chapter 1

I stare down at the empty bottles in front of me geez what was I thinking to have- nah it doesn't matter I have the money Ha...well dad sends the money but does it matter no. ugh it's 12 I should start going or else mom's gonna rip my head off my body and since dad isn't home there's no escape sish. i feel on top of the world right now. u grab my bag and myself to the parking lot wait where's my car oh, there it is. I fumble for the key in my bag and open the door as I did fresh, refreshing air hit my body and soul oh that feels good. I could air bathe naked here in the parking lot but then who wants to see a drunk as fuck naked half cast roaming around they gonna think I'm crazy while I ain't.... well partly but....

I click into the Range Rover clumsily only to fall back to the- oh this is it I'm going to die at last how's Dad gonna survive without me and mom? who's she gonna beat when she's annoyed oh Ella my darling sis whose she gonna talk with and Remi and Aria my only best friends. l love youuuu - before I can hit the ground strong hands caught me, help me stand, stand straight so I can see his face

" are you okay "

he asks concern written all over his face . geez he's so handsome, thick black hair, kissy lips...--

I wake up to the sound of an already beeping constantly geez are you crazy? I hit it with my arm sending it across the room with a loud thud to shatter. wait I do not have an already in my room. I open my eyes immediately and sit up . damn hangover. my head hurts like shit. the door badges open and I lay back down . the headache subside slowly while I take in the shrill handsomeness this dude infront of me. he was the one who helped me last night I think . he even looks more handsome than last night. I sit up and get off bed

" are you okay ?"

" yeah, um I broke your alarm .. i... I'm sorry I am not really used to it "

" nah it's okay I've been wanting to get rid of it anyway "

" oh " GOD .... man you're so handsome but not as much as Remi ... oh Remi is so handsome. ugh that guy could literally kill someone with his handsomeness. he just dates girls and dump them like that and then more girls come . I'm always jealous. cause I've been crushing on him since I was o days old. my mom and his mom usually -- mom! shoot kill me already

" so should I get you a cup of u??"

" no I'm so sorry I need to go, oh geez, umm... I'll see you around " I pick up my bag from the nightstand with my shoes and run out. oh mom's gonna kill me . she's gonna skin me alive first then roast me, still alive and eat me up . I drive out of the parking lot and hit the road on full speed

well how bad can it be, how bad can it go . oh GOD lemme not die of panic..... and we are here . I pull up slowly, get out bag in hand, my heart pounding wildly against my rib cage. I only told her I was going out not to drink. my parents don't even know I drink . I started not too long. Remi taught me... but I am now a master at it than he is . he doesn't even drink as much as I do so I fear this time he's not gonna cover up for me . truth be told. all of my life Remi's been sticking out for me . Ella is either travelling here and there or hanging out with Gold Remi's older brother. they are both in love with each other I guess

I open the door to meet mom standing out at the entrance of it dressed on her work clothes . she probably heard my car pull up , hope to scare me, it works I'm terrified.

" mom ?" I choke out oh Remi

" never ! scare me again " in her mom's I'm gonna kill you tone . " you know if you want to start living with Remi then it's okay but next time leave a note! you hear me? "

" yes mom "

phew . I watch her go out so I can quietly do my happy dance before barging into the shower . oh GOD that feels so good. the bell rings just when I'm about to pick up my head phone. I groan. I wrap a towel around my body as I walk down the stairs. I open the door, pull him in and hug him tight not even minding if I'll get him wet or not . I feel that odd sensation again , since teen . even if he were in the next room I'd still get wet . his voice alone turns me on . I press my body against his more as I tighten my hold on him at his back. he hug me bag too, slowly at first . I can feel the swell in his pants and I love it . I've never seen any before but I ache to see it , his in particular

" woah it's okay Elle " he push me back, hands on my waist oh GOD.

" thanks I had thought you'd given up on me "

" can I ever ? " he drop the plastic bag on the table dragging me slowly behind him . he sits and make me stand in front of him like a chastening father talking to a very disobedient Elle . I watch as his Adam Apple rise and fall, his eyes drinking me in slowly . my pussy pulsed with heat. this time worse I am afraid I might come right here on the floor but then I'm always horny when it comes to him. " so where were you, where'd you go last night ?" his voice husky this time

GOD I so want to run my hand through that silly black wavy hair, blue eyes kiss those nose, lips I wanna run my hand all over his body, worship him ... damnit

" Elle ??"

" huh?? "

" where were you??"

" I ... I got drunk, wait and um so um I slept at a guy's house? "

I felt his body stiffen , his jaw tight and his eyes hard . he's always been over protective of me since I was a child . putting of bad boys, bullies. boys who like me , admirers , jerks and stuff he had multiple time broken noses and stuff to the point that people were scared of me . believe me I always tend to be in trouble every time on purpose .

" did you fuck with him? did he try to fuck you or-- "

" no Remi , I don't feel-- ".

" what do you mean you don't feel ?" yeah he always pick up on the slightest things

" I passed out "

" Elle! " he stand up so fast . I almost jump back in fear at his towering well built, tall enormous, broad , gym body. " go put on your clothes we are going to the hospital now"

" what?? no! you know dad is so popular, they know hi. remember and they'll tell him his daughter came for a pregnancy test dad's gonna kill me .." he relaxes a little bit a tiny weeny bit " besides you could check your self "

" what??! "

we've never had a conversation where I speak boldly about sex . I just hope he agrees so it leads to something else

" since you are so familiar with women , I thought maybe-- "

" who told you I'm so familiar with women?? "

" I see it everyday and I'm not even wearing panties so...- "

" the fuck Elle I'm being serious "

" fine. I'm still a.. we didn't do anything "

virgin that makes me look so small . it always had been . Aria has had sex multiple times. she tells me every time ( my second best friend ) and Remi, ohh he's a womanizer no , women like him so.. but when we were kids we usually kissed like shit . one day he made sure we were alone when he told me he wanted to show me something and boom we had started since then. I was 3 and he 6 I was just a curly headed half caste and he a whit boy. and on my birthday when he took me out at night we almost fucked but he forgot to bring you know what and he said he didn't want to hurt me. then I was thirteen. we stopped everything altogether months after that like kissing. he made it stop . he's my first kiss and the person I almost had sex with who has always been over protective of me .. yayyyy

" are you sure "

" yeah, Aria told me she felt pain after she had her own... so I don't feel any pain?? ".

our eyes lock for a moment before I break it

" okay, go put on some clothes and let's eat " I hesitate, wanting him to spread my legs open, and see me there

" maybe I'm immune to pain. maybe that's why I can't feel anything." I yell as he make his way to the kitchen

" Elle stop ' he come back with plates and cutlery

" I'm serious I kinda feel different . I was naked when I woke up "

" Elle -- "

" no and then I found something white in my pussy... cum yeah sticky like cum and then I don't know if it enter-- "

" remove that damn towel and spread your legs wide open for me! "