chapter 8

I entered the house after waving off Cody and after giving him a peck on the cheek. I love that he is tolerant, sweet, nice, and everything. I wonder why he didn't get to come as my best friend. then all my worries would be over. Lizzy and Jared are watching a late night cartoon movie but is already dozing off. aunt Mary emerges from the kitchen

" did you enjoy yourself?? "

" yeah good evening aunt "

" so you enjoyed yourself so much you forgot to call me to tell you were going to be back home late "

" I'm sorry I forgot my phone home " I lied

" oh really? and Natalie didn't have a phone you could use ? "

" aunt! I said I'm sorry " I whined walking over to where she's standing, hugging her. aunt takes hugging seriously

" okay. but next time you call me okay? "

" k ". I rolled my eyes " um.. aunt Natalie is coming over to pick me up tomorrow is that okay ? "

" sure. guess you guys clicked uh "

" yes ! and I met her friends did you know Natalie only has male friends? hot male friends? "

" tell me about it "

we sat at the dinning chair across each other

" so I met Cody today and I think I like him he's caring and loving "

" and hot?? " aunt asked

" yeah and he has an accent GOD I wish I had met him sooner "

" good finally maybe you'll think now to bring him home for marriage "

" aunt ! I'm just twenty ! "

" I know, some people of your age in Africa are already married with four to five children "

" well that's Africa "

" and I am your aunt. how about that "

" please aunt "

" just bring him home okay "

" fine, I will when I'm ready maybe in ten years "

" No! capital NO! "

I smiled. she gets off the chair and carried Jared in, then Lizzy. another thing I love about her. she let's it go and she doesn't side anyone. it's surprising she didn't ask ' what of Remi ' and stuff like that.

she knows we're not on good terms but she isn't siding him at all. I grabbed a bowl of ice cream from the fridge and sit in front of the TV SpongeBob SquarePants playing. Remi comes in being handsome as always, his hair wet.

I rolled my eyes. I increased the volume of the TV but not too loud so that aunt Mary wouldn't have to be out and spank me hard

" where were you? " Remi asked standing in front of me purposely obstructing my view

" none of your business and get out of my face " I muttered. he walks off thank goodness but to the TV. he puts it off standing in front of it

" where were you at?? coming back home at ten in the night?? "

" Remi do not get on my nerves. and mind you I am not your baby that you can control around or anything so please get lost " I tried not to yell. I continued stuffing my face with the cream hoping he'll leave when he gets tired. he doesn't instead he snatched it away from me. when I tried to get it back he throws it away " the fuck " I pushed at his chest

" I bet you were probably drinking as always and probably fucking guys you do not know "

with that I slapped his face hard on the cheek how dare he? he has no right whatsoever

" don't you ever in your life say that to me again ever ! " I yelled. he grabs my wrists and pushed me against the wall . I whimpered. now I'm beginning to hate him more. the water from his hair splashed on my face. I tried to put space between our bodies damn it I hate my hormones. I'm so horny right now like damn it. I closed my eyes

" Elle? he muttered huskily.

I can feel his hard on pressing against my belly. my eyes shot open his mouth closer. he try to kiss me but I put my face to one side

" let me go before I yell "

I warned. he releases one of my hand and cup my face I literally melted. I whimpered. the effect this is having on me is great. there's space! I wedged my knee between his slowly faking to give in as he caresses my face. I knee him hard in the groin. he yelled and cursed. I pushed him off me still with no avail. I hate the pain in his face but he deserves it.

I heard the door of aunt Mary's door open and close quickly

" what's wrong with you guys? fighting " managed to push him off me. Remi falls to the ground clutching his thighs together but not making any sound. damn he's strong. " what the fuck is wrong with you guys ? the next time I have to come out because of this stupid act of you both you're all sleeping out! "

aunt Mary walked out back to her room and I followed her, into my own room locking the door behind me. how dare he try to seduce me after staining my dignity. damn him.and my stupid body also responded. I knew right there if we had sex it's all gonna be over. all my anger and everything. he just tried to treat me, woo me like a whore and I am going to show him he's not the only hot boy I can fall for in prudhoe bay.


Lizzy giggled as I splashed the warm water on her face. she starts beating the water so it's starts to splash on my body and the floor. her curly black hair glued to her head and fore head. her blue eyes shone, her smile, beautiful and that lovely dimple on both cheeks. she's just the definition of perfect. no flaw

I carried out of the the bathtub, dried her off on the mat before wrapping her in the towel and carrying her in my arms to the room to dress her up.

" hmm what should you wear "

I carried her box and put it on the bed. I start rummaging through it. first I put on her diaper before going back to the box. Lizzy starts to pick the clothes one by one, throwing it on the floor. she'd stand, pick the another and when she lands on her butt she'll throw it off the bed. then picking up another, repeating the same thing all over again. with a sigh I pack it all up. by the time I'm done Lizzy's clutching a blue dress to her chest. good .

I closed up the box and wear the cloth on her. she smiled and giggled. time for breakfast . I put her in her high chair or rather Jared's . put a bib around her neck . and prepared her an iron fortified infant cereal strawberries, mashed water in a cup. I grabbed my own food and start to eat too.

Lizzy starts giggling. I looked at her tracing her gaze to her father. I can't bear to look at him after what I did last night. oh he deserves it. I scolded my self. he carried her and grabbed her food after leaving my presence to the parlour. what on Earth??? what the fuck. oh now he's giving me the attitude?? oh please

normally Remi would leave Lizzy and me alone or sometimes eat with us. what the fuck is wrong with him?? . I don't even care anymore !

" dada " someone said I turned around in my seat. it's Lizzy baring her teeth and gums at Remi. she should be calling me that!!. I take care of Lizzy 24/7 . I hate babies. u heard Remi chuckle it's like he's behind me. sure is . he grabbed the bottle of milk I also prepared for Lizzy to take after her food as usual. he isn't laughing or smiling. I watched as he walked back to the sitting room " dada "

" child " Remi answered

what's the use anyway. I didn't give birth to her anyway so... . I'm not just happy how dare she

" did I just hear someone say dada? is that Lizzy?? " aunt Mary asked wrapping her robe around her as she emerges from her room

" dada " Lizzy called again. i rolled my eyes show off! I gobbled up my food and entered my room stomping. I hate babies I hate babies I hate babies !

I can't wait for Natalie to come pick me up arggggghhh. I lay in bed burying my face in the pillow. i remember Cody. his loving everything, hair face lips. I imagine him touching me, everything. suddenly Remi's face pops out of nowhere, taking charge.

he's touching me, undressing me, kissing me, making me wet and horny. he's reaching for my aching and longing cunt. I clenched my legs together, damn it . I can't control my self. I tried to stop everything buts it's not working. he kneels in front of me, separates my legs and starts to devour me like that. I moaned tugging at his Black, silky hair. throwing my hair back in ecasty of pleasure and scream when I come. he come back up again kissing me, squeezing and massaging my breasts. I moaned into his mouth, he groans as I pushed him closer to me. we undress slowly taking time soon we are naked. I stare at Remi's oversized dick wondering how it fitted in the first place . he separates my legs and pushed forward so that the tip of his man hood is grasing my entrance. I bit my lip. suddenly someone bangs at my door and I groaned.

" Elle? " oh finally