Spill your secret

It was hours before Laila awoke from her deep slumber and the only reason for this was her getting hungry. After having eaten only breakfast and having only a few bites of the snacks provided by the airline during their flight back home, she was bound to get hungry from not eating anything for hours. Though she should have eaten the entire meal provided by the airline, as it was her lunch, she couldn't help but lose her appetite from tasting a meal like that after having eaten like a queen for the past few days. So, now that the little food processor in her body had had enough, she was forced to get up and give it what it needs. Fortunately she had a very attentive husband who was never far when he had any say in the matter.

Just as Laila was stretching her arms in her overly comfy chair in the room that had been darkened a bit for her comfort, Noah opened the door and stepped inside. "Are you finally awake my little sleeping beauty?" Hearing this cheesy line Laila visibly shivered to which Noah responded, "Too far?". Laila nodded and sat upright in the chair before turning to the side to face Noah properly who was opening up the blinds to let in the light and allow Laila to wake up more easily.

Putting Noah's shiver-inducing line behind her, Laila changed the topic of conversation to the questions that filled her mind at the moment. "What time is it? How long was I asleep for?" Noah, who had now reached the chair and took a seat on the armrest as he stroked Laila's messy bed-hair back in place, answered with, "It is almost four in the afternoon. You slept for a solid two and a half hours. You must have been really tired-" As he rubbed the puffy bags underneath Laila's eyes he added with a soundless snort and a kind smile, "- and I can tell you are still tired. Your eyes are all puffy from a lack of sleep."

Laila dropped her body on his lap while her arms were hanging over them and bungling down the side of the chair. After letting out a sigh she said, "I know. I am sooo tired but your son is demanding food and isn't taking no for an answer anymore. I have to commend him for his patience but I really need more than two and a half hours to recover from yesterday." Noah chuckled in response to Laila's actions and continued to stroke Laila's hair as she continued to lie on his lap in an attempt to ignore the fact that she needed to get up. "Fortunately for you I already asked the kitchen to prepare something for you that could be eaten as soon as you woke up. Someone is bringing it upstairs as we speak. So, you can take your time in getting up."

Laila managed to pull her body up long enough to grab Noah's free hand between both of her own. She look up at him with an exaggerated touched expression and a pouty lip and said, "Did I ever tell you that you are the greatest husband a girl could ever ask for?" Again Noah chuckled. "I have heard it once or twice before but I don't mind hearing it again."

After that she flipped her body over and leaned against Noah's leg with the back of her head as her face looked up at his. Just when she was lying there with closed eyes and a content smile on her face, a thought suddenly entered her mind. Her eyes shot open and she asked, "Wait a second, how did you know I was awake. I had barely opened my eyes or you were standing in this room. Plus you managed to ask for the food to be brought upstairs." Noah chuckled. "Call it a husband's intuition." Laila narrowed her eyes and looked at Noah full of suspicion. "You might be intuitive but no one is that good." As she turned her expression more menacing and grabbed the collar of Noah's shirt she said in a threatening tone, "Spill your secret."

Noah held up his hands in surrender and said, "Alright, alright. You caught me. I'll tell you." After he loosened Laila's grip on his collar he explained what was behind his so called 'intuition'. "When I came back with the blanket, I found you deep asleep. I closed the curtains a bit and headed out. But when I came back an hour later, you were still vast asleep. Since you looked so comfortable, I didn't want to bother you with things like food but I also knew that once you did wake up on your own, you would be feeling pretty hungry. In order to make sure you could eat right away and to make sure you wouldn't have to look for me or go on a hunt for food on your own when you woke up, I turned on the baby monitor and placed it on the dresser."

Laila's eyes got even wider and her eyes instantly shot to the dresser that was a few short feet away, before they shot back to Noah in a fraction of a second. Laila's eyes held a look of shock and horror as she said, "You did what!?"