A sleeping lion

While Steve's eyes grew wide from excitement over this idea, Noah immediately said, "Dang it Laila, on whose side are you?? Aren't you supposed to be my wife? Do you really want a guy like that as our son's father-in-law???" But Laila's mind was set. She responded with, "If he was someone that I wanted as my best friend's husband, he is certainly someone I would want as my son's father-in-law. In fact, our son should be so lucky to have such great in-laws as Maria and Steve, and you know it."

Although Noah knew that Laila was right, he didn't want to admit it. Certainly not in the current situation, where his own big mouth had gotten him into this mess in the first place. Instead he just brushed it off an said, "Whatever. Never mind. This isn't why I called. I called to tell you what I discovered about how Harold managed to get himself arrested so soon after his initial escape, despite have such a big lead."

While all three of them had looked at Noah with an expression that said, "Really??", with a judgy look on their face, this changed as soon as Harold's name was mentioned. They all listened attentively as Noah told them about what he had discovered in the police file and this raised some questions about the state of things over at Max's side and the bodyguard's side. Noah let them know that he hadn't heard anything from them yet and was about to check in with them after this call. Finally the conversation headed in Olivia's direction. Despite living so close to each other, Laila had not seen Olivia yet or heard from her. They were all convinced that by now Olivia must have known what had happened and also that Noah and Steve had survived. So, with everyone on the run except for Olivia, Maria and Laila were wondering if there was anything they were supposed to do regarding her.

Noah shook his head and said, "No, don't worry. Anthony is watching her and so are the secret services. She has nowhere to go. Since she appears to be calm right now, I suggest steering clear from her in case we might wake a sleeping lion."

All three of them nodded, agreeing with Noah that this would be the best plan of approach. After that, they exchanged a bit of chit chat. They told Noah about Steve being discharged and being allowed to continue his recovery at home and he told them about his current plans. "Well, I am currently heading back home. There is not much for me to do here. So, I figured why not head back and see if I can make myself more useful over there. Even if I keep a certain patient company, it would be more useful than sitting here waiting for someone else to arrive and have a conversation I can't be a part of."

Laila was happy to hear that Noah would be coming back home so soon after he had left. She had missed him a great deal, despite being apart for such a short period of time. With all that had happened, the time apart had felt much longer and she hadn't been able to really hold him from the moment their plans had started. First he had spent all day at the office, then there was the whole explosion incident and then he had to stay the night at Olivia's home away from home. Now he was finally coming home, still safe and sound.

But while Laila was lost away in her own thoughts about how things would be after Noah returned to her side, Steve couldn't resist a joke after what Noah had said before about their friendship. "Well, well, well. How noble of you to be willing to spend time with this patient but it is a bit early for you to assume your company will be wanted or needed, don't you think? I happen to have found myself a pretty personal nurse. Why would I pick your company over hers? I am afraid I am going to have to disappoint you as I am quite certain that her presence will be all the company I will need. So, you can go ahead and donate your time to a different charity." After that he made a mocking remark at Noah as he said, "How the mighty have fallen. Just moments ago I was nothing more than a 'work relationship' that could barely prove their worth in your life. Now you are being rejected by that very same person. So, that begs the question, what does that make you?"

But although Steve had bravely started this little battle, he was not brave enough to continue to stand tall in the face of Noah's icy, icy glare. That glare could freeze hell over, so it was certainly strong enough to do some damage to his armour.

Steve cleared his throat and said, "Very well. I shall leave some room for your visit. No need to get all angry like that. I was only trying to make sure that I wasn't taking any of your time away from Laila as I know she is your first priority."

With this poor excuse things had been settled and Noah said his goodbyes to everyone and promised Laila that he would call her when he was close to home. With one call down, there were two more to go, and he needed to be quick about it as there wasn't much talking that could be done when they were up in the air inside the chopper.