chapter 10

" no water " Natalie said also laughing.everyone was also laughing. Cody's face is red even burning from afar

" please let him i think he's going to pass out anytime from now " I pleaded on his behalf

" fine ". Natalie said and I went to the kitchen to help him

" here " I said grabbing a loaf of bread from the counter giving it to him " I heard bread helps neutralizes the em... stuff "

he ate up half way not stopping at all. I smiled. I filled in water into a cup and gave it to him. he gulped it down before letting himself calm down

" thanks "

" you might also want to brush your teeth in case it still burns that also helps too "

" I'm okay thank you "

when we went back to the sitting room Matt beats Cody on his back

" take heart bro "

its my turn woooo. I picked up a card after much hesitation. my heart skipped a beat or maybe two as I read it

" it says take off your bra in front of everyone "

I swallowed hard after reading it out well I'm a bad girl after all I already displayed that after calling that bitch a bitch to her face. but then my breats are so sensitive against anything and I'm sure they'll just pucker up against the summer dress I'm wearing even though its nearing winter.

I know I'm an idiot you do not need to tell me that. geez why did I Eben wear one today. I hate bras. well... maybe to get a little push up but then I noticed in the mirror earlier today that my breasts are bigger than normal like really big and plump and my nipples browner or light brown I don't know. its probably just from having sex with Remi.

I need to stop mentioning that name or else I'll just have a fake mental breakdown. I'll just be sad thats all and my friends would start tagging me as a mood swinger. everybody's waiting. I smiled

Natalie smiled too. idiot the rest are just trying to keep their smile. I'm not that much of a bad ass who'll take off the shirt, then bra and be half naked then put back on the shirt in slow motion.

so I raised my cloth at the back enough so that I could unhook it then pul it by the handle. everybody sighed a sigh of disappointment. I smiled

Immediately I removed the bra and my Breast set loose against the soft fabric of the cloth I'm wearing it puckered immediately and I felt all cold all over my body but I shrugged it off and focus on the game as I tucked my hair behind my ear .

its Derek's turn he picks a card and smiled

" log in on your face book account and post I'm Cumming and after a minute post I came. thats easy " he said

" and bizzard " Brianna said

I rolled my eyes and rubbed my palms against my skin absentmindedly. damn why is it so suddenly cold in here? I asked my self in my mind

" are you okay? are you cold? "

Cody asked suddenly whispering in my as he picked something behind my back. he draped something warm and cloth like over my shoulders

" no, but thanks " I said people will think I'm dramatic which I am not being. like Brianna I don't know why body's so sensitive, and my emotions everything. its weird. I've never felt so open before but for the past weeks here I am.


The game went on like that, funny where Matt had to run naked down the stairs to borrow a pair of sisccors fro. a neighbor then running back shouting when she hosed him out and even more funnier when Derek had to lap dance on natalie that man is bad at lap dancing.

Gross when Brianna had to suck Derek's dick. she always had gotten the most stupid dares ever. she did it. Derek did not even come. I wonder why. who on earth would be given a free blow job and not come .

heart warming when Cody had to tell a message to the person he hates the most in the room. which was obviously Natalie. more more more funnier when everybody threw whatever they wanted at me according to the dare. natale threw hot sauce, cooked macaroni. I hate that gurl.

Cody threw a bowl of water at me. making me soaked all over. so I had to cross my hands all over my chest the entire time. some one even threw my own ice cream on me. I don't know who did it but I'm sure as hell it was Natalie. of all foods I could joke with all foods but ice 🍨 cream?? nah but the idiotic persona who threw that beautiful food on me is just idiotic.

I'm showering all the hewy things off of me. natalie offered to dry clean and promised a clean, dry, spare cloth for me to wear. I stepped out of the shower. humming as I opened the door to the drying room only to meet Cody in there. shirtless holding his shirt in one hand. he straightened up once he saw me

wait is this some kind of romantic movie. where you know what?? . I tried pulling the hems of the towel lower. tugging at it frantically

" hey what re you doing here? Natalie's supposed to be here "

" she said she has something's to settle with Matt and left me in charge " he said In a sultry voice. I absentmindedly clutch my legs together stylishly. clutching the towel tighter to my chest .

I know I look like an idiot but I do not mind really.

" so where's my cloth ? " I moved away from him grabbing a small towel off the rack to dry my hair. which I did slowly

" Natalie locked her room "

" is she out? "

" no she's inside with Matt "

" oh " I said sharply when I realized I may look seductive just by drying my hair. men get turned on by the slightest thing especially stupid Korean films . their love stuff is so idiotic to the heart. a girl could just drop a pen and like that they'll fall in love. and even worse they are doing gaiety films now. gross. I hate Koreans sickening films. so I wrapped the towel around my head

" then what am I going to wear "

" wear this " he gave me his cloth and I collected it willing my self not to swoon over his abs and possible erection .

" thanks " I smiled at him before opening the door and stepping back into the bathroom. I shoved the cloth against my nose inhaling his manly pleasing scent. geez.

I quickly wore it on to avoid suspicions. men can be ... well a lot of things

when I gwt out. everyone is sitting on the chair separately each with blanket on their bodies. Natalie and Matt together all lovey dovey I guess. cause Natalie's resting on matt's shoulder and Matt's allowing it . and I'm surecynder the blanket he's holding her. or each other .

I should be a matchmaker. I already matched two people together now. Derek and Cody are sitting alone. separately in their own seats blanket over their bodies . guess that bitch is gone.

there are no chairs left so I hopped in like a rabbit I to the blanket with Cody who covered me with the blanket as soon as I sat. the fireplace and the TV is lit. a vampire story on.

In the middle of the story somewhat Derek leaves despite being dark outside. I gave him a peck and a hug before he left. just to comfort him. since he got ditched by that bitch he thought was b

his girl. and hr also hugged me back with a thank you.

Natalie and Matt also decided to leave for the room. and as soon just like that after like 20 min Cody and I started hearing the sound of something banging against the wall repeatedly. geez I thought. can't those guys fuck on the floor or what?

I focused on the film and tried not to listen to anything else. I also tried not to look at Cody I'm sure he's grinning. he's a bad ass, one hot bad ass at that so what can I say . the banging in the wall won't stop instead it continued like its going to go like forever and the sound of natalie moaning occasionally can be heard. desperately.

well I'm happy she's happy but those bangings should really stop. I myself. I'm beginning to feel horny . damn those two horny people .

." there's a room just round the corner for you to sleep in "

" oh for me? where are you going to sleep "

" nah, don't worry about me "

" you're sleeping on the couch?? " I asked.

" well.... ".

" you're sleeping on the couch "

" yeah "

" no I'm sure the bed is big enough for the both of us "

" nah I'll be fine here "

" I'm serious " I started dragging him off the chair shit he has weight. good JESUS . " a we are going to do is just sleep don't have any dirty thoughts "

" fine "