chapter 9

" it's so annoying " I whined

" Elle she's just a baby "

" yeah an annoying baby "

" Elle! "

" it's just that I take care of that girl 24/7 and I deserve to be called mama "

" look she's eventually going to call you mama "

" I'm going to keep quiet now " I said after a while. we're outside her door

" least I forget the boys decided to join us "

" so they invited themselves uh ? "

" yep it's so gonna be fun. we're gonna play truth or dare. dirty "

" I like it "

I can't blame her for not informing me earlier I've been boring her on why Lizzy wouldn't call me mama. and to be frank she's a very good listener. Aria wouldn't even let me finish. she'll just tell me to let it go just like that. straight . I'm never leaving this place. we entered the house and there are all the boys and a girl in the kitchen eating snacks

" that girl is Derek's girlfriend sorta "

" cool and you're Matt's girlfriend "

" stop he might hear you " she whisper shouted

" of course I want him to hear me. I'll be like hey Matt my girl here has a crush on you how about that! " I whisper shouted back as we dropped our bags and jackets on the chair

" damn you " she spanked my ass before I could run away

" hey " Cody greeted spreading his arms out soda in his hand " welcome to the truth or dare marathon and movie night. "

" hey " do I get a hug or what? " I asked shoving my hands in my pockets

" she needs it seriously " Natalie said before going over to the dinning standing beside Matt

" sure " I don't know how but I carried my feet towards him and ended up in his arms we wrapped our selves in each other his chin on my head. I breathed in his scent. no perfume

i hate perfumes anyway they make me sick like shit . I hugged him tighter burying my face in his chest inhaling all his scent like I couldn't get enough even if I wanted to. Remi just has this special- damn idiot mind I hate him ugh.

finally after like a minute I disengaged from him

" thanks "

" care to talk about it? "

" nah, it really isn't much of a big deal. thanks for caring "

" no p, let's go grab you a snack. shall we ? "

" we shall " I smiled as we walked over to the kitchen " hey peeps " I greeted

" hey, how're you " Derek greeted.

" I am fine... Hi,I'm Elle. " I greeted Derek's girlfriend.

" Hi, Brianna... nice to meet you too. " she greeted in a high pitched voice. fair

" support babe " Matt greeted. wow he just called me babe. he extends a hand and I take it we do the shoulder thing. okay this finally getting interesting. Matt didn't act all interested in friendly with me last time. in truth I was well shocked and unhappy but then I didn't let it show.

I'm just this kind of person that is really good at masking my emotions but not when I'm with family and friends. I let them see through me quick, like lightening no matter how bad it may be because they are the only ones I trust.

" everybody grab your junks and let's play " he ushered. looks like he's the MC of this partyyyyy. " there's ice cream in the freezer. " he whispered in my ear

" thanks " I grabbed it along with chips and chocolate. my eyes quickly caught the bowl of homemade bacon on the table. I grabbed that too scurrying to the sitting room where everybody's seated on the floor with one or two snacks.

l looked down at the things I'm holding. I'm holding your junks in my hands and not small like big ones. when it comes to normal food I don't really eat but junks I am a monger. literally a monger a big one at that. I took my seat beside Cody who shifted a little for me and helped me put down my stuff .

I'm wedged between two guys as the arrangement

" sorry " I muttered to Derek who is on my left side. just in case I'm disturbing him

" " Elle ?? " Natalie called in a chastising voice

" what?? " I called slowly " I'm a monger you just have to bear it with me okay every body do not mind me just the way I am. period! " I started shoving the bacon in my mouth not minding the way everyone's looking at me " okay let the game begin!!!! " I declared.

" yeah babe " Matt said " I like you "

" thanks, I like you too infact I like everyone. so who's spinning? "

" I'll spin " Natalie declared. she spins the bottle, the head lands on Natalie and the butt on me. it's so easy since we are sitting opposite each other " truth or dare "

" dare " I said

" okay, hmm ... " she taps her chin " um.... I dare you to stop eating "

I gently unbuttoned my shirt

" I'm sorry I just can't and besides where's the card? Natalie's gonna punish me if it goes on like this "

all of us laughed. I smiled. Cody goes to get the card we all agree on Natalie starting first. she picks a card

" um.. it says here to take off my shirt " Natalie does. she's wearing only a bra underneath.

" nice boobs ". I whisper shouted to her covering my mouth from both sides

" thank you ". she also whisper shouted back

Matt's next he picks a card and he frowned

" 7 minutes in hell with the person on your left " on his left is Brianna. I wonder what's she's doing there. she looks excited buts it's gone in a flash as if not wanting anyone to see she is. I get it so I rolled my eyes. " I'd rather strip ". her face falls

" no! nobody wants to see that. now how about 7 minutes in hell with the person on your right uh? " I suggested

" she's right " Derek sided

" support " Cody said too

" that works " we watch them go into the room

" we want to hear moans and the bed creaking. " Derek suggested

" what are you doing there ? " I shot at Brianna after the two liver birds were gone " you're supposed to sit with Derek. isn't it? "

" yeah I kinda feel like sitting here "

" I know, you're a bitch " I started stuffing my face with the chocolate

" excuse me?? "

" excuse you. Natalie's supposed to be sitting there. you were excited when Matt read the card. you like Matt but sorry he's taken. by my friend Natalie just in case you do not know " I stated clearly as a matter of fact

" I do not! "

" shut the fuck up "

" Elle?! " Cody called

" don't Elle me Cody. I'm just speaking the truth she's a bitch. didn't you see her face? " I asked him turning to face him

" Elle " Derek called

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, l- " before I could finish, we started hearing moans from the room. the sound of the bed banging against the walls hard. sish now they are making me in the mood. they've been I'm there for like more than 20 minutes. anyway Natalie will thank me later.

when they came out back to their seats. Natalie's wet all over, her face flushed. I smiled at her and she did too. Brianna pick a card

" go around the room and smell everyone's armpits " she dropped the card and started sniffing like a dog starting from Cody since he's right beside her, round like that till she's done

it's Cody's turn. he picks a card he smiled as he read it. uhhh maybe he's going to get to kiss me

" eat a spoonful of hot sauce without drinking anything after "

fuck him for a minute there I was happy

" you're doomed " Matt said

" like really " Derek muttered

okay I'll be glad to watch him dance around " I'll grab it " I said hurrying to the kitchen I grabbed it running back to the sitting room

" okay guys this is it. just in case anything happens to me I love you guys "

" we hate you too "

he poured the required amount unto the spoon. he swallowed it immediately he put it in his mouth his Adam Apple rising and falling this is gonna be fun. I imagined smoke coming out from both of his ears and I laughed. his lips turn into a bitter line making me laugh the more. he jumped up and start to run all over circling the room like a mad cow first before teleporting himself to the kitchen.