The Toddler Saved Him!

Xiao Ling was smashing more herbs after giving him some water from the space to drink. She knows a little about medicine because her grandfather taught her about the first AID herbs. Herbs for emergencies like cuts and blood loss, and more.

She was busy and didn't notice that the boy slowly woke up.

The boy thought about how he had fainted before; he did not remember what happened. After a couple of seconds, he remembered, he got lost and fought with some Sublime level. Leaving him with some severe injuries all over his little body.

He hurriedly checked his surroundings and was a little surprised to find himself in a cave. And not only that, he saw a toddler busy herself smashing something. Next to her, there was an enormous beast and a rodent. Both beasts were watching her with incredible concentration.

He struggled to prop up his upper body and discovered that someone had applied some medicinal herbs to the wounds on his body. It seemed to be used to stop the bleeding. A hint of surprise and gratefulness flashed across his eyes. He knew that a good person saved him, and it has something to do with the toddler.

Upon seeing the beast, he didn't show fear. He knew that if the toddler can be so close to it; it means that they knew each other. 

He has a basic knowledge of the intelligence of the beasts. 

Jiang Yi came out to look for food. Although he was only six years old, he had started to remember things early and was smarter than ordinary children. 

Although Mount Hulu was not the best place to enter the mountains, there were still many injured lower and middle cultivators and magic beasts, who would come here to seek refuge. When he learned to hunt, he had met some from far away. Most of the cultivators were high and mighty under their realm. Although they did not have any ill intentions towards ordinary people, Jiang Yi did not like them.

He didn't feel the pain coming from his body as before. He moved, and his movements alerted both beasts. They looked towards him, startling him. 

The poor boy received weird looks and didn't know what to do.

"Um…" he couldn't utter another word; his dry throat didn't let him.

"Oh, you're awake!" Xiao Ling diverted her attention from the herbs towards the 'patient'. And saw him awake. She runs to look at him closely, and his beautiful gloom and deep purple eyes make her sink into them. 

"Ajem Ajem!" Jin didn't want his Chibi Master to pay attention to the intruder. 

Yes, for Jin the existence of the boy is a burden for him now. An obstacle for his Father's Master. 

However, what he can do now is limited.

Xiao Ling recovers her senses, "Oh, glad you're awake, wait a minute, I'll finish some herbal medicine for you to drink, that way, you'll recover faster." She said nothing more and returned to smash the herbs to make it liquid.

Having found her concentration once again, she ignores everything around her. 

Jiang Yi, the six-year-old boy, happened to hear Jin and look in his direction only to find the rodent glaring at him. And the white tiger gave him a curious glance.

After waiting for a couple of minutes, Xiao Ling brought a cup with some dark green liquid and took out a jade bottle from her dimension. She rolled out one light green with a golden pattern medicinal pill. She said nothing and just put it into his mouth, and forcefully makes him drink the green liquid, and then put the jade bottle back into her dimension.

Jiang Yi felt the medicinal power spreading in his body. This made his forehead break out into a cold sweat and then fell back down again. He wondered who had saved him. Was it the toddler? Well, it doesn't matter; she is his savior… and with that thought; he fainted again. But this time, his breathing was obviously much smoother than before.

She checked the boy's condition and found that he was still asleep. The wounds on his body had also stopped bleeding. She nodded in satisfaction and skillfully prepared some fruits to eat. Then, took some paper and some ink with a brush from her dimension, and began to draw a map.

"We have circled several kilometers around, and we've almost done with Mount Hulu's Map..."

While she discusses her next course of action, the boy, who was sleeping, is now having a nightmare…

Soon after he turned three years old, the old couple who took care of him passed away, one after another. Since then, he has lived alone. From the beginning, he knew nothing. As a weak toddler, he had to learn how to hunt for food, and more. Now, he could skillfully handle many things, including cooking.

Many want to take him under them because they will have free labor. 

Even the village chief wants something from him. 

They have been pushing him back and forth just to make him work for them, just to 'reward' him with a miserable pot of rice. They even didn't give him water. Since he has three, he has been taking care of himself, finding water, and other resources like fruits, vegetables, and pigeons, eggs, and more to fend for himself.

So, his life has been so pitiful for two years, but now he wanted to find an opportunity to change his fate.

Therefore, he heard about a legend. It says that, deep inside Mount Hulu, led an opportunity to change fate. He wanted to grasp it. Thus, after so many preparations, he left with a piece of cloth wrapped on his back and, as he walked forward; he didn't look back.

After a day of walking through the mountain, he got lost, fought with many beasts, but he encountered a Python, he didn't know the Python level, but it was strong, he suffered some heavy injuries, and in the end, he could only run to save his life, just too faint from blood loss. 

He didn't know how much time has passed since he fainted again after swallowing the pill and drinking the medicine the toddler gave him.

Now, his eyes were wide open and feeling safe and sound. And the savior is now a toddler younger than him. If someone told him about it before, he wouldn't believe it, but seeing the enormous beast next to her, he believes it.