On stand-by

With the tasks divided and a clear plan for all, they parted ways again and got started on the tasks at hand. In order to find Harold sooner and have someone get started on the second henchman as well, Noah made a few calls to some trusted people. People he had just rewarded with some time off for helping him so much already but people he needed at the moment to increase his chances of success. So, with some guilt in the back of his mind, Noah called Rebecca, Anthony and the company lawyer, Joe. While the shadow was driving his, now explosives-free car, Noah explained the situation.

Rebecca answered by saying, "I heard it on the news and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I called Max right away but he was busy juggling a million balls, so he only confirmed that it was true and that he had to go deal with everything. I offered to come help but he said that adding more people in that situation, would only add to the chaos. So, I held myself back but long story short. Of course I will come. No questions asked. Just tell me what you want from me and I will do it."

Noah smiled briefly. Not only for Rebecca's readiness to help him out at such a short notice but also at her practically having been waiting by the phone for his phone call and of course Max's words of wisdom. Each of those things, gave Noah a different reason to be smiling.

"I am glad to hear that. What I want for you to do, is to look into some guy. I will send you his details in a bit. I want to know everything there is to know about this person if it will help put him behind bars longer. He had the audacity to go after my wife and Steve's girlfriend. I want him to suffer as much as I can make him suffer."

As promised, Rebecca asked no further questions and just nodded from behind the phone before she said, "I understand. As soon as I have his info, I will search every corner of the internet and discover everything there is to know about that person. Even things he didn't know about himself. Heck, if I think it might help, I will even find his grandfather's birth certificate for you."

Noah chuckled and said, "Good. I will leave it to you then." After that he hung up and this process was repeated with Anthony. However in his case, the person to look into wasn't the henchman. What Noah wanted, was for Anthony to assist them in their chase after Harold. Anthony was skilled in many things and since he too had been a part of the first team that tracked Harold down, he figured he would be useful during the second hunt.

Anthony to seemed to have been ready and waiting to help, just like Rebecca had been. He had contemplated heading to the I.E. headquarters or staying at home on stand-by but in the end, after consulting Max as well, he had decided to stay home for the time being until he was told to do otherwise. He had his laptop packed and ready to leave the home at a moment's notice but if need be, he could also get plenty done from home. This was because he had an elaborate set-up in his spare bedroom, which he had used as a home office and game room as he had no other use for the room at the moment. Having left only a bed in the room in case his parents would visit to remind you of its former purpose.

So, when Noah called and expressed the urgency of the matter, he explained to him as well that he didn't lack much to get a job done from here. To which Noah responded, "If you can right away by working from home, that would be great and would certainly also be reason to have some of your expenses for that room repaid to you by I.E.. I certainly consider them business expenses and if I say so, I doubt there will be anyone saying otherwise."

Anthony quickly rejected the offer and said, "I didn't mention my home office to get my costs reimbursed. I did this because I wanted to and I use it as a gaming room as well. So, it is not like my set-up is solely used for work purposes. In fact, I think it might be used almost exclusively for my own pleasure and on occasion for work as well."

But Noah was having none of it and he hardly had time to take on this discussion at the moment. So, he dismissed Anthony's argument to receive partial compensation for his home office and just ended the call by saying, "This is no point of discussion. So, instead of wasting your energy and mine on this discussion, you should focus it on tracking where Harold might be."

With two phone calls done, there was only one left to go. The one to Joseph, better known as Joe, the lawyer.