Too much

Rebecca laughed slightly awkwardly as she agreed and got up from her seat to sit closer to Anthony. When she sat down on small piece of space that Anthony had kept free for her by his side, Rebecca still looked as if she didn't understand the meaning behind Anthony's words. She was sitting with her knees raised up, holding them with both arms as her eyes returned their focus to the movie, which by now had been paused by Anthony.

Seeing Rebecca's awkward pose and her not noticing the look on his face, Anthony chuckled behind his closed fist before he raised his body from the couch's armrest and swung his arm around the upper part of Rebecca's chest. Once he had hooked his prey, he dropped himself back down, pulling Rebecca along with him, causing the latter to lose her balance. She let out a surprised, high pitched, 'Ah!', as she landed between the crease of Anthony's arm and chest. She looked up sideways at Anthony who, without looking, said, "What? Who told you to ball yourself up in that small space like a hamster? I didn't ask you to come sit over here so that you can sit even more uncomfortably than you did over there. I wanted to sit with you like this. Nice and cosy, keeping each other warm as we get sucked into the movie."

Rebecca continued to stare at Anthony for a moment, not having any words to back while also being shocked that Anthony had such moves in him. This felt way too smooth for someone who said he had been struggling to ask her out on a date! All of a sudden, he was Mr. Don Juan himself and enhancing the feeling she had before. But all her staring only resulted in Anthony saying, "The movie is playing. You are going to miss it if you keep staring at me like that." With a chuckle he then added, "Don't worry, I'll let you stare all you want after the movie is done." Although Rebecca complied with Anthony and placed her head on his chest as she started watching the movie, she did wonder who this person was. As even the words he had just said, were straight out of a movie instead of it sounding like anything Anthony would ever say.

But although Rebecca tried to put the strangeness of the situation behind her, her heart seemed to think otherwise. Anthony's ever move and action today had been making her nervous and was making her heart beat like crazy. Lying on Anthony's chest like this, certainly wasn't improving that situation. In fact, it was making it worse. So much so, that with the close vicinity their bodies were in, Anthony could feel the rapid beatings of her heart pass from her body through his. It was pulsing through Rebecca's body and the ripples were being carried over from her chest to Anthony's arm that was still holding her and the parts of his body she was leaning against. Quick. Hard. Loud. Unignorable beats and pulses. Despite Rebecca trying to tell her heart to be quiet.

When Anthony noticed where the feeling was coming from he said in a chuckling tone, "Is that your heart that is beating like crazy like that?" Rebecca immediately pushed herself up from Anthony's body and sat up straight, rubbing her neck a bit awkwardly as laughed a bit and said, "I suppose so..." Anthony didn't really notice how Rebecca was feeling in that moment and thought it was just her regular shyness or unnecessary feelings of embarrassment creeping up. So, he simply said, "Lie back down. Don't worry about it. It just caught me by surprise. Your heart was beating so strong that I was beginning to wonder if I had somehow managed to get myself pregnant and I was feeling the baby's pulse from the womb I don't have." But while Anthony thought his little joke could break the tension, it also brought him something he hadn't counted on. Rebecca's breakdown and protest to how things were currently going.

As soon as Anthony said what he said, Rebecca's became a bit annoyed and felt like Anthony was making a fool out of her. She pinched the rim of her nose, pressing down slightly on both of her tear ducts as she felt that tears were welling. Then in a tired voice she said, "I can't do it like this." These words of course immediately caused Anthony to jump up and sit straight in a startle as he asked, "What do you mean? You can't do what?" Rebecca looked up at Anthony, and this was when he saw her reddened eyes. He kept staring as waited for her to explain. Rebecca said in a voice that was on the verge of breaking, "I just don't know what is happening right now." After that she turned her face away and stared at her fumbling fingers as she rambled on in a panicked tone about her problems with the current situation.

"You are acting weird, and you are talking like someone I don't know. I just can't help but feel that this is all moving so fast. I feel weird and I can't seem to catch up with how things are progressing between us right now. I don't know what I am supposed to be doing and I feel nervous. Then I get uncomfortable, which causes me to feel guilty because I should be able to lie here with you and watch a movie without it being uncomfortable. It is all just becoming too much for me."