Who Found Her?

The sunlight has yet to fade, and shone into the cave through the gaps in the grass. Jiang Yi, who was lying on the bed of leaves, woke up. He stared at the entrance of the cave, blinked his eyes, and his sleeping brain quickly woke up.

He remembered that they had saved him by a toddler and two beasts. Jiang Yi could not help but look around the cave. When he realized that the person who had saved him was not there, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He sat up. The wounds on his body had mostly healed after some rest; those wounds had basically scabbed. Sitting up now did not affect him, he found it rather magical.

He moved his body, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw several wild fruits on a leaf not far away. He was stunned. Thinking that the toddler who had saved him has left behind this, his stomach rumbled with hunger, he paused and took the wild fruit. However, he did not eat it immediately. After all, at his level of hunger… he better wait for his savior. 

His clothes were tattered from the fight. He looked at them and revealed a hint of distress, shame, and disappointment. He didn't have more clothes with him, the piece of cloth that he wrapped on his back is lost. For him to change his clothes is like now finding a chance to change his fate. 

However, after seeing around, he found a set of clothes folded near the fruits; he didn't want to believe if the clothes are from or for the toddler. Looking at them, the clothes are bigger than the toddler's, he can confirm that are for him and not for the toddler to use.

After changing and cleaning himself up, he realized that the person who had saved him had not appeared yet. He was not in a hurry. Instead, he sat on the leave's bed and continued to rest.


"Chibi Master, are you sure you want to take the boy with you?" Jin asked indignantly.

"… Jin, this is the hundredth time I tell you, YES!" answered Xiao Ling exasperated with the rodent.

"…" Bai Xin says nothing.

"… However, that is only if he is still inside the cave when we return…" Murmured Xiao Ling.

The toddler and the beasts are running rampant in Mount Hulu, and now they are deep inside Mount Hulu. 

They found something creepy around here. 

Xiao Ling's sense of hearing is more powerful than Bai Xin's, and soon she notices some rustling in the bushes… 

Her attention was on her left side. Bai Xin and Jin raised up their guards. 

And what they saw made their eyes wide open. 


Jiang Yi was waiting for his savior to return. He has some feeling. If he waits, he will find his opportunity. Besides, he needs to be thankful. The old couple taught him to be grateful, to discern right and wrong.

Therefore, she saved his life. He owes her one life.

Then he remembers, if he follows her, what will happen to his home?

Jiang Yi's home was at the foot of Mount Hulu. It was not far from Mount Hulu. It was a small courtyard. There was only a two-room-roofed cottage inside. It looked very simple and crude. Moreover, it was a close distance away from Long City at the foot of Mount Hulu. It looked very lonely.

Ever since the old couple passed away, there were people in the village who wanted to adopt Jiang Yi for personal reasons, as being greedy. However, Jiang Yi was very stubborn. He did not want to leave this house. Hence, the people in the village gave up, but for convenience's sake, they took advantage of him. If he submits to them, it would be impossible for him to survive!

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore…" Jiang Yi sighs in resignation, but the determination in his eyes is deep. 


"Hehehe…" the awkward laugh of the toddler broke the silence between them and the person in front of her.

"So, any reason for you being here, young lady?" the man in front of her gives a strict and deep aura.

"… Grandpa, you didn't believe me, when I told you that some voice is calling me…" resigned Xiao Ling pouted. 

Old Master Long saw his granddaughter pouting telling her grievances in front of him. He took a deep breath, wanting to scold her, but her watery eyes and pouting cheeks make her look cuter. 


Bai Xin was shaking his enormous body at the sight of the man. His strong aura makes beasts humble and kneels at his presence.

Jin is not less fearful of the Old Master than Bai Xin.

"By the way… Grandpa… How do you find me?" asked the now timid Xiao Ling.

"…" Seeing his mighty granddaughter being timid to the point of being shy left the Old Master Long speechless.

"… I followed your aura's trace. We, the Long, can trace our own. Even if you are on the seventh mountain far from Long City, I can find you." Answered the Old Master, with an expression, 'as a matter of fact' and an arrogant attitude.

"Oh? Then… Why didn't my father come?" The toddler tilted her head to the left.

"YOU!" The Old Man pointed a finger to her head. He knows what's the meaning of her question. And so, he feels enraged.

She can get away from her father. Or even worse, she can make her father do whatever she wants...

"… Oh, Grandpa! I didn't mean that!" The toddler run towards the Old Master and climbed to his leg, with her watery eyes full of love and dependence.

Seeing the shameless granddaughter acting coquettishly, the Old Master reduced his anger by half.

"What I mean is that, why is Father not coming, leaving all the work for you. You need to rest." A flattering smile drew on her chubby face.

When she says that, the remaining half of the anger in his heart disappears completely. Seeing his granddaughter being filial to him, worried about his well-being, he feels touched.

"Well, your father is not strong enough to feel your aura, besides your aura is different." 

Xiao Ling was speechless now. The pride in his voice can't be concealed.