
Four more months have passed since the ceremony, and Xiao Ling is five months old.

Today is the day that the Old Master Long is coming out of seclusion.

A strict and domineering man with his child. Old Master Long has been the same way since his wife disappeared. 

Yes, Old Madam Long disappeared over twenty years ago. After giving birth to their son Long Feng, ten years passed, and she disappeared.

No one knows what happened, but what Old Master Long claims is that she will return when the time is right. No one understood what it meant, but everyone realized that the henpecked husband, Old Master Long, puts aside his smile and gentle charisma, to be stricter and more serious with his only son.

This affected little Long Feng, and he grew up to be serious and strict, giving him the reputation of the most fearsome City Lord to all living inside and outside the city. But when he brought in his wife, Madam Long, he buckled and became another henpecked husband.

Xiao Ling knows a little about her grandfather, although since he was born, she has not seen him yet. She knows he is leaving seclusion frequently, but has not left his place of cultivation. 

But she understands that he possesses what everyone calls a mixed cultivation, that he can use magic and cultivate at the same time. 

Not everyone in the Long Clan possesses it, and this talent awakens when a person is between five and ten years old.

And he awakened his talent at the age of four years old, so he has been labeled as an exceptional prodigy, but he still continues to train, cultivate, even at his age, he continues to do so, some people wonder why, because in the city no one dares to pick fights or mess with the Long Clan.

But most do not know that Long City is only the tip of the iceberg. Outside the walls, there is an unrivaled number of cultivators and magicians who are stronger than them. And some Old Monsters who have lived for over a hundred decades.


Today is a day when the Pavilion is most active. Servants are running up and down, Jin, as always, snicked to steal food. And bring some news to his Chibby Master as second priority.

"Chiby Master, do you know why the hustle and bustle happens today?" Xiao Ling giggled as she saw the guinea pig's gossipy little eyes blink.

Feeling that she wants to know by laughing, the excited rodent pop corned several times and ran her in circles around her. 

'You can't eliminate the traits of your ancestors...' thought Xiao Ling, speechless at the rodent's mirth.

Not waiting for her to say anything else, he excitedly told her about his grandfather, Old Master Long.

"The maids say that Old Master Long is out of seclusion and will come to see you formally. He has heard a lot about you from the other servants and the housekeeper who is always guarding his seclusion." 

The rodent's little eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky.

Xiao Ling saw his eyes, and she felt a slight feeling of nostalgia when she heard the word 'Grandpa', making her remember how she failed her grandpa Yang in her past life.

But she soon removed the feeling from her heart and mind.

'I can't dwell on the past, I must focus on the present and wait for the future.'

Coming into herself, she asked the excited rodent.

'Grandpa...? When will Grandpa come to see me?' The curiosity of seeing the Grandpa of her new life excited her, and she felt joyful.

Behind every goodbye, there is always a greeting. 

Behind every greeting, there is a farewell.

She is very clear about that, so she decides not to think too much about her past life. But she doesn't know that she may receive a pleasant surprise.


"Are all the arrangements ready?" a man looking in his late thirties, with a long nose and powerful face rugged and masculine, his jaw chiseled, sharp golden eyes, and green hair. 

He is like a carbon copy of Lord Long, the only difference being the maturity of his facial features and hair color.

Lord Long's red hair color was inherited from his mother. And the rest of his father's traits, unlike some of his mother's facial touches, that make him more charming.

The man in his late thirties spoke with a serious expression towards another man in his mid-thirties. 

"Master, everything is ready, the magnificent box of gifts and the-" not finishing speaking, the first man gave him a side glare and the last one shut up.

The second man knows the reason behind the glare. The Master is embarrassed to have someone else hear that he prepared many things for his little reunion with his granddaughter. 

Who would have thought that the man of steel in his fifties looking in his late thirties would blush and be excited to see his granddaughter for the first time? 

And that's not all. He knows he's embarrassed and blushing because the Master's ears are reddened.

The weakness of the strongest of men can come wrapped in a pink blanket and with movements. Eyes that can make your heart melt.

And when she blinks, it can make his body feel weak. That is the first impression Xiao Ling gave to her Grandfather.

Xiao Ling is looking at the man curiously, but there is something about him that reminds her of something.

'OH! Grandpa!!!' She shouted in her mind and tears streamed from her face, traveling down her cheeks in a fast and turbulent way.

It startled the Grandpa by the little girl's reaction and felt sad because he thought she was afraid of him, just as he was about to return her to the crib, Xiao Ling squeezed her sleeve, and climbed, yes, climbed up to her head and with her small arms wrapped around his neck, as she cried unceasingly. 

It was at that moment that he realized she was not crying out of fear, but out of joy to see him, as if she had recognized him. And that filled him with happiness. 

The familiar feeling makes him realize what was happening. As he understood, his eyes reddened, the tears that escaped from her eyes were of joy.

"Xi'er, you found Grandpa again!"