Mini Adventure I

Xiao Ling has grown up with no setbacks, and now three years old, they allowed her to move in and out of Long Mansion. 

But the protectiveness of her parents and siblings does not let her go out for a long time. If she goes out during the afternoon, she must return when the sky is still clear. And she must never go out alone, she must go with a bodyguard or at least with one of her brothers. Jin always goes with her.

It is not as if she resents or opposes, as long as they do not lock her up in the Mansion, being able to see what Long City is like is something amazing for her. For some reason, she finds every building, street, Pavilions, and everything around her familiar. 

Her understanding of the world, which her grandfather is in charge of explaining, seems like something she has heard or read about but hasn't pitted point it out from where or when.

Knowing that at some point she may understand it or know the reason, she doesn't dwell on it. She just let it all be in its own time. 

She knows that the world she is in now differs from any other she has ever read about. And that amazes her. 

For example, the use of magic and cultivation has an intrinsic relationship. Beasts capable of doing both. And how is it possible that they do not mention the humans capable of using magic, only those with the magical core? 

To her understanding, if there are beasts and humans who can use both, so, it is possible that humans who can only use magic can get mentioned too, but her grandfather proved her wrong.

"They're not mentioned, because for thousands and thousands of millennia they have ceased to exist." 

She doesn't understand the reason. It's contradictory because the ones that should be extinct are the humans capable of cultivating and using magic.

"That's because humans who can use magic are descendants of a beast or are descendants of those wizards that once existed." Explained her grandfather. Whom for the past year has been having routine morning studies with his granddaughter. 

"But, grandfather, are there humans who are descendants of the beasts?" Xiao Ling asked, tilting her head sideways with her eyes wide open.

Seeing his granddaughter's curiosity and amazement, Old Master Long only sighed and shook his head. 

"Someday you will understand." He said helplessly.

In the eyes of the others, he looks like someone strict, and they don't agree with him explaining things to her that a girl of her age would not understand. So, no one understands his helplessness in explaining to her the continent they live on and its history.   

He knows she is not ordinary. Like him, she has kept the memories of their past lives. They have a top-level of understanding from a very young age, giving them the opportunity to know more things and to understand and accept easier and faster. 

But explaining to her would mean telling her the history of their Clan. And it's not something she should know... For the time being.

Besides, Xiao Ling knows that there are many things that are a mystery to her, and even though her grandfather knows the answers to all her questions, he won't tell her anything until she is capable, strong enough to overcome any test.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to tell me." Xiao Ling sighed in resignation.

The maturity that the chibi Xiao Ling shows is funny to everyone, to where it always makes them laugh, leaving her pouting in exasperation. 

Her siblings joke with her. She is a mini version of their mother, Madam Long. Because of her maturity, she shows how strict she can be, and how adorable she looks. On many occasions, they have seen their mother behave like Xiao Ling. So, the laughter never stops at the Long Mansion.

She knows that there are many things that neither her grandfather nor Jin have explained to her. The identity of the person who gave her the ring, and her gift when she turned one-year-old, was spectacular. She still wears it. 

A dimension for living beings, in addition to it, inside it there are plantations, as well as all kinds of fruits and herbs. Many she doesn't need, but her mature mentality makes her ability to take care of and not waste what she was given. 

On top of that, on her second birthday, he sent her a wardrobe. But each outfit is special, it is able to adhere to the shape of her body. He sent her in three colors, red, black, and white, but mostly the outfits are white, as well as the accessories. 

Being her favorite outfits, she always wears those outfits when she goes out, as they are waterproof and dirt-proof.

Lord Long did not know where the outfits come from, much less the ring on his little daughter's index finger, since, Old Master Long tells them they are gifts given solely for her, arousing the misunderstanding that he is the one who gives them to her, but that does not fool Madam Long, who knows about the existence of the ring appeared on her finger since before the Old Master met his granddaughter. 

And she has never seen him prepare outfits for Xiao Ling. This year she found out who is to blame for it, but that is only before she realizes that the little adventure her daughter is about to start. 


After the routine study with her grandfather, Xiao Ling took chubby Jin in her arms and set out to leave the Mansion, this time she will do it alone because there is something that is bothering her and none of the adults will let her investigate.

"... Hey chibi Master... I don't think it's a good idea to sneak out, today is your birthday, and that person sent you another present..." Jin was looking from left to right, furtively while whispering, forgetting that they can communicate telepathically.

"Don't worry, we'll see about it later, besides no one notices that we ran away because they are making preparations for the celebration." Assured Xiao Ling to the nervous rodent, as she patted his little head.

Although she is only three years old, and Jin's weight exceeds ten catties, she can easily lift him. Even though she has not awakened her talent in either cultivation or magic, her body has the brute strength to lift up to fifteen catties. Leaving everyone around her in awe, her family proud of such a feat.


You can read it before it self-destructs...