Max and Jack were still at the scene of the crash. From the reports that Max had looked at, the first analysis indicated that the car had hit the side of the car that Laila was in, with full force. Considering how open the road was, there was no possibility of the other driver not having seen their car. Since the road was so deserted, Damian had been driving with the main-beam turned on. A light that bright would be noticed from such a large distance in the dark, that the only way for the other driver to not see it, would be for him or her to be drunk. And even then, it would be more a problem of not being able to process and respond in time, than actually not seeing it.
Another scenario would be for the driver to have fallen asleep, either from sleep deprivation or a case of narcolepsy. Which might explain the high speed, since the full weight could have been on the pedals. But would not explain why someone would flee the scene, as it would have been a clear accident. Unlike a case with a drunk driver, where the crash could have sobered them up and made them realize what they had done and want to flee the scene to avoid trouble. But why would any person matching either description then steal a car and not call for an ambulance? Seeing as the only semi-plausible explanations made no sense with what was found at the scene, the officers too had their money on it being a hit on Laila's car, instead of an accident.
Other than everyone agreeing that it was an intentional hit, not much had been discovered yet, other than the car being stolen. Forensics still had to see if the person responsible had left behind any prints or other type of evidence in the stolen car. But the one thing that was clear, to both Jack and the officers, is that the perpetrator had not gotten out of the accident unscathed. Perhaps if the other driver had managed to hit the car in the angle they had intended they might have gotten away with just some bruises, but because of Damian's actions, the other car had received quite a blow as well. Leaving a clear amount of blood behind in the car. Unfortunately no trail could be found outside of the car, otherwise they would have an idea of which direction the driver had fled in. But enough of a reason to assume the person responsible would be in need of medical care as well.
This was why Jack and Max contacted everyone they knew to help the officers in charge with their investigation and contact the nearby clinics and hospitals for anyone coming inside with wounds matching a car crash within the last few hours. Once the calls were made, Jack added, "We might also want to add a search and contact for all nearby vets, pharmacies and drugstores in case they are a pro and are skilled at tending for their own wounds. In the end the driver was smart and capable enough to stop the wounds from bleeding after exiting the car and leaving a trace for us to follow." Max nodded and agreed, before informing the officers of this theory and sending a message to two of the people he had asked for help, asking them to inform the others of this as well.
The lead officer was very grateful for the help Jack and Max were offering, since this many extra hands would help them get to the truth much faster and would hopefully prevent the perpetrator from getting outside of the city before they discovered the location and identity. After receiving Max's update he said with a distant stare, "It's a shame we don't take a blood sample from everyone we arrest, otherwise we wouldn't need any prints to put a name to this mess. At least, that is assuming that person isn't a first time offender and has been caught before."
Max managed to muster up a smile before putting a hand on his shoulder and saying, "Don't worry. At the very least the blood sample will tell us if we are dealing with a woman or a man." This is when Jack joined them and said, "Well, from the way the seat has been adjusted, I think it is safe to say that it is a man who did this. Unless it was a really tall woman, which would definitely make her stand out. Regardless of where she would go to tend to her wounds. " Max quickly forwarded this message to the now created group chat, with all the people he had contacted to help with the search. Telling them to be on the lookout for mentionings of a really tall woman or a man of above average height. Max asked Jack to do the same, which he did. Although his wording was slightly different and a lot more crude...
Meanwhile Jack and Max got started on retracing Harrold and Olivia's movements during the last few weeks to see if they could find any link, weak spot in their guarding or opportunity they might have had to orchestrate something like this. Digging extra hard into Olivia's whereabouts and contacts. Being conniving as she is, and having had time outside of the jail cell where she belonged, because of the attack on her, made her an extra big blimp on their radar.