Put your skills to the test!

Laila was shocked and appalled at Olivia's shameless behaviour. Olivia had been judging their actions, while her own actions were ten times worse. Saying such words with such obvious intentions to someone else's husband, especially with her there to witness it all. But although she had a lot of words she wanted to say, Laila decided to swallow them, at least for now. As she balled her fist to contain her anger, she glared in Olivia's direction since that was the only thing she could do without creating trouble for their mission and real reason for being here. Fortunately for Laila Olivia did not notice any of this since she was far too focused on Noah and was being mesmerized by his deep green eyes.

Noah, who was not as fortunate in this situation and could not respond in the way Laila was, was at a loss for words. Olivia's words had been so outrageous that he did not know what he could say that would not offend her in this situation or encourage her to continue with this kind of behaviour. In the end all he could do was let out an awkward laugh as he tried to look at Laila for some help.

Laila, who was at this point still glaring at Olivia, noticed Noah's head turning towards her from the corner of her eye and snapped out of her angry trance. Seeing the look in Noah's eyes and hearing his cry for help, it was clear to her that she needed to do something. But Laila had been smart enough to lay some ground work before Noah's arrival and now it would give her the perfect way to change the subject and save both of them from this situation.

With their silence Olivia too had stopped staring at Noah and turned to both of them with a question filled look, asking "Am I missing something? Is something the wrong?" Her questions had given Laila a great opportunity to change the conversation. She quickly shook her head and said, "No, there is nothing wrong. I just wondered if now was a good time for that tour of the house. I am sure Noah has been looking forward to that as well, especially after all my praises of your exquisite taste."

Again they used their praises as a way to distract Olivia of her suspicions and as a way to avoid difficult questions or situations. Though this was a repeated trick on their part, it seemed not to have lost any of its efficacy. Once again Olivia turned all smiles and replied, "Oh, yes of course. I did promise to do that, didn't I. I am very happy to demonstrate this talent of mine to the both of you and now is as good a time as any. So, let's go."

After that she got up from her seat and Laila and Noah exchanged a glance with each other before doing the same. They quickly followed after Olivia and with gestures and mouthed words Laila told Noah to go walk beside Olivia. He had the job of being her distraction and what better way to do so than to have her be focussed on him, his looks and his words. While Noah hurried ahead to praise Olivia every chance he got, asking all kinds of questions about menial details, Laila looked for places to place the cameras and microphones. She had four more of each to place and needed to find the best rooms and locations for each of them.

Steve, who had been watching and, with Laila's placing of the first microphone, also listening to everything that was going on in the living room, had heard them announcing the tour. Once he heard that, he also knew it was his time to shine and show his true skills. As they moved from room to room, he moved along with them camera to camera. Each room required him to manipulate the footage in a different way than the other. Depending on when Laila found an opportunity to hide something, he would have to find the most natural way to edit the recordings.

In some cases it meant cutting out a certain part of the film in order to make the image of Laila leaving the room, appear closer to when Noah and Olivia did and make it seem like there was no time for her to do anything strange. Other times he would cut out individual image frames and erase Laila from them. Laila helped with the editing process in some cases as well by at first following the two of them out of a room and returning to the room immediately after she thought she was out of frame. That would allow him to just use a copy of the scenes from the empty room before and paste them where the film of Laila snooping in that room used to be.

But with each challenge, Steve felt himself getting more and more excited. It had been a long time since he had been pushed so far and it was proving to be a great opportunity to put his skills to the test!