Chapter 2

Your sleep is so sweet. You sleep on his chest, thinking about him. Todoroki softly caress your head. He's looking after you. He lied on the grass and took you closer, slowly closing eyes and felt asleep.

You slept so long.. an hour, two? No. Even more..

You felt again a warm hand on your cheek. Sleepy and tired you open your eyes and looked at Todoroki that smiles short. "Good morning" Said he with a lower voice to not scare you. A short smile appeared on your face, as cheeks turned red a little. You placed your hand on his cold cheek and answer back with a shortly "Morning". Todoroki got closer and kissed your forehead. His warm and cool lips touched your skin. Did you feel embarrassed? Not used to be kissed by a boy? "How you slept?" Todoroki put his hands on your cheeks and looks in your eyes. Your face is starting to blush a little, but you don't care and put your hands on Todoroki's ones and smile short. "Surprisingly I slept awesome-" Answered you and then started to think about this for a while. "Something bothers you?" Todoroki lied near you and took you by hand. "Oh- no" A fake short smile showed on your face, but then you looked at the sky. Todoroki stand up and then sighed, "Fine. I'll go to the river to take a bath." He suddenly stopped and then looked at you, "Would you like to join me?". Your head moves the other way embarrassed. "I d-don't k-know" Said you quickly nervously. Todoroki just giggled a little and then smiled. "Fine. Anyways come with me, so the next time you'll know by yourself where it it" He helped you to stand and then both of you went in a place, a corner where there was water from the river that was near. All around was full of trees and shrubs, so you could not worry that someone else would see you taking a bath. Todoroki came closer to the water and then started to undress himself slowly from his clothes. You panicked a little and hide behind a tree. "W-what are you doing-?" Your voice was trembling a little, while you were blushing more. His body looks so hot now, that you've lost your mind and get lost a little. He turned slightly to you. "I'll go and wash myself" Todoroki slowly put his legs in the water and then entered with all his body in water. You hide behind the tree to not bother him. Heart is beating fast and have some butterflies in stomach. But you tried to keep calm. "Maybe I should go for a walk by myself- Anyways Todoroki-kun is taking a bath and I don't want to bother him" Thought you and stand up. You slowly start to step and go away. Far away. You walk on the endless meadow, but suddenly it all disappears and you see only white all around you. "W-what happened?" You panicked a little and you're in confusion. "Am I dreaming?" Thought you. While you were continuing walking unsure, you felt someone's arms around your waist that stopped you. Panicking more, you start to tremble. "I-.. I want h-home.." Thought you as closed eyes scared to look what will happen next..

"Hey.." Someone's lower voice was heard from your back. Your eyes slowly opened and you looked who it was there. "Why you decided to leave...?" Asked he with a sad voice. Again.. these eyes looks dead and emotionless. "T-Todoroki?" Asked you trembling. "I-.. I didn't plan to leave- I-.. I j-just went for a walk.. I didn't want to bother you" Said you, trying to explain him everything, but some tears run down his face. You wanted to come closer, but then you saw how some flowers like earlier appeared on his body on the right side. "D-do you really want to leave..? To go away and forget about me..?" Todoroki was crying silently, slowly his head looking down, his body shaking a little, as he bit his lip. These words.. hurted you..? "Why does he thinks so..?" Thought you, not understanding why he's acting like this. But the fact that more flowers were appearing on his body, is started to scare you and make you worry about him. Your body, your mind, your soul couldn't take it anymore to look at him how he's suffering.. Your legs by themselves started to more. You run to him and hugged him tightly, having some tears in your eyes. "T-Todoroki! I would never forget you! What made you think so? I don't want to leave you! You're the only one I need.. s-so please.. please stop saying this things!" Said you in a slightly raised voice to make him hear you. His body was shaking.. he was scared. Todoroki slowly out his arms around your waist and hugged you tightly. His tears were falling on your shoulder. You took him closer and started to caress easy his head, trying to calm him down. The flowers from his body started to detach. The white world again came back to normal. Still the same meadow, flowers and trees around. Todoroki digged a little his head in your chest, still hugging you tightly and being close. Are you confused? Why all these things happen? Do you think I know?...

Your hands were sofly caressing his head. You smiled short, feeling a little better that he calmed down. "I wonder why appears on his body flowers" Thought you, continuing caressing his head. Todoroki slowly closed eyes and felt asleep like that. The moon started to raise as the sun was setting down already. The cool wind was touching softly your skin. Slowly you lied on the grass having Todoroki on you sleeping. You looked at him and smiled short. Softly kissed his forehead and then went to sleep too..