chapter 7

Lizzy and Johnson have been watching TV since morning. watching cartoon and she has been quiet and peaceful since only blabbing and giggling when she gets excited. why did I not think of that before at the house, maybe then I wouldn't have to spend all day house cleaning but then Lizzy isn't a fan of music so what else was I supposed to do. who even hates music... okay maybe my mood swings sometimes.

I don't know why but lately my mood swings have just been getting out of hand but not with Lizzy. Everytime I see her that foolishness of anger just dissolves to the ground .

Aunt Mary has been out for like an hour or so while Remi's gone to his meeting. only GOD knows if he's gone to another of his baby Mama's. sish I need to take a break from all this shit. I climb off the dinning stool and make my way to the parlour. cartoon is for everyone.


" how are my babies doing ? " aunt Mary's voice rang out. gladd she's home. she is a killer of boredom. I walk over to where she is and there's a girl well lady around my age or more with her.

" hi " we greeted in unison

" no you first " I said

" hi I'm Natalie "

" Elle, nice to meet you "

" good. that's my friends daughter "

" I've been dying to meet you. Remi's talked you alot "

I pretended not to hear the name. of course he's popular ladies men " we're just friends. not that close just friends sorta "

" oh, okay " damn her ! how dare she read my mind .

" OMG is that Lizzy ? wow she's so beautiful. I rolled my eyes great. she's probably one of----

" I told her " aunt Mary whisper shouted in my ear as she gave Lizzy to Natalie okay what's with everyone invading my privacy ! and reading my thoughts

" ain't you a little cute baby huh cutie, cutie " Natalie cooed.

Lizzy smiled widely as usual. GOD I love that child. she shoved her knuckles in her mouth. then reaching out to me. smiling as if daring me to feast on it too.

I smiled at her stepping away from her to go to the room and do nothing but just sleep and maybe toy with my phone. now Lizzy has both arms stretched out as if to say please don't leave me here.

just then I heard a cry damn. I turned back Natalie looked confused, aunt Mary looked happy I just don't know why. with a sigh I carried her

I hate babies. she didn't even care about me when she was watching TV

♥♥ Later that day ♦♦

Natalie and I made our way to Natalie group of friends--- men ! hot men !. like damn i don't know I hope your don't fall. Natalie grabbed a chair and I did too

" hi " Natalie and I greeted at the same time. we have been clicking since morning. we literally have the same hobby and better she isn't bossing me around or giving me any advise like some people would do every five seconds #fakemomanddad.

mtcheeeew. after the introduction and everything one by one we all clicked geez where have they been all my life oh good JESUS. and two of them have accent. like pleasing to the ears. all of them have just one vice all three of them have is that none is as handsome as Remi, just little more builded but-

" so you single? huh? " Cody asked

" yeah " I replied

" and searching? " Derek asked this time

" definitely "

" then you should definitely come to fest next week "

" really ? you are seriously inviting me ? "

" yep " Matt said sitting back resting against the chair as if he had just proven a point

" great "

it was getting dark slowly so we decided to leave the boys. hot boys to party sish. but now that I think of it . Natalie might have doing a four sum with these people. for fucks sake she's the only girl in the group but I think she has a eye for Matt . they actually go together, because Matt is hot and from the looks of things I think he cares about her.

Cody offered to walk us home. he's funny and full of life Remi's just bossy and annoying always wanting to dominate. and likes keeping things to himself always or rather from the baby of the house. fuck it !

" Elle ? " Cody called

" hm, uh .... sorry. i, I was.. I kinda lost for a sec " I tucked my hair behind ear and tried to indulge myself in the conversation. I can't believe I zoned out like that

" Cody's asking your type of guy. he's thinking him but I think he speak for you when I say nah "

" ah, not really. Cody is my type. I like him "

" in your face hater. you'd better go to Matt. just because you're scared pussy doesn't mean I am too "

" hey " Natalie smacked his butt hard that he yelped jutting his butt forward.

" I'm glad i am not the only one who knows you're all over that guy "

" Elle! " Natalie blushed calling my name the way Jared would if I took his candy

" see she's blushing " I said

" hard "

" stop I don't like it "

" we should stop what? Cody asked tickling her sides

" Cody I am going to rip your head off your body if you dare say another word to me "

" um.. Natalie " Cody teased and I smiled yup he's troublesome. Natalie come over to my side and Cody scurried off in front

" I hate him and you too ! you were supporting him "

" it's just the truth. but you know. I could help you get Matt I'm sorta a match maker

wonder why I can't patch my own relationship of good twenty years. dont--

" oh please, Matthew is like a god. women like him "

oh really wait till you see Remi first. when Cody began to retreat by moon walking Natalie kick him hard in the butt and he fell on the hard floor

" damn Natalie I hate you "

" I hate you too, you should be grateful I didn't break your fucking neck.

I chuckled as I helped him up . he holds my wrist still after getting on his feet his hands warm. I felt a tingle, no sensation shooting through my veins, down to my core . I took in a deep breath. dear GOD I can't believe I'm reacting so quickly. maybe it's because I haven't had sex in a while or maybe

" you okay " I asked my voice slightly shaking

" yeah. thanks. "

I tucked my hair behind my hair once more . trying as much as possible to make him release me. I think I am going to catch a cold or just loose it in five, four , three--- . his grip loosened all of a sudden. he shoved his hands in his pockets as if I had just burnt him. did I do something wrong or do I smell bad or-- . I hate men!. what's the difference between him and Remi?

I rolled my eyes and stepped aside. thank GOD it's getting darker. I stopped in my tracks hoping they wouldn't notice I'm not with them. I feel stupid what was I thinking when I --

" Elle ? " Natalie and Cody called. I press not to hear them. I made out their figures in the dark coming closer to me. some shops are still open. light emanating from both sides of the road from the shops. I'll probably visit tomorrow .

" are you okay ? " Natalie asked Cody grabbed my wrists but I shove him off

" I'm fine " he grab it again this time I do not flinch to avoid Natalie from suspecting anything

" you sure ?" Cody asked

" yeah "

" my house is over there you wanna come over? "

" tomorrow sure, aunt would be worried it's late "

" yeah, I'll pick you up we are gonna have lots of fun trust me "

" don't forget to fill your fridge with all those stuffs "

" sure, goodnight Elle " she hugged me " dickhead will walk you home "

" goodnight "

" you too dickhead "

" you too pussy "

I'm sure Natalie rolled her eyes as she crossed the street over to her house.i began to walk, straight I have no idea where I am going

" are you angry at me? "

" no! " I said sharply. when we reached a place where there's more light , Cody abruptly stopped me. grabbing my hand

" what'd I do? "

" nothing "

" look at me ! "

it sounded like an order but I did anyway. light brown eyes stared right back at me. beautiful. I swallowed hard as I checked him out .

black hair, light brown eyes, semi pointed nose , kissy lips, chiseled jaw I feel like running my lips over. my eyes snapped back into his eyes

" nothing " I lowered my gaze to his chest " I'm sorry I was just... I just remembered something and I

" I'm sorry-- "

" no it's... it's fine "