Use the Dowry

Right now, grief and wronged feelings make Lord Long forget they're cultivators, and marriage is not only about fifteen years old, or twenty years old, she can get married even at a hundred years old, their prolonged life affects the body, and they can look younger.

Xiao Ling didn't pay attention to her parents' expressions, but she remembers that in her world there is a similar ceremony for her. And if she didn't get wrong, she could get married after that.

'I will find love, the love I yearn for, the love I lacked. I'll find you!' Her eyes brightened with determination.

Leaving aside, she just looks at the pouch with exquisite embroidery. A golden dragon and a red phoenix design fill every corner within the pouch. She nonchalantly pointed out for her mother to give it to her.

She didn't look at it anymore and took it inside her blanket.

When she finished, the hall fell into complete silence.


At the end of the ceremony, and socializing a little more, everyone left the Hall. But...

All their expressions were the same, lost in time and space, as they all walked out in a daze.

Xiao Ling gave a content yawn. Satisfied with what happened today.

'So many items, I'll take them as gifts, for as long as I can remember in my past life, I never had so many gifts, moreover, the only ones I received were from Grandpa Yang and Grandpa Luo.'

Now that she remembers her past life, Xiao Ling can safely say that she has already given herself a clean slate. All she has to do is look ahead and do what she could not do for her grandfather, protect what her loved ones see as important.

Now that she has so many interesting gifts, she knows she can't use them until she's old enough, but the fact that she got new things is great.

She never got to have new things in her past life, so when she gets them in this life, it feels unreal and makes her feel satisfied.

"Baby Darling, that little smile I like, you should always smile. No matter how many problems we have, the smile on our faces should not give any room for others to make us feel bad or make us feel less than.

Although your status is literally that of a princess in the royal family, you should know that you may have one-sided enemies, and they will look for ways to make you suffer. 

Our smiles not only show how content we are to live, but our status as well."

Madam Long saw the longing and contentment in her daughter's eyes. 

She is no fool. She knows her daughter is anything but ordinary. Because of that, she feels it is normal for every kind of expression her daughter makes.

Lord Long, being a henpecked husband, knows his wife is right, everything she says is right.

"Yes, your mother is right, your status is higher than any mortal or ant on this continent of-" he couldn't finish when Madam Long interrupted him.

"Why do you say that to the child? You know it's not the time to talk about it, we know she understands, but we shouldn't show it too much, don't talk about such complicated things." 

Her mother's stern voice made Xiao Ling blink, not understanding why she rebuked her father when what she said was more complicated to understand.

Speechless, Lord Long could only give a nod to his wife.

Seeing how her obedient husband agrees with her, she nodded, and the corner of her lips lifted in satisfaction.

Xiao Ling saw the interaction between her parents. Blinking her little eyes, she couldn't help but think...

'I know there is true love between them, but why do I feel my father is pitiful?' 

Lord Long and Madam Long don't know that right now their daughter has decided to become partial to her father frequently because of this interaction that left a deep image in her.


The Long brothers have been quiet during the walk-in which they have seen how their princess has left many of the guests dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

The pride they feel in knowing that their little sister is intelligent and a prodigy makes them feel on cloud nine.

Paying no attention to the interaction of their parents because they are used to it, they walked towards their little sister, who is now in her crib.

The Eldest Brother, Long Shun is looking with warmth in his eyes towards the little one. The pride in them is not dulled.

The Second Brother, Long Hao's naughty appearance in front of his little sister is different. The pride in his eyes is equivalent to his stubbornness.

"Xiao Ling, you chose all the items today, does that mean you won't have to choose when you turn one year old?" Long Shun realized the problem too late.

The rest of the Long Clan present were stunned.

Normally the first month she is only given a few items to choose from, but Long Shun and Lord Long were touched by the intelligence and wisdom they saw in the little girl's eyes during the month and set out the items to be used for the one-year ceremony.

Madam Long laughed.

"What we can do is to give you some objects of the Clan. We can use those of my maternal family as well. For that, there is no problem. Remember that there are many things that our ceremonies can't explain to the rest of the city, but they know perfectly well that they must keep silent."

"Yes, we can do that. The crown of your Clan is a suitable object, ah and not forgetting the sword of my ancestors." Lord Long thought about what they could show in a few months when the princess turns one year old.

"Father, don't forget the tightening cloak. That cloak is perfect for her. To hide her beauty when she goes out to tour the city is the best, so there will be no flies hovering around her." Long Shun added.

"Oh, and don't forget those shoes that mom brought with her, the weird but pretty ones... The pink ones..." Long Hao tried to make a memory of the name of the shoes, but as he described them, everyone understood what he meant.

"Yes, we can do that..." Lord Long nodded.

Madam Long watched her children and husband dispose of the things she brought as a dowry when she married. And she was speechless. 

She shook her head as she sighed.

Jin, whom they had forgotten, went inside the room stealthily, and as he listened to their conversation, he realized that humans celebrate the same ceremony twice...

'Shall I inform my father to tell his Master?' Jin twitched his nose and tilted his head sideways.

'Yes, I'd better tell him as soon as possible, so I won't be scolded for not telling them about an important event. Besides, I haven't informed about the Chibi Master's reaction to the ring.'

Jin was determined to inform his father immediately so that he would take the message, and they would have enough time to choose a gift.

But he doesn't know that by giving him enough time, the boy will send what he really intended to give for her dowry. *But this is a story for another time…*