Chapter 3; Cosmo and Strangest Things

After that night, Kabier left for Cosmo meeting his place. Seems Louis wanted to be left alone that morning. It worried Kabier. Did he made things worst for their friendship or something...

Kabier walks through the market ignoring everyone stares. They seem to be not be used for a human, both Carnivore, and Herbiove. After a week, Kabier got used to the Black Market dark aura and food here. He only sneaks fish to his room to eat and throw up other food that he ate with the others. It tastes good like back home, it only gives him anxiety knowing he ate someone's corpse.

He pushes open a door while a bell rings upon, entering it seems to be a bar. The Bartender tortoise smiles upon his only arrival.

Bartender Tortoise: Welcome.

Kabier: Sup, mate. He said in an Australian accent. Do ya have... apple juice? He sits down on the stood, hoping. He didn't make a fool of himself. With a headache from the other night, he wants it vanquished.

" Coming right up."

"Thanks, mate." Kabier looks to his call log and calls Xabier while he pulls a slip of his temporary absence from Cherryton.

Xabier: K?

Kabier: Hey, sorry about the other night. Trying to outsmart a fighter, so what's up?

Xabier; Lot's change while you're gone, Legoshi sleeping in class, a new student Pina, gets on my nerve, but the more I talk to him. I realized you were gone. They look down sad as if there in sync like music.

Kabier; Trust me, I'll come back. It's a promise. He looks at his form and notices parents sign.

"Survive, K. I don't need you dying."

"I won't." He says with a determined tone.

"H-hey! What the Hell!!"

Pina; So you must be Kabier.Kabier rasied brow.

"Pina, you son of bitch!!"

Kabier; Yes, it is.

Pina: I admired you. You and I not like the others normies. Heard you have a harem. Kabier begins to sweat while the tortoise brought his apple juice.

Bartender Tortoise; Do I need to turn down the heat? Kabier shakes his head while he goes back to work.

Kabier; How do you know that?

Pina: You think dating five in Cherryton is easy mode?

"You made your point."

"Here, I'm popular with the girls. Sometimes I accidentally called them by their wrong names." Kabier grip increases on the glass.

"What are you trying to imply?"

"I'm just stating my experience." Kabier grip continued while cracks begin to form.

"I date them, not out of lust, but love."

"And who assuming you were? And that's one of the reasons you interested me. You ignore how moral that action sounds because you experienced how pain shapes into different forms. Society thinks there kings on the throne while the peasants have to obey every order scarping what they can find and side what's right from wrong by their 'Kings' He; chuckles. I do hope we'll meet sometime. He hangs up while Kabier grip lessens while the Bartender looks to his glass.

Kabier: No, worries. I'll pay extra. He hears a bell ring.

Cosmo; Wow. You really show up.

"I thought about it. Sadly, Loui can't come. Hangover." Cosmo sits by Kabier relieving, her jacket. Continuing that smile.

"100% percent Vegetable juice. Boss." The Bartender nods happily and begins his work.

"This bar and the 'Wild Side' the club from here are the only places that respect herbivores but judging your friend last night. You two had fun."

"Is your meaning by fun. Is drinking, dancing, getting your car stole, and you were forced to carry your boss back to home base?" He raised a brow while she snickers.

"That's one night."

"Tell me about it." He goes to sip, but his glass breaks into the shards while his apple juice slips onto the counter. "I'll pay for that."

He places Cosmo order as he gave Kabier a new glass while he cleans the mess.

Bartender; No worries.

Cosmo: Aaaah~ This gain Kabier's attention as he noticed Cosmo drinking half the glass. So, tell me, who are you? She rests her elbows onto the counter and rests her chin on her hands with a smile.

Kabier; The name K. He sips his apple juice while she continued staring.

He guesses that's wasn't her question.

"Aaah~ Human." Her eyes pop out of her sockets.

"The endangered species! You have guts, kid."

Kabier; 'More like brought against my will.'

"As someone as young as you should get out of here. I lived my whole life in the Black Market, and I'm prepared to be buried here." She kisses his cheek, making Kabier blush.

"Put that on my tab, boss."

Bartender; Walk home safely. Cosmos looks back at Kabier with her coat on.

"By your eyes alone, you're wise and understanding to others, but here you should back your experience." The bell chimes once more, Leaving Kabier to drink the entire apple juice.

Kabier; Thanks for the drink. He sets a 50 on his counter while Bartender smiles.

Bartender; Walk safe out there. Kabier walks out while someone bumps past. That was a size of a kid.

Kabier; What the-Hey, little shit! He noticed his wallet missing and chases after the kid wearing a worn cap.

Kabier bumps into Carnivores, walking by while the kid swift passes them with ease. Kabier trips on a box and falls onto the ground: dirtying his suit. He noticed the kid turn a corner while gets back up, not giving up.

Going around the- corner. The alley was so quiet, the wind breeze past Kabier ears. Kabier dress shoes click the dirty ground and crush a broken bottle. His eyes wanderings to the slightly lit alley, even when it's early in the morning. He hears someone run; past.

Kabier; Hey! The kid runs onto the shards, falling face first.

Worn cap kid: Ow! Eoiiii. She grunts in pain while Kabier slowly walks with his hands out.

Kabier; Hey are- Kabier sidesteps catching, another kid, putting his hands behind the kid's head.

He notices, alters, and a rusty knife in his hand. He screams, struggling about, while Kabier felt someone bite his calf.

Kabier;AAAAH! Damn it! He shakes his leg, its teeth goes deeper. He tosses the deer kid to the ground, and he noticed another was a wolf kid. Hey! Let go you, Brat!! He goes to pull him, but he doesn't budge.

Kabier's instinct went auto-pilot. He turns around with his hand out, and a rusty knife pierces through his palm while scarlet blood rolls down.

Deer kid; AAAAAAH!!! He cries as the knife shakes in Kabier's palm; he winces in pain. Kabier blood boils. He clutches the knife and kicks the Deer kid away.

Kabier; AAAAH!! He pants, wincing as he pulls the rusty knife while more blood leaks. HA! STOP OR I'LL STAB YOU!!! He points his knife at the wolf kid noticing his teeth grip; loosen.

Kabier grabs the wolf kid by the shirt limping, towards the cap worn kid still on the ground, but a Deer kid stood in his way pointing, a broken glass bottle. He screams while Kabier's eyes widen as his anger ceases in the realization.

Kabier; What the hell... He whispers under his breath.


They were now sitting in a booth while the three were devouring their food.


(Lit) Loui is a salad bowl, the seal girl a plate of fish, and (Lit) Legoshi plate of steak.

'How did they get here?! D-don't tell me Loui and Legoshi pulled here!' Kabier grabs the alcohol and pours it onto his knife wound while he leans forward and winces. The alcohol soaks the cut that bubble up and cease.

He felt inside his skin burn like a match. This gains the attention of the three children.

He wraps his shaky hand with a long napkin and leans back, but catching his breath.

Kabier; Looks like my hand gonna have an enteral twin. He looks down at the silent children looking at him blankly. You guys have parents?

(Lt) Legoshi and Louis:...

Seal girl;....

Kabier sighs. This is going to be a lot harder than it looks. Hopefully, Legoshi and Louis don't see them.

"Number four?" This gains Little Louis's attention. "Home?" He signals and points at him again. "Do you know where your home is?"

The two did the same looks to Louis, a little jealous. Kabier goes do the same to the other two and causes them to exclaim, gaining attention in the room.

"Hey. Hey. Quiet...what did I say?" They nod their head in sync.

Kabier leans back, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Kabier; Well, they don't; understand me. And I could just leave, but they won't be so lucky with the next carnivore. 'HA!'


Gouhin; No.

Standing at Gouhin door, Kabier was on the ground bowing while the children stare blankly at the scene.

Kabier; Come on, please!

"I'm not babysitting some couple of street punks." He looks at the children while Little Legoshi stood in front of the two. "Hey...did that kid have a kid?"

Kabier looks up, confused.

"I mean Legoshi, you jackass."

"I don't know, I just found them when they tried to rob me." Gouhin goes; to close the door, but Kabier stops it with his foot and surprisingly. Holding against Gouhin strength. "He-hey!"

"They are not coming in!"

"You the; the only person I can turn to! I-I have cash!"

"I got enough as it is!" He opens the door throws Kabier on his back while the Children stood by glaring and growling. "Besides, my hands are full as it is." He slams the door shut while Kabier lay on the ground staring at the ceiling. 'Damn it! I figured Gouhin will help because of Little Lego.' He clenches his head, frustrated while he tries to remember anyone is willing to take the kids. "I got it." He sits up quickly, startling them.


"When I said, 'experience.' I don't mean, be a father of three kids that look nothing like you. Kabier and Cosmo were seated on a park bench while the children; played with the sand at an Abandon park. Little Lego was doing something from them.

"I'm sorry, we just met, but I have no one to turn to."

Cosmo: Do you think I look like some baby sitter to you? She raised a brow. "I'm a stripper in the black market. A dangerous place for herbivores and nonetheless kids. "

"Look, I know. Figured you hate to see me again, bu-" Kabier pulls a stack of money, surprising Cosmo. "I was using this to buy fish even when I'm growing tired of it, but..." He looks to the Seal Girl and Loui building a castle. Loui sticks a stick on top of the sandcastle while the castle collapse. He stares blankly at it while the Seal girl looks up at him. "Like you said before. I give all talk, but lack experience. I want this to be another challenge-even though I hate kids. I'll be looking for their parents or just the place they came from, but until then, can you do me this favor?"

Cosmo hesitant but grabs the money from him.

Cosmo: How much? She stuffs the money in her purse while Kabier smiles.

"About thousand and fifty. That should be enough for now, I guess..."

" Your payment will be every other month. Cosmo sighs. Now, you triple my survival rate." Kabier taps her leg, presenting a slip of paper.

"Call me if you're in danger. I'll come running." She takes the slip and put it in her purse while Kabier watches the children.

Little Loui and Seal girl approach Lego, he looks up at the two. And by surprise, it was a castle of his own.

Cosmo: Do the little ones have a name?

Kabier: The wolf kid Lego, deer Loui and... The seal girl notices them staring. Lena.

"So the triple L's, cleaver." She smirks.

"Yeah, the triple L's. Oh, yeah. I need you to keep it solid snake from my boss, don't want him seeing them."

"Any reason, I should worry?"

" me." Kabier's phone rings while he checks it was his GPS pointing at a location. The mountains?

Ibuki - Be there.

"Crap. I gotta go." He stood up while she does the same. "Uh, yeah. It's going to be a little difficult because they don't know what we're saying."

"Great."She rubs the bridge of her nostril while Kabier approaches the triple L's. He took a knee, gaining their attention.

Kabier: I'm leaving, but I'll come to visit you. He signals. You'll live with her until; I'll find where you are from. They stares blankly while Cosmo gives a warm smile and lightly waving. Hang in there. He smirks at them.

Kabier leaves them while the Children look at her. Cosmo nervously chuckles.


Kabier wanders through the path below, confused on the matter. Where are they? Why did they get him riding a train on the; matter? The trees touch the sky, fog lightly filled the environment while the steep hill was deep, he was afraid if he wants to roll down on it.

Kabier: ' I have a bad feeling about this.' He continued looking around.

POW!!! Kabier flew forward landing, face-first on the ground. He quickly lifts his head with a gasp.

His back was on fire, and the pain was unbearable. Sabu reveals himself from a tree behind him while he pumps his shotgun. And took aim.

Cjbeards & Fayr-Cubeponk(Soundcloud) -Repeat-

Sabu; Boom. Kabier felt him smirk behind his bandana.

Kabier feared for his life. He runs down the path while Sabu watches him with his pump shotgun on his shoulder Kabier looks back, noticing this.

Kabier; 'Why is he not following?!'

Kabier turns his head forward. Someone clothesline him, causing Kabier to backflip onto his face.

Free: I hope you're not running because you're afraid. Free crouches, looking down at Kabier- with a sharp smirk.

Kabier quickly gets back on his feet, lifts his fists.

Kabier; Why you doing this?! He demanded while Free kept that punchable smirk. He lifts his fists, close to his face, and took; stance.

Free; Giving me your best shot. Kabier grunts and oblige. He throws a quick one and two while Free moves his head. Kabier continued with more and heel back kick, but Free dodges and grabs the supporting ankle and flips Kabier on his back. Is that all?

Kabier got back up his feet. He grunts and goes for more. Free blocks and dodges his punches and kicks. Kabier pins Free against a nearby tree and knees him while Free blocks the attempt with his forearm and slips his right arm between his grapple. He headbutts him and throws Kabier down the hill.

Kabier; Aaaaaaah!!! He rolls down the hill on his back, passing trees and rocks. Luckily he hit none and hit the face on another dirt path.

Kabier felt his environment spin while he slowly gets up. Guns cocks and rain bullets while Kabier took cover behind a thick tree- that was slowly eating away. The bullet rain stops. Dolph and Agata's speed reload their MP5 and Cabine, approaching Kabier tree.

When they got close, Kabier throws dirt in Dolph's eyes. And turns around and throws a rock at Agata that rain bullets from Kabier. He once more took aim, but Kabier pushes Agata Cabine from him and punches his nostril. Successfully disarming Agata. He uses the stock of the gun, knocking him off his feet.

Kabier shoots him. He turns around and notices Dolph regaining his temporary blindness. Kabier shoots him without giving him a chance. Luckily they were non-lethal.

Kabier drops the carbine realizing it was empty. He goes for the Mp5 but leans back, dodging a knife blade.

Kabier; You fucking kidding me!!

Jinma was tossing his hunting knife hand to hand while Miguel twirls his katana giving, Kabier a prepared stare. They circle him like prey.

"Look. I realized this is a test. Can we fight like-" Miguel slashes at Kabier back, but he spins sidestepping. Gather his momentum onto his kick, Miguel blocks at the last-minute stumbling back.

Jinma cuts him off, slashing at him while Kabier dodges as best as he can. He uses Sabu technique from his first training, Jinma falls face-first onto the dirt while Miegal leaps slash cutting, Kabier's chest.

His buttons fall onto the dirt while Kabier pants, getting into Free stance.

"I waited for you..snake." Miguel smirks and starts his assault. He flips, slashing at Kabier, that's backing up while Miguel whirls his katana spinning, and a quick slash catching Kabier off guard. It cuts Kabier hip, but he kept fighting. Miguel was doing flips, slashing his blade around, trying to confuse him, but Kabier hid a smirk. Miguel goes for a strong leap slash, but Kabier dodges trapping, the katana with dress shoe while Miguel's eyes widen before he reacts; Kabier kicks him in the face knocking him unconscious.

Jinma: I wish I can eat you. Kabier looks down with sweat rolling down and panting while Jinma approach. But Ibuki and Boss will kill me.

Kabier; You are...welcome to try. Jinma slashes at him once more, Kabier backs, up dodging. The knife came close, and he cuts his forearms. He winces, Jinma slashes grew faster. This was overbearing him. Kabier kicks dirt into Jinma's eyes.

Jinma; Ah! Son of Bitch!! He growls, slashing around in a frenzy putting, Kabier on his toes. Kabier steps back but felt something hit his heel. He smirks. Jinma pants wiping his eyes with his Tex sleeve, but when his vision clear. Kabier breaks a branch on his face: knocking him unconscious while blood down his head.

Kabier; Ha...there's a leg for ya. He pants, nearly exhausted. Kabier walks down the path collecting his breath and scanning his surroundings.

Ibuki; The ex-boss was right. He stood in front of Kabier while Free stood behind him. You got, fight in your eyes. He throws his tex jacket and dress shirt aside.

Free; I'll show you pride from the king of beasts, human!!! His Tex and dress shirts revealing his tats.

Kabier; 'There going all out.' He threw his dress shirt. And coat aside, revealing his adventure scars while this grabs their interest.

Ibuki; Weren't your first redeo.

"Well, you can say that. Do you count losing the majority?

Free; You truly, don't understand fighting, kid! Winning makes you, strong but losing makes you STRONGER!!! He gave a primal roar making a few birds shake the trees above.

Ibuki; Free remember he's still human. He tosses his glasses aside.

Free; How can you not get excited?! He beat half of us!

Kabier; Wait, but my friends beat you. Free laughs.

Ibuki; Well, we were hoping one of you kill the boss, but it seems someone hired the black fox.

Free; Shut up! Stop talking! And more fighting!!!

Ibuki; Be my guest. Free waste no time and attacks. Leaps kick while Kabier sidesteps.

Free continued with a few punches while Kabier blocks and dodges. As Kabier blocks Free attacks. And Kabier pushes his fist, that crashes into a tree, breaking part of its bark.

Kabier sweats nervously, Free pulls back his undamaged; fist.

Free; I remember we had to kidnap that white rabbit. Free attacks once more while Kabier dodges and redirects his iron fist. I went for a fight! Kabier redirects; Free fist through a tree once more. And I found you!

Kabier shields his eyes from the tree bark while Free tackles him onto a tree, knocking the breath out of Kabier. Kabier wraps his arms around his neck, kneeing Free in the chest, he took the blows, and then lifts Kabier over his shoulder, but only for Kabier to push off on the tree rolls to his feet.

Free; I never felt more alive!!! Kabier's blood boils, thinking of that night! His pulse quickens, remember...Haru

Kabier; THAAAAAAA!!! He roars, scaring a few birds nearby, his years of emotions radiants off of him while Free smirks.

They roared and charges. Kabier threw quick a quick one-two while Free dodges and a counter punch, but only for Kabier to headbutt Free skull, causing it to crack a bit.

They both stumble back in pain while blood trickle down their heads. Kabier and Free glares, and strike. They punch each other spilling, blood. They roar, landing blows after blow, the pain continued, but they ignore it. Free goes for a hook, and Kabier ducks under it and lands; hook of his own. He stumbles while Kabier superman punches him to the ground knocking him out, cold and covered with bruises.

Kabier stood there with bruises like Free. His arms drop while that aura ceases. He's panting was out of control while the world around him spins.

Ibuki; That should be aspected. Sabu stands by Ibuki while Kabier drops to his knee. Where have you been?

Sabu; Watching the show, I'll rate four stars for your performance. He smirks behind his bandanna.

"Well, you did your job."

Ibuki looks from Sabu and to Kabier.

Ibuki; You did well, but a week of training is not enough.

Kabier; What...Kabier's face hits the dirt.