The Weird Boy

On the way, none of the beasts they saw from afar came close to them. Maybe because of the level that Xin possesses, the White tiger could be called the King of Mount Hulu, being the strongest beast on the first mountain. 

But at that moment, when she's enjoying the feelings, Xiao Ling heard the voice she has been looking for since she went on the mountain. 

"... Come... This way..."

Hearing it, Xiao Ling realized that the voice was from a young male, not having distinguished what gender it was until now, before sometimes was female, others it was hoarse male. Now she can hear it more clearly and identify the gender. 

"Xin, wait... Go to the right..." Xiao Ling guided the white tiger towards the voice. 

As they went deeper into the mountain, they noticed the change in their surroundings. the heavy breath falls upon them. Xin's bestial instincts told him he should stop, he can't continue, and he did. As he looked closely at the changes in the vegetation, they saw how the luster green of the grass and trees turned dark. Giving them a creepy feeling.

Near to where they were standing. There was a lump on the ground. Xiao Ling curiously approached it.

"Hey, Chibi Master, I don't think it's a good idea to go near the dirt..." muttered Jin towards the curious toddler, who didn't stop.

"Who would dare to harm Chibi Master without giving me face?" snorted Bai Xin.

Bai Xin followed Jin's footsteps and started to call Xiao Ling as Chibi Master, which she has no problem with because at the moment she really is Chibi. But she won't know that in the future, she will get tired and regret that she didn't stop him in time. And she will have to turn to her better half to stop him. 

Meanwhile, the toddler slowly approaches the lump. 

When she saw what was the lump, she saw it was a body lying down. 

The person lying on the ground is a boy. It bewildered her for a moment. A boy deep inside Mount Hulu is rare. She stopped and looked around with her lively eyes. When she found an enormous tree not far away, she rushed over and hid behind it.

It's weird, she didn't hide behind Bai XIn, but choose a tree... But no one notices that. Their attention was on the boy.

She revealed a pair of eyes that seemed to have stars. They were vivacious and made people feel happy just by looking at them, and carefully looked at the person not far away. 

The lump was a little boy around the age of six. He wore a slightly old coarse cloth dress, and his long hair was a little messy.  Perhaps because he did not have enough to eat, he was very thin and feeble, and his face was dirty as well. He looked no different from the beggars by the roadside. 

She didn't know whatever the boy was alive or not…

After observing from a distance and confirming that the person had really fainted, Xiao Ling strode towards the boy's side and crouched down. She first checked the boy's breathing with her tiny hands. After feeling the weak breathing, she patted her chest and heaved a sigh of relief. She didn't want to witness a death so early. Only then did she start to carefully examine the person on the ground.

We could say he's in an extremely sorry state. There were many wounds on his body and his tattered clothes, making it seem that he just experienced a death battle. He looked extremely miserable.

Looking at his appearance, they could estimate that he could not wake up for a while. Although Mount Hulu was safer than the other Mountains, there were also many magic beasts. If they allowed this boy to remain here, it was likely that he would die. She hesitated for a moment and decided to save the person in front of her.

Bai Xin was relatively familiar with the environment here. The white tiger knew that there was a cave not far away that could hide five adults. As long as they took suitable cover, other unwelcome guests, human or magic beast, would definitely not discover them.

The white tiger told Xiao Ling about the cave, and she agreed to go in with the boy and both beasts. She orders Bai Xin to carry the boy towards the cave.

Bai Xin placed the boy on the leaf bed that they had piled up. She looked carefully at the wounds on the boy's body. She thought for a moment, then rammed into her dimension space and picked some herbs. After applying them on the boy's wounds, and used some water taken from her space to wipe the boy's face clean.

After seeing the boy's appearance, Xiao Lin, Bai Xin, and Jin could not help but blink their eyes.

This was the first time both the toddler and the rodent had seen such a good-looking man beside her brothers and father. On the other hand, Bai Xin felt the boy was cute, but not cuter than Xiao Ling. 

It amazed her for a while before she realized that the sound of her stomach interrupted her. Only then did she remember she had eaten no food for a while. 

A trace of displeasure flashed across her eyes. However, after seeing the boy's face, she felt it was worthwhile to waste her time. After all, she had no resistance against good-looking people!

However, her attitude towards the boy made Jin have a sense of urgency. 

'My father's Master gives the command to drive away any man who comes close to Chibi Master. What should I do now?' 

Xiao Ling was smashing more herbs after giving him some water from the space to drink. She knows a little about medicine because her grandfather taught her about the first AID herbs. Herbs for emergencies like cuts and blood loss, and more.

She was busy and didn't notice that the boy slowly woke up.