Chapter 1: Summer's ends

-Diplo-Revolution (Absence Remix)-(Soundcloud)


A bottomless pit swallows the colorful shards as it falls endlessly. Each one plays different events from season one, like a slideshow.

Suddenly the view races to the top while wind whirl by its ears. Until a light beam down, blinding the screen to white.

Kabier screams into the night sky on the rooftop.

Kabier, Haru, Juno, Els, Sheila, and Mizuchi watch the city illuminate the night.

Legoshi is sitting by a fence of the-rooftop looking at the fountain where he last met Haru and the twins as his fur shakes with a gentle breeze.

Loui places a bouquet of flowers in front of Tem death place.

Xabier looks back.

The Black Fox or The Stranger(Hoodied) was perch on the ledge staring at the ShiShigumi Mansion. In the mid of the night.

Sweating Legoshi(FurCutted) runs down the street, passing civilians.

Tex Kabier eyes widen seeing something, petrifying.

Tex Kabier tackles Mizuchi behind a car while bullets fly by.

Xabier debates Juno.

Kabier and Xabier stare at each other until the screen turns to black.


In the bunk beds, the twins slept in their given bunk until Kabier phones ring.

Xabier; Turn that crap off... Xabier growls, digging deeper into his covers.

Kabier: I got it! He turns off his alarm. And went back to bed.

His phones ring again.


Haru; Get up. Summer is close to an end. Haru yawns. Kabier and Xabier immediately jump out of bed.

-READY FOR IT (J.Pollock X Manwell)-

Their yellow shoes tap the halls, Kabier scarred hand and arms were in world view, Xabier strand hair swings side to side.

They passed the students that were struck; in summer school and some glare of jealousy, but the twins didn't care.

They swing their arms forward with the beat and smirks. They dance down the hall. Either with a student or just some random teacher.

Black dress shoes clicks the halls.

Summer is ending, and trust me, they were glad for this break. Xabier's relationship is great. They do argue at times, but they make up afterward. Kabier, you say the same, but twice the overload. They haven't hung for a week since Kabier harem is a small price of his salvation and Right now, now today was their day.

They walked past Mizuchi and her friends. Watching them utterly confused, yet Kabier grabs Mizuchi's spins with her until letting go and high-fiving his bro.

Xabier taps his feet on the steps and slides to the side while he descends. Kabier rides down the railing.


Jack walks by noticing this weird event. Kabier puts him in a headlock and scratches him behind his ears. Jack shoe taps the floor while his tail wags.

Kabier lets go while Xabier finger bang with a smirk. They head on there while Jack in confusion scratches behind his ear.

BANG!!! A fist crash against the billboard by the classroom.

Bull-Teacher; Do you boys want five thousand words; essay about your disruptive behavior!!?? They see stream blowing from his snout while his yellows eyes lock on there's furious.

Kabier/Xabier; We're good! They break it.

"Well, that was something!/Yeah! It's stupid, but I always want to- A door; opens while the twins crash into someone."

The twins and the someone; groans.

???: You two lucky, your not eating my shoe. The twins lower their shades in surprise.

"Loui?!" Louis grunts pushing the two off him while they stood up.

"What happened to your face?" Louis notices Kabier adventure scars are out to the world. ' Well, this is clearly the first I saw his arm. He must be through a lot.'

"Oh, uh, long story." Kabier looks away, embarrassed. While Louis walks away.

"Follow me." They sense a dark but mysterious aura radiating off of Louis while the twin's hesitantly followed.

Xabier; Uh-Uh, Louis, what's this about?

Louis: You'll find out. They enter the Clubroom, gaining everyone's attention.

This brings curiosity to the twins. Even if they watch the anime, but Kabier read the comic only half. So this was bad. He was just as confused as Xabier. Why? The twins gave a small wave to their peeps while the others stood shocked, seeing Louis again. They entered the office, seeing Sanou reading a document of something.

Louis: Mr.Director-sensei. He bows while the Pelican was surprised he was here.

Sanou: Louis, your back. He smiles. Is there anything you like to discuss? Louis hands him two forms. EH?!

Louis: Kabier and I will take our leave. The twins was stun.

What was happening?! Will Kabier actually leave?! What does Louis want with Kabier?!

Sanou: Y-you and K-Kabier?!

Xabier; Hold on! What's going on?! He worriedly asked while Louis turns back to the twins.

Louis: I knew you will act like that. You're going to hate me for this, but He and I have personal matters to turn to. Louis leaves the office while the twins followed. Xabier grabs Louis's shoulder catching everyone's eyes.

Xabier; You can't be serious! Kabier and I can't separate!

Bill: Wait, hold on. Separate?

Els: What's this about? Louis sighs mentally.

Louis: We have to go. It will only be temporary. Juno hugs Kabier from behind.

Juno: No!

Kabier: H-hey, Juno.

"You can't leave!" Her grip increased while Kabier sighs.

"Listen, you heard what Louis said 'It will only be temporary.'" This doesn't convince her. "I'll call ya doing group chat, ok?" She nods.

'She's going to make me cry.' Kabier looks sadly. He took off his shades and place; them on hers, but it leans to the side, making Kabier giggle. He pats her head, making her blush.

Louis: Don't worry, I'll look out for him. Juno hesitantly nods while Kabier hugs Els goodbye. He turns to Legoshi and Xabier.

Kabier flicks his wrist while Legoshi catches something in a blur and stuff it in his pocket. Getting a few curious stares. Kabier looks to Xabier. Their bond was like a rope; it's honestly hard for one another to go, especially in this world.

Xabier; Be careful out there.

Kabier: I will. You too if; you want to talk, you can always call. Kabier lightly smirks, leaving his fist hanging, and Xabier accepts it. "You ready?" He looks to Loui.

Louis: Come on. He stood out the door, letting the sunray into the door.

Kabier took a few steps and then, look back at everyone. Shelia and Kai nod him on while Xabier smirks while he does the same. Kabier leaves with Louis while the door closes.


Kabier follows Louis that speeds walk from the campus. Releasing that dark aura while Kabier's heart race, afraid of what might happen next.

Kabier's heart accelerates twice as fast. Seeing what he dread not to be near.

Lion in Tex: Boss. They threw on an oversize black coat on Louis's shoulders and lit a cigarette. Louis climbs in while Kabier stands there with his heart about to burst.

Kabier: 'OH, FEMALE VERSION OF GOD! PLEASE BRING ME BACK TO MY BROTHER SAFELY!!!' The lions look to Kabier, releasing the same aura as Louis.

Lion in Tex 2; Get in, kid. Kabier slowly climbs inside as Kabier was between Lion 2 and three sitting in front of Louis smoking. The vehicle took off.

It was quiet too quiet. Everyone but Louis stares at Kabier and his scars while the vehicles shake every now and again.

Lion in Tex 4: So, you must be the kid who fought ex-boss. The lion by Louis smirks.

Kabier; Um-No-I mean yes-yes I have. He sweats.

"Relax. We're just talking." He leans forward. "Them scars, you must be a fighter."

"Uh, actually...I'm the complete opposite."

Lion in Tex 3: Yeah, like how we don't completely; eat meat. He snickers with Lion 2 while Lion in Tex 4 stares, silencing them.

Lion in Tex 4; If you can't fight, we'll help. Boss?

Louis: Knock yourself out. He puffs smoke.

Kabier; So, it's true... He slumps down, giving off a depressing aura. While the entire car stares with a sweatdrop. I'm one of you.

Lion in Tex: In a tactics sense, yes.

"....I'll do my best."


Haru; He's what?!

Legoshi explained Kabier, leaving with Louis to Haru. They were talking at the usual chill spot, the intersection of stairway. No one goes.

"He's didn't talked to me beforehand!!"

"He was surprised as Xabier. Plus, it seems Louis was in a hurry." Haru sighs rubbing, her nostril.

"He better call."

"Can you call him?" Legoshi scratches his cheek.

Haru; He left without a goodbye. It's on him. Haru supports her head with her hands.

Legoshi: 'I guess I understand what's this about.' He looks to Haru, that was in her own thoughts. 'I hate to see Haru dating Kabier, but...She's happy, and I'll protect her for Kabier's sake.'


Xabier was packing his clothes into a basket until his ear's rings.

Xabier; What the hell is that? He holds his ear and carried his basket out the door.

While Xabier was walking to the laundry, room the ringing continued frustrating him until he enters, seeing Legoshi put clothes in the washing machine.

"Hey-Legoshi..." He set his basket with a bit of force, gaining Legoshi attention.

Legoshi: You, ok?

"It's Kabier leaving...and this rattling sound is pissing me off!!! He shouts surprising, Legoshi while Xabier sighs. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean for this."

"It's ok, but actually, I'm on the same boat. That noise is quite annoying." The rattling grew louder as they snap to the white sheets that were hanging to dry.

What was behind those sheets?

Legoshi stood in front of, Xabier; slowly approaching them and move them to the side. There's no one. Rattle starts again, but this time Xabier and Legoshi pinpoint the sound.

Xabier; Legoshi, get out of there! Legoshi jumps back while a Giant Rattling snake smacks onto the floor.

???; Well, heeeeeeeello there.~

"Huh...a star wars fan." The rattlesnake smirks while Legoshi looks at the two dumbfounded.

"I like youuuuuu."

Legoshi; Ok, who are you?

"You can say, I'm the eyes of the campussss." She flashes her pattern on her body that looks like eyes. " I have been watching you three, but it seems one is not here at the moment."

Xabier; 'You don't have to say it.' He sighs mentally.

Rattle Snake: Through my studies, onward. You seem to be interested in that petite bunny lately, but it seems the other has the others.

Legoshi; Huh? Dark aura radiant from him while Xabier sweats.

"But what also interests me, that she accepts the terms like the others."

Legoshi; And what are those terms?

"You can say a harem, but no worries, she seems happy like the others no matter the extra workload." Legoshi aura reduces slightly. "And you Xabieeer, you just like him." Xabier and Legoshi raised a brow.

Xabier; How so?

"You Maaay be no fighter, but you show potential as he does. You remember the encounter with two other students?"

"Can't say I have."

"In secreeeet, you have a Fanclub of half the campus." Xabier's mouth gapped while Legoshi scratches his jaw.

"I figured much, I'll let you two talk it out. And I got your clothes, Xabier."

Xabier: Uh...yeah. Thanks. The rattlesnake watches Legoshi growing more interested. Uh, Miss. Snake lady. She looks back at him. What's the other half, or is there none?

"It's another grey wolf."

"Against her?! No, way." The Rattle snake wraps around Xabier and look him in her eyes while pressure builds.

Xabier: L-Legoshiiiiii!!!

Legoshi: I'm never gonna give you up...I'm never gonna make you cry. Legoshi exchanges his clothes into the dryer, blasting his earphones.

"Faaaaascinating.~ You do share your brother traitssssss." Xabier shakes as he could snap at any minute. "Oh, I'm sorry." She reduces the pressure while Xabier is taking lost air.

Xabier; That's fine...but hey, the scale feels; great, by the way. He guides his hand around while she blushes.

Rattle Snake; Stoop that!!!


Standing in a dojo, Kabier was surrounded by the ShiShigumi top best.

Sabu; Why are you smiling like that?

Kabier; I'm sorry, it's just I smile when I know I'm gonna get fuck up. The members raised a brow. It's a forced habit.

Ibuki; Well...that habit stops now.

In an instant, Kabier was judo thrown onto the green mat. His back slams onto the floor, taking the air out of him. Kabier rolls around, gasping for air. Lesson 1: Never let your guard down.


Kabier slashes at Sabu with a wooden knife that was dodging while he backs up with his hands in his pocket. Kabier goes to stab his chest- but Sabu sidesteps and uses his monument to kick Kabier ankle off the floor while he falls on his face.

Sabu: Lesson 2: Don't be desperate.


Miguel's front flip-ax heel kick as Kabier side steps missing his opening while Miegel heel hits the mat.

He cartwheels and begins doing various flips and attacks, putting Kabier on edge while he spins heel kicks connecting Kabier jaw, causing him to spins like a Beyblade and onto his back.

Miguel: Lesson 3: Find you're openings


Free throws left and right while a bruised Kabier dodged them. Kabier goes for an uppercut, but Free backs up getting distances.

Free: Come on, smooth skin...I'm barely breaking a sweat. He gave a toothy smirk while Kabier charges enraged.

He throws a punch while Free dodges his attack- landing his own to Kabier jaw. Kabier managed to take the truck hitting attack and throw three; punches despite rage. Free block his incoming right, throw his own with a uppercut. Knocking Kabier off his feet. Slamming into the matt.

Lesson 4: You can't beat'em, outsmart 'em.

Kabier gets up and begins limping out the door. Miguel goes to stop him, but Ibuki stops Miegel.

Ibuki: I think that's enough for today.

Kabier was angry. He felt the same anger that night here. He could tell this is an entirely different dimension, no matter how: same it is. The ex-ShiShi boss can fight with his walking cane, and he's best are good at their specialty. The anime didn't show that!

He enters his room, falls face-first, screaming into his pillow in pain. He turns onto his back staring, at the ceiling. He blinks his eyes, seeing the black fox; looking down at him. He blinks quickly, gone. He quickly sits up and looking around until his phone rings. It's was his alarm for the group chat meeting.

Kabier; The hell was that? He looks again before starting the meeting.

The five girls came on screen. Haru, Mizuchi, Shelia, Els, and Juno. Kabier kept his camera off.

Kabier: Oi, Missus. How ya day?

Mizuchi; Fuck off.

Shelia: Normal.

Haru; Glad, you called. She smirks, being in her shed.

Juno waves on her table top,

Els; Hello...but not great without you. She looks down sadly.

Kabier; Uh, where's Jeano? I heard she wanted to talk to us.

Shelia; She's working overtime, not going to make it. She lends in her chair.

Mizuchi; Hey, jackass. Your video not on. She leans on her on arms; laying in bed.

Kabier; Oh, yeah-this hotel restricts recordings. Weird, right?

Haru, Juno, and Shelia; Yeah. Weird. They squinted their eyes.

Els; Where are you? She tilts her head to the side, looking cute.

Kabier; Otherside of town. Louis still no telling what's it about.

He manages to fool them. Hopefully, but they have a good time and ended the chat by eleven. Kabier looks at his iPhone mirror, looking at his scratches and bruises.

Kabier; 'Even if this another world. I'm going to protect the ones close to me.' He closes his eyes, letting the darkness drifts him to sleep.