Chapter 3

The moon was still dominating the night. Like the sun wasn't planning to raise again. Slowly your eyes opened. Todoroki was still sleeping on you. Did you get already used to be with him? He's so romantic and kind to you, isn't he? A short smile appeared on your face and then you looked at the sky. You see some stars there and in center was shining the moon. "Beautiful" Whispered you. "When the last time you looked at the sky, enjoying its beauty?" Said someone with a raspy voice. Todoroki was looking at you and smiled short. You looked at him and blushed slightly. But then your eyes went on the sky again. "I don't know.. can't remember to look at it for so long" Said you and then smiled short, "but I'm glad I noticed its beauty" Your eyes were shining a little. "Seems like you really like it" Said Todoroki and lied near you and then started to look at the stars too. "I.. I remember I was looking at the sky with my older brother when I was little.. he was always saying that one day he'll be like them. He'll shine and show people the right path in their life when they get lost.." Todoroki forced a smile and it was visible. You looked at him and then asked him, "What older brother?". He continued looking at the sky and then short said "Touya". Did this name sound familiar to you? "He wanted to be Hero Nr 1. He wanted dad to be proud of him. But.. he started to hurt his body while training to become stronger.." His words sounded sad. "And what happened then..?" Asked you, being curious. "Dad tried to stop him.. but Touya didn't listen to him.. he died because of his quirk." Some tears run down his face as he wipes then quickly. "Sorry" Whispered he and sat. You sat too and looked at the grass. "No need to apologize.." Said you, feeling guilty that you asked him this. "I.. I just feel that it's my fault.. Dad was training only me, leaving Touya in the back. He was trying so hard to be better than everyone.. than me. So dad would give him attention too." He was crying. You came closer and gave him a tight hug "Shh-.. it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself.." Said you, trying to be kind to him and calm him down. Todoroki took you closer and hugged you tightly back. "I don't know what should I do.. I don't want to think that Touya is dead.. he's my brother.. he needs to be saved" Mumbled he as continuing crying. You placed your hand on his head and started to caress it softly. "He'll be saved. He's still alive. He won't give up that quickly on his dream, so he won't let himself die" Your confident words made him to not be so scared. He calmed a little and then smiled short. "Thanks.." His voise was weak and low, but it was cute how he's trying to say it so you could hear him. You kissed his forehead and continued caressing his head, while your eyes were looking at him how he calmed down. "He's like a child" Thought you and blushed slightly. Then you looked at the dark sky. The light moon suddenly disappeared and everything become black. Are you scared? Nothing around. Only Todoroki that is hugging you and you yourself. Feel like something disappeared? Wasn't like that from the start? You are all alone only with Todoroki. In this world only you and him. And endless darkness. "H-hey-.." Todoroki raised his head and looked at you. Your eyes looked at him. What? Something bothers you? "P-promise.. promise that you'll never forget me.." Said he as again flowers started to appear. But this time they were different. It wasn't the same lovely and kind sakura flowers. It was roses. He starts to bleed because of them. "H-hey- T-Todoroki-kun! What's happening to you-?" Panicked you and took him closer, caressing his cheek. The fear takes control of you. Are you scared that you'll lose him? "Shoto- please! Tell me you're not dying- The hell are these flowers?!" You raised your voice as tears started to run down your face. He smiled short and wiped your tears away. "P-promise.." Mumbled he slowly as started to get weaker. You took him by hand, took him closer. "I p-promise, B-But please don't leave-!" Said you through all your tears. Todoroki's body was practically all covered with these flowers. "Is this a curse? Or he's sick and this is an effect-?" Thought you still worried and scared. You didn't want him to die. Through all the pain you started to detach the roses from his body..

Todoroki couldn't say anything.. he slowly closed eyes. All your hands are in blood. In his and yours. You started to cough. But this coughing is not stopping. You coughed blood.. Got even more scared? Didn't you feel the pain earlier? A pain in your stomach. Your eyes went on your belly. Roses. Haven't you noticed them earlier? From Todoroki's body his flowers were getting more and more. When you tried to save him, they hurted you. You cough more and more blood. "W-What's with all this craziness-?!" Yelled you.

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You ask this me..? From where I can know? This is happening in your head not in mine.

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