing intent.

The aura they both emitted was drastic. Everyone felt it and, as they did, they half-kneeled in front of them.

"Lord Long, Madam Long. A thousand sincere apologies. We didn't know he would bring a lowly Concubine."

In Xiao Ling's eyes... The panic they all showed to her parents was... A bit exaggerated, no?

But even if she found it so, she realized that her parents' identities were not ordinary. Seeing the respect and fear in the eyes of the guests, the change in her parents' expression, made her gloat and imagine what their future would be like.

'Hehehehe... I'll get the princess privilege?'

Was the thought she had for a few seconds, only to shake her head a little, letting that unnecessary thought fly.

'If I'm a princess, that means being locked up in the same walls... I want to see this world. If there is an existence like Jin's, there must be beautiful and strong beasts to play with.'

While lost in her thoughts and longings, the atmosphere of the Hall did not change.

Patriarch Jun does not understand what is going on, but seeing the change in Lord Long and Madam Long's expression, adding what the other Patriarchs said, that means that by bringing his Concubine, he made an unforgivable mistake against the Lord.

'But isn't this the age where a man can have two wives and four concubines?' Not understanding what is really going on, Lord Long looked at their confusion.

"Patriarch Leng, I would like you to explain to the Patriarch who brought a Concubine to my house, to my Hall, and to the Celebration of my legitimate daughter, the reason you just embittered my moment."

Patriarch Leng stood up and accepted the order. "Yes, Lord Long."

Looking with a stern expression at Patriarch Jun, Patriarch Leng spoke.

"Patriarch, you are new to ceremonies of importance, such as the current one. Lord Long has advocated the prohibition of bringing Concubines before his presence.

He is a man who respects the social morals of each one, but he is from a monogamous family, because of the repulsion he feels towards Concubines, he has forbidden their attendance at the events in which he takes part... If the Patriarch or Young Master of each family has not married and has Concubines, he must attend alone.

You have just disrespected not only the Host, but the others present. Because most have adopted the same opinion as Lord Long, only have a Wife and no Concubine.

The respect Lord Long has for his Wife represents in the way he acts."

Xiao Ling listened to what the so-called 'Patriarch Leng', said to the other Patriarch, and felt grateful that she was born into such a family.

'Yes, men who have more than one wife are sc*mbags! I support Daddy!' The look Xiao Ling gave the Patriarch and the one she gave to her father were not past her mother's notice, and she understood.

Bending her head down to her daughter's ear high, she whispered.

"Don't worry, all Long can only marry and have one life partner, so whoever you bring as my son-in-law, he must be strong and handsome, but another woman must not touch him, otherwise... I won't accept him..."

Xiao Ling listened to her mother and looked into her eyes; the seriousness reflected in her crystal red eyes told Xiao Ling that she was not joking.

Adopting the same seriousness as her mother, she gave him a solemn nod. Which gave her mother much satisfaction.