Mini Adventure II

Mount Hulu was located in the northern part of the Long City, on the outskirts of the mountains. As a small mountain that was not very famous in the Long Continent, other than the villagers who lived at the foot of the mountain, it has been usually silent.

One afternoon, the weather was clear and warm. Mount Hulu was as quiet as usual. The animals in the mountain were lazily lying in their homes to bask in the sun. Enjoying the peace and silence around them.

Suddenly, a white toddler appeared in the middle of the woods. Without any worries. She bypassed the villagers' homes after they reached the foot of the mount, and now, after walking for an hour, she reached where the beasts were sleeping.

On their way here, she walked past many docile beasts and other dangerous who didn't bother to even look at them.

After hearing the brushes around, the closest beast only gives a side glance, and then they continue with their laziness. Not bothering to look closely, for them, the toddler with a golden furball is just an appetizer to clean the teeth.

The toddler continues to walk in the middle of the woods. Since she is strange that the beast didn't attack her, she knows that the stronger beast in this mount reaches the Supreme realm. Leaving the Sublime and Primordial, the common realm to encounter. So, she is the perfect prey for either of the three realms.

However, the furball in her arms answered her questions.

"… They fear my greatness!" answered the ball proudly.

Well, that wasn't the answer she's seeking. Besides, they didn't look like they have fear, more like… 'They're too small to eat them.'

She didn't continue to pay attention to them. She continues to walk. Neither of them notice the disdain from the beast's eyes.

"By the way… Chibi Master… What are we doing here?" Jin, who is seeing the woods for the first time, asks.

"Well, there is something calling me from here, I don't know from where, so I need to investigate, and get to the bottom of it." Replied Xiao Ling.

Yes, the toddler and the furball are Jin and Xiao Ling. They sneaked from Long's Mansion, and they reached Mount Hulu more than an hour later. 

She knows that Mount Hulu is only the first mountain, where the weak come to train, and is also the entry to the second Mount, she can't see it because she is too small, but her grandfather told her about the existence of the second, third, fourth, and fifth Mount after Hulu.

And she knows about the level of dangerousness on each Mount. So, she only dares sneak inside Mount Hulu, even though she still has some worries about being able to fight, defeat, or even worse, escape a powerful beast.

It's been some months since a voice is calling her. She asked her grandpa, but he says he heard nothing and didn't take it seriously either.

But, a couple of days ago, the voice becomes urgent, as if the owner will die or something, and that worried her, so she decided to ventured the Mount. 

After another hour of walking, she found nothing. Instead, she was so tired that she was panting. Her body is stronger, but her stamina is weak, she has only 3 years old!

Her weak stamina didn't allow her to continue. And Jin, who was being carried in her arms all the way long, didn't have time to get tired. Seeing her like that, Jin decides to use one of his skills. 

Jumping out of her little arms, Jin looked around and found a relatively sturdy beast, a tiger. It was resting outside a cave. The white tiger, at this time, didn't know that he, resting under the coolest place, was an eyesore for Jin, and because of this, his future of being harassed and bullied just began.

Jin 'strode' towards the sleeping white tiger, his cheeks full of something unknown. Xiao Ling just watched from the sidelines and found it funny the way Jin 'strode', but she wanted to know what he was up to now. Being with him for 3 years, she knows the cowardly nature of the rodent.

Being close enough to the white tiger, enough to feel his breathing and the smelly breath coming from his mouth, Jin jumped backward, scared of his teeth, as a result, waking up the beast.

The yellow eyes of the tiger, supposed to be ferocious, were in reality… A pair of tender eyes…

'Is this a scam from the beast?' Asked Xiao Ling after seeing the look on the tiger, being far away from what she expects.

The white tiger itself, is being wronged without knowledge. But when it opens its eyes and sees a rodent jumping in front of him, is like being crushed with fluffy kinds of stuff and found itself being drowned in the cuteness of Jin. 

Yes, CUTENESS! The white tiger has a hobby. He likes cute things, fluffy things, and pretty things, being animals, humans, or other kinds of stuff. Either way, it likes them. If Xiao Ling can look inside its cave, it will dumbfound her to see a lot of cute things.

The white tiger jumped in excitement, and with his enormous body shaking the ground, making Xiao Ling lose her balance and fall on the butt. And Jin tries to get a hold of something to not fall or injure himself. In the end, he throws himself on the ground and closed his eyes, waiting for the shaking to stop.

Xiao Ling grunted.


And when the White tiger heard her sweet and weak sound, he directed his sight in her direction. Only to give an amazing look.

Her long golden hair reaches her tiny waist, her green eyes shining like the best plant it has ever seen, her chubby cheeks giving the feeling of want to pinch them, and her red lips, like a cute small strawberry. More her height, like sixty or seventy centimeters. 

Xiao Ling sensed a deep and weird gaze upon herself, so she looks up and found the white tiger so close to her, giving her a weird smile, its shiny eyes full of vigor and excitement. 

She felt he was just like the perverts her mother talked to before, the ones who kidnap children with bad things. Not liking his way of looking at her, she scolds it.

"You know, it is not good to stare at other people like that, is rude." Xiao Ling pouted. 

Seeing her pouting and trying to cross her arms, her eyes full of grievances, the white tiger fell for her. But when she told him about being rude, it panicked.

"… Sorry, I didn't mean to look at you weirdly, it's just that you are cute." The hoarse and bestial voice resounded around them.