Chapter 2; New Member and Stress

A week now. Rokume told Xabier of his previous; investigation. She only knows him leaving the campus and returning because she was the one that let him. Giving Xabier an eventful memory. Rokume compared that to this is involving Tem's Killer. He failed the last one, and he's not going to do another. Why? Legoshi will be joining him. Xabier was bizarre. In his head, when he has seen the intro from the anime, he thinks it was Legoshi sus, but he's not going to point fingers, not just yet.

It's has been uneventful, nothing out of the ordinary, but Legoshi, making himself an easy target. He knows other things, but when it comes to stealth, he's terrible.

Legoshi: 'The killer has to be in this club. There no possible way of getting close to Tem without knowing his schedule or...

Xabier: 'Or going commando playing like the purple man from FNAF( Five night at Freddy).' He exchanges his student uniform for his clubroom white shirt.

Legoshi: ...Meat. Xabier ears perk up. He turns to see everyone staring at Legoshi bluffed.

Bill: What did you just say?


"Oh, you seem to have trouble with your muscle memory! But a while ago was just fine!!"He shouts.

"Controlling the spotlight ache the meat in my bones." He stares- blankly while Bill turns back with a puff.

"Quit, your complaining." He goes to leave.

"Tem talked to a quite of carnivore's, did he?"

Aoba; Legoshi, you had a nightmare or something? He raised a non-existent brow.

"What the hell you try to say?! One of killed us, Tem!" He shouts approaching, Legoshi, face- face.

"I'm only bringing it up, so we can keep it in mind."

Xabier; Yes, that's true, but bringing something; that traumatic doesn't mean we would forget. He looks to Legoshi blankly. 'Legoshi, you should have worded differently, now you got the killer's attention.'

Bill: EXACTLY!!! He flashes his sharp teeth, pointing at Xabier. Even when he didn't know Tem, he understands the outcome!!! Why bring something like this up at of all times?!

Legoshi; Louis is not the club leader, for now, but sitting here getting more reason to be depressed is not helping us, either! Bill laughs.

Bill: Right, right, and this coming from Cherryton Ideaislist. Sorry, but... He smiles menacingly. I don't trust a bunny-simp wolf-like yourself.

"BUNNY-SIIIIIMP!!!! WHAAAAAAAA?!!!!" He exclaims, showing his fangs.

Xabier: Alright, guys. Knock it off. He stood in-between the two, but that didn't help.

They argue while Xabier calls for help, but the others just stood there while Aoba wanted Xabier to let them vent it out.

White dall sheep: Knock Knock! Is this theater club the male changing room?

Xabier: Uh...yes. The white dall sheep walk in while everyone was dazed by the stranger.

White Dall Sheep; Hey, I thought humans went extinct.

"That was the 154th time someone says that."

"You keep, count. Excuse me, doggie." He passes, Legoshi, and went to a locker.

Legoshi; 'Hey, that's Tem's locker. It's been forever anyone has used it.'

White Dall Sheep; Is that a scar? Looks like someone hit you with blunt force. He looks; to a thin line on the back of Legoshi head, covered with his fur barely, noticeable.

Legoshi: 'Crap! I thought I hid it well.' Uh, no. It's more of a birth mark.

White Dall sheep; Interesting. He smiles while Legoshi, hoping he caught his lie.

Now in the club room. Sanou introduces him to everyone.

Pina; Hello, everyone. I'm Pina, a dall white sheep and a first year. I don't know anything here, so I might cause trouble. He smiles releasing, a bright aura blinding Xabier. But, I hope we get along and enjoy our time together. It'll be fun.

Everyone greets him while Xabier slightly hisses by his bright aura, Ellen bumps his arm.

Ellen; Who are you a vampire?

Xabier; I wish I was an exorcist, so can I banish his, pure ass in the abyss of the forgotten. Ellen rolls her eyes.

Bill; Cheif! Sanou looks to Bill. You not thinking about replacing Louis, are you?

Sanou; No, I wouldn't do such a thing. He sweats.

Pina; So, it's a matter of appearance. He said softly. The drama club is losing their touch without a handsome male, actor Louis-san. I'm going, be honest. Carnoives are losing their shine by chasing after their desire and instinct..they're just not beautiful.

Carnivore's exclaims angrily. Surprising Xabier by his bluntness.

Kai: YOU BASTARD!!! I'll KICK YOUR ASS!! Els held him back with the anteater known as Kibi.

Kibi; Kai. Calm down.

Carnivore theater, members; Kai! Kai! Kai! Kai! They chant.

Els: You guys not helping!

Pina: I'm sorry, but it's true. I'm popular with women. He smiles fueling, Kai's anger.

Legoshi was mediating while Xabier was watching him.

Xabier; 'Well, who would not be angry at that? Personally, I don't know to take bad or another way around.' Two hands pat his shoulders, revealing to be a smiling Pina.

Pina: I heard of rumors, someone like you has an...harem they called it?

'How the hell! DOES EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT THAT?!!' Bill pulls Legoshi that was beyond pissed.

Bill: Look here, goldie locks! I can point fun at Legoshi simping! NOT YOU!!! The girls look to Bill, dazed.


Bruised Kabier dodges a punch and punches Free that stumbles back with blood running from his nose, hitting the matt.

Free: You seem to get stronger through the passing day. He wipes his blood while Kabier shakes his hand. He glares, not saying a word. Interesting...

Kabier rolls from Miguel roundhouse.

Kabier; Hold on! Since when we're doing two v one! He shouts, looking at Ibuki while Free punches him to the floor.

Ibuki; You think your opponent will give a rat's ass about being honorable? Kabier gets up, rubbing his jaw.

Kabier; No, but I want to beat them without killing them. The seven stares. Blankly while Dolph laughs.

Agata: Seriously? Do you have a deathwish or something?

Jinama: Yeah, kid. Around these parks is kill or be killed. That's the lifecycle here in the black market.

Ibuki; Let's say you do. Are you prepared for those you spared will come for you and your close ones? Kabier thinks hard on the matter.

Kabier doesn't want to kill anyone even though they attack him. He feels strongly about the moral consequences of the games he played from his previous life. You can say he miss it.

Kabier: How about the black fox? The seven; sweats. I can wear some sort of disguised or something...

Free; Have you ever heard those who masks will reveal your doppelganger?

"I think it's a two street way with or without." Free rubs between his eyes.

Sabu: This kid, pure. He looks to Ibuki.

Ibuki; You are done for today. Kabier nods and walks out of the dojo while the Seven glances at each other. We have much to talk about.

Walking down the hall, Kabier felt his bruises. He trained with the seven for a week. Slowly he's getting used to the pain and being knocked around. But, once he heals after a two or three, he felt stronger. Is this a good thing?

Kabier continued while he sees Louis enter his office. He noticed something was off about him. He enters his office, seeing Louis looking down from behind his desk.

Kabier: Loui. Louis sat up straight and glares.

Louis: What do you want?

"Just: want to check on ya."

"I'm fine. You can go now." Kabier continued to stare but turns to go, but sees a salad, plastic container in a Trash can.

Kabier: Louis. Louis was pointing his pistol at Kabier.

"Keep your wisdom bullshit in your mouth."He slowly turns to him.

"I will...Let's go out." Louis gave dumb look.

"Run, that by me again."

"I said let's go out, boss. I can't use my wisdom, so...what about some fun?" Louis heavily debated in his head. "I'll pay."

"Fine." He places his gun in his back pants. "Lead the way, money bags."

Nightcore-Unlike Pluto- 8 Legged Dreams(Soundcloud)

Kabier was driving the black car down the street while Louis was in the back looking through the window while the half moonlight hits his face.

They entered a club, Passing through the sea of carnivores. Music was bouncing, lasers and colorful lighting lit up the club, Exotic dancers were dancing behind a white, paper lighting their shadows.

Some look at the Kabier and Louis being different from the crowd, but that didn't stop their night. Kabier looks back at Louis pushing; through. He smiles and waves him for the bar.

Sitting at the bar, Louis goes to light a cigarette, but Kabier snatches from his mouth and flicks it away. Angering him while Kabier orders two drinks. The bartender places a glass of green juice for the two. Louis looks to Kabier. Kabier waved him the drink, Kabier and Louis chug it together as Louis sighs with a happy shiver while Kabier suffers from the vegetable juice.

Louis and Kabier dances in the crowd, busting the move. Kabier transition his shoulders and shuffles his feet while pointing his thumb out; He repeats this while Louis spins shifting around and waving his arms. The felines join them while Kabier spins: moving his arms like a wave with he smirks, they fist pound.

Passed out, Kabier sits in the VIP while slightly drunk Louis hires a Leopard male dancer with a sinister smirk. He dances in front of Kabier while Kabier smiles, watching. The Leopard gets closer and sits on his lap with a smirk while Kabier's eyes quickly widen and push him on the couch, runs from the VIP while Louis laughs his ass off.

Kabier aids Louis outside the club.


Kabier; Hey! Hey! On come on...

Kabier and Louis and realized someone stole their car.


Climbing up the stairs, Kabier was supporting drunk Louis walking while they passed the Lone Drager. (Striper Club)

(Drunk)Louis; How...can they make vegetable juice into alcohol? He stumbles while Kabier keeps him up.

Kabier: I don't know, Loui.

"I-I-It's boss to you... He gave a drunk glare. Before; pushing Kabier.

Kabier; Hey! Louis runs into the side of the club and into the dirty restroom. Kabier jogs after him, with a sigh. He hears Louis vomiting while he winces, entering. Yikes. Keep going, I might... He sees a panda with his grip on the doe throat.

"What's going on here?" Kabier sees one of them shall's opened while Louis vomits in from it.

Panda; Oh, uh, we just talking..until your friend ran in. Right? He clenches on the doe shoulder.

Doe; Ye-yeah. She smirks nervously. 'Never seen an animal like that before.' Kabier keeps staring- getting bad vibes. His phone rings, and he answers it.

Kabier; Yeah, you're a block away.The panda sweats. Is this...the carnivore? He's a panda. Hey, what's your name? He points.

The panda lost his cool and speed walk out the door with the doe by this side, but Kabier grabs her wrist, stopping the two.

Kabier: Run. For a stripper like her self, you don't want to piss the Shishigumi off. He whispers, still on the phone while the panda hesitantly lifts a finger. You coming up?

Panda; Damnit! He curses under his breath, leaving without the stripper. Kabier watches him; leave.

Doe; Why you do that? She asks with Kabier's hand on her wrist. Kabier, let's go.

Kabier; We'll talk later, Z. He hangs up. Just felt like it. He shrugs, getting Legoshi on his shoulder. He goes for the door and looks back with a smirk. Don't die yet, you hear me...Cosmo?

Cosmo; Uh...yeah. Kabier leaves with Louis. 'That kid is young like that other deer.' She follows after the two. They about turn the corner. Hey! She approaches the two. Meet me here at eight in the morning. Bring drowse; with you. She hands him a slip with an address while Kabier looks up at her.

"What's this?"

"We're just talking." Kabier looks back at the slip. Uh...yeah, sure, but it's going to be a pain to wake boss." He leaves while she watches them.

'What is that animal?'

Kabier throws Louis into his bed that's was on the floor. Kabier whips the sweat from his brow.

That was a workout. Kabier carried Louis on his shoulders and ran to the ShiShigumi mansion. For some reason, he felt like doing it. When he got there, he met the seven looking for Louis but saw him on his shoulders while sweat rain down from Kabier's face. Kabier admits he took him out, and he was lectured by Ibuki before letting him know they were going somewhere in the afternoon.

Kabier threw Louis coat on a chair nearby and goes, to pull his right shoe, but he hears a gun clicks.

Kabier; At all nights? He looks up to a still daze Louis with his shaking arm. Kabier grabs the gun while Louis hesitantly lets go and drops back on the bed with a sigh. He pulls his shoe, revealing...


Kabier's heart skips a beat. Seeing the tattoo makes him remember Louis's past. All the time, he was an asshole that number tat onto his foot will burn into Kabier's mind.

Louis: I was supposed to die. Kabier looks up, shocked. A friend of mine...number two-Tears runs down his eyes while he covered it with his hands. I was supposed to die! Not her...He sobs.

This is the first he saw Louis cry. Did the history change for Louis only for it to throw him back to course?

Kabier pulled his other shoe while he throws on the blanket on Legoshi chest.

Kabier: Sweet dreams, boss. He turns to leave.

Louis; There's no dream, but nightmares... He said in his shaky voice while Kabier looks back at him by the door.

"I don't think you will remember this, but talk to me when you're ready." He closes the door.

Louis closes his eyes only to see her.

His lips shake once more while he's sobbing continued; Kabier was listening by the door.