
It has been two years since Xiao Ling was born, and the little girl had developed very well under the supervision not only of her parents and siblings, but also under the strictness of her grandfather. 

Because of the ability that the little girl has shown during her first two years, Old Master Long decided to put her through the test where they will find out what talents and abilities she has in terms of cultivation.

She discovered a new world, which became very familiar to her, yet she did not know the reason behind this familiarity.

Not wanting to dwell on the matter, she enjoyed the warmth of a complete family, the love she longed for made her grow emotionally. She left the maturity she had grown up within her past life behind, and her childish behavior made her even more lovable.

Xiao Ling has been thirsty for knowledge ever since her grandfather told her he would train her. So when her one-year ceremony passed....

She received book after book to quench that thirst for knowledge. And that's not all...


Under the strict teaching of her grandfather, Old Master Long, she managed to speak from the time she was one-year-old, developing the motor exercise of her tongue and throat to make sounds at a younger age.

Grandfather's training was rigorous, but when the granddaughter acts coquettishly, she can move the Old Man, leaving aside his stern and indifferent expression, which has brought more and more laughter to the Long Mansion.

The Hibiscus Courtyard where she lives has been the most populated of all, she in her room which is now the master bedroom of the Courtyard, and her surroundings are for the rest of the family. 

Not bothering to move to another courtyard. Which is the ideal.

The Long Mansion has approximately ten courtyards, due to the fact that the Long Clan has visitors from the rest of the Clan. Which was always a mystery to the rest of Long City.

Xiao Ling learned the realms of cultivators and those who possess the magical core. 

Cultivators start with Body-Tempering Stage, then continue with True Cultivator, Spirit Cultivator, Venerate Cultivator, Monarch Cultivator, Sovereign Cultivator, and Ancestral Cultivator. Each realm is subdivided into nine stages and these are Low, Middle and High level. 

She knows of the existence of two more realms, but her grandfather has not told her what they are, so it remains a mystery for her. 

It is said that in this lower realm, humans can only cultivate up to the Venerate level.

She knows about the lower real superficially, as her grandfather hasn't wanted to tell her more about it, but what she understands is that they come from a lineage of the Higher realm.

And the realms in magic, Sublime, Primordial, Supreme, Ancient, Ancestral, Celestial, Heaven, God, and Legendary. Each level is subdivided into Low, Middle, and High. 

But unlike cultivators, magic can only be controlled by beasts. Although there are always individuals who are born with the magical core, giving them the opportunity to use magic, use the elements. It's just that they are accountants, and if they appear, they keep a low profile. So, as not to be exposed to the human greed and get caught.

She found it strange, since her grandfather possesses the magical core within him, and when she asked her grandfather the question, he just looked deeply at her and said...

"You will know it at the right time. Soon you will realize the reason why your identity is special."

Leaving her speechless for a long time.

She also knows about the magical elements that the beasts use, Wood, Water, Earth, Air, and Gold. There are other elements, but no one has seen beasts controlling elements other than the five mentioned.

The talents between humans and beasts are equal, Red being the lowest, followed by Orange, Green, Blue, Violet, and Purple. But there are two legendary talents that appear once every million years, and they are the talents concerning the color black and white.

Her grandfather has explained to her about the talents the better the talent, the faster he can breakthrough in levels without any side effects, nor getting stuck. It is as if they possess a special physique.

Other than that, the occupations are Physician, Alchemist, Armament Master, Beast Tamer, and Array Master. 

The difficulty of being a Beast Tamer is even higher, although the existence of beasts that cultivate and beasts that possess magic core are infinite, humans that can tame them are scarce. 

And the existence of Array Masters is even less.

"Grandpa, why are Beast tamers and Array Masters in short supply?" It was the first thing Xiao Ling asked when she found out.

"That my dear granddaughter is because Heaven's will in this realm willed it so, in this realm there is no capacity for all of them, so only the Physician, Alchemist has a certain level, and the Armament Masters are the top of the chain of powers, but between them and the Alchemist, many prefer the Alchemist, as they can create pills that save lives, or that can even bring the dead back to life. The miracles caused by the Alchemists are better than what the Armament Masters can do." Old Master Long replied patiently.

"Oh, but... Then both are important, if the Alchemists can create these kinds of pills, the Armament Masters can make creations to defend themselves, such as swords, shields, among others..."

"Yes, that's right." The Old Master nodded in satisfaction.

Listening to his clever granddaughter talk about the balance of both occupations. 

For him, all occupations have their pros and cons, but the balance between them is what makes them most extraordinary, one cannot live without the other. 

There are other occupations, but he doesn't want to delve into them, as he knows that those are more called skills in fights than occupations. 

"All occupations have their own field, one can touch the other in various circumstances, for example, if an Alchemist wants to refine pills, he needs a Cauldron, but this can only be made or repaired by an Armament Master."

"Yes, I understand, it's like those novels I read in my spare time, or like the ones I wrote." Xiao Ling mentioned with her childish voice.

The Old Master let out a laugh when he heard her. 

"Yes, that's right. Just like those books. The cultivation world is extraordinary, but the rule of the jungle is that the fittest, the strongest survive. So, keep in mind that you can get to study all occupations, but you will only be the best at the one you like the most."

When Xiao Ling heard her grandpa say that, she pouted. 'But if I want to know about all that, so I won't have to look for or lick the soles of someone else's shoes...' she thought in her mind.

But she didn't know that in the future, she would delegate everything to different people, but all under her command.