Chapter 4: Tag team and What power?!!

*Same day from the previous chapter*

-Legoshi Pov-

A week pass and my training going well. And a few days ago I was attacked. A towering Shadow headbutts him.

I haven't seen the attacker, but it stole my first kiss. I hate every single bit of it! If Haru would have been single, I could have got one from her, but I soon realized I was...a simp. The first girlfriend at that. I fall over heels for her, even sacrificed my life, so that's why...I left her. I want to stay at a distance and protect her.

But since after the attack, I remember what it tastes like and how sharp his teeth. So Xabier and I seek out Juno. While at the cafe gaining permission from her to check her teeth, but with a little hesitation. Xabier checks; with me by him. We are crossing Juno out of the list. At least we know the suspect is a male.

Bill: HEY! STOP SLACKING OFF AND WORK!! He brings Legoshi back to reality.

The Theater members were cleaning the room. A panther member seems to be having trouble lifting a box. Bill goes to do the same, with his unmatch confidences, but struggles.

Bear(member); I got it, you cat's you need a break. He carried the box on his shoulder.

Everyone compliments him while Bill putting up a fit and introduced the Jaw War. Where two male carnivores play, put tape on the floor and get a rope and start pulling. And whoever head passes it loses. Simple yet disturbing especially, when the herbivores, watching.

Dom; Huh?

Rhino member; I never; heard of that game before.

Bill; He- you guys in luck. He places tape on the floor and smiles uncontrollably. It's awesome. Just like you herbivores at arm wrestling.

Dom; Ok, just make this peaceful, ok?

"Right, right, I can't wait to bust my jaw!!"

Aoba; Don't take birds lightly. He smirks.

Legoshi; 'This could be an opportunity. I can watch and...'

Bill: YOU SHORTCUT!!! This grabs his attention. Me! You! Now!!

"Uh, no. Not interested."

"That's a load of crap!!!" They get settled.

"What are you on about?"

"You're still the mad dog who pummel me on stage!!!"

'Well, that did happen.' Legoshi sweat drops.

Xabier is standing by Shelia, watching the match.

Shelia: I recommend you don't watch this.

Xabier; I'll be fine. I seen worst. Shelia looks at him at the corner of her eye.

Shiira; 'The shishi-gumi?'

Kai; Begin! The match starts, and Legoshi falls forward.

This was extremely; awkward. Even Shelia places her bet with Legoshi, but it seems to be a waste.

Bill; WHAT THE HELL!!! YOUR WEAK! Legoshi took that to heart.

Xabier; Wow...Xabier turns to someone that poke his back; it was Els.

Els; X-Xabier-san, the guys wanted you to join them. Xabier looks to another side of the room to see some of the herbivores arm wrestling while Pina wave with a smile.

"Uh, I don't really do that."

Shelia; Hey, give it a try. I'll support it if that helps you.

Els: I will, too. She smiles while Xabier thinks hesitantly.

Xabier; Sure. But just this once. Els grabs his hand leads him to the herbivores, with Shelia following after.

Pina; Welcome. My Omnivore, friend. He smiles side hugging Xabier while he sighs mentally. Your up. Xabier stumbles as he caught the table. Goodluck. Xabier looks to the Baboon member that stretches his arm.

Baboon member; May the best herbivore win. Xabier does the same and grasps his hand. Xabier nods.

"Aaaaaand~ Begin!"

"Hmph!!! HMMMM!!!" Xabier was staring blankly while everyone in the group does the same. Xabier lightly taps his knuckle against the table while the; Baboon member sweating up a storm. "How are you so strong?!" This gains the attention of the Carvinores.

"Really? To be honest, I thought you will beat me."

"I heard strong." Bill and the others approach them.

Kai; We haven't heard of that correctly. Xabier strong? He snickered. He's basically all noodle.

Dom: I want you to give it a try. Instead of running your mouth. Dom stretches his neck to Kai that rolls his eyes.

Kai; Fine. They get set. Easy mon- Xabier gently taps Kai's knuckle onto the table. Huh?

Black Panther member; Move it. He grasps Xabier's hand. Come on! Xabier destroyed him in a matter of seconds. Huh?

Bill; You guys, light as a feather! He rolls his left arm-back. He wants a challenge. This made everyone; nervous.

Ellen; Hey, I think he has enough!

Shelia; Do you think this a little too far? The herbivores and some Carnivores nods.

Xabier; I trust Bill. Nothing will go wrong. Bill smirks. 'Why do I feel I want to show my dominance?' They grasp hands, putting everyone on edge.

Legoshi; Uh, Bill.

Xabier/Bill; Legoshi. They look to Legoshi with a 'Stop talking' stare.

Bill: Alright, since your human. I'm going a little easy on you- Hmm! He didn't make Xabier budge a muscle. Hold on...HMMMM-HAAAAA!!! He shouts, putting all he got on Xabier, but it was useless. Everyone was baffled.

Aoba; Bill, quit pretending. We don't need one of those episodes.

Bill; I-I'm NOT!!! He flashes his teeth while his vein pop, but only for Xabier to gently tap Bill knuckle on the table.

This gave everyone a shock of their life as Bill was on his knees panting.

Xabier; Bill, are you alright?


Legoshi; 'This gotta be a hoax. There's no way.' He stares with disbelief.

Riz(Bear member); Hey, Xabier, right? Do mind? If I give it a go? He approaches the table and smiles while Xabier smiles back.

Els; Wait! This-going to end badly!

Ellen; That's too far!!! This surprised everyone.

Xabier; Ellen, everything fine.

"No, it's not. Your match with Bill was enough. I'm stopping this!"

"Look, Riz may be bigger and stronger than me, but how about this. If I feel if I'm beyond my limit. I'll tap."

Legoshi; I'm with Ellen on this Xabier. You don't want to lose an arm. Ellen and other herbivores members, but Pina becomes petrified of Legoshi bluntness. 'Crap! I shouldn't say that!'

Ellen; No! She grabs his hand.

Xabier; Come on. You heard what I said. If that happens..I'll do anything, you a certain degree.


Shelia; Seeing this is like Kabier was here. She whispers to Els while Juno whimper.

"Fine!" Ellen crosses her arms with a glare while Xabier astronaut jumps to the table and looks back to Ellen's approval, but she only glares.

Riz; You know, second thoughts- I don't think we should do this. Xabier took off his glasses and place them in his pocket.

Xabier; Remember my conditions?~ He said in a slick tone.

Everyone felt this new aura he's radiating.

Dom; That...aura.

Kai; It's Kabier, but different!

Riz;...Sure. His big hand grasps Xabier's small hand.

Riz felt challenged, but too, him it's; like a friendly game.

Xabier; Ready? He kept that confident smile.

"Let go!" They begun and Xabier arm haven't move an inch.

Everyone's hearts were racing. Will this happened?

Riz slowly amp up his strength while his muscle flex to well as Xabier's.

Bill; When did he pump iron?!!! He sees Xabier muscles pulsing while Riz and Xabier sweat and grunts in a stalemate.

Everyone was speechless.

Xabier; Y-You know, you can you give up...

Riz; N-Not a chance...

Legoshi; 'You telling me Xabier as strong as Riz?' Legoshi remembers Xabier pulling Gouhin out of his house only to notice the same muscles from now. 'This can't be possible.'

Xabier; I-I guess you all been wondering. He grunts while more sweat pours. How I'm this...strong! Riz arm tilts to Riz left, surprising him and the others.

Xabier explains. When he was in Kindergarten, he used to be bullied, and he had a cousin who works out.

"I trained under him...till now!" He goes further. " I thought all that strength vanish, but deep down, it waited for a time like this!!! Riz goes back to Stalemate.

Riz; I-I won't lose! There aura radiants while the muscle shakes, and they glare into each other eyes.

Aoba; This is like some anime! Aoba grew excited.

Bill: Riz and Xabier, I need guys like you with the gym with me!

Xabier/Riz; Not...interested! Ellen can't bear to watch.

Legoshi; No way...'Does Kabier knows about this?' But something grabs his interest.

Xabier/Riz;AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! Their veins pop in their heads until there's arms gave up while the two fell on their backs onto the floorboard.

Els; Xabier-san! Riz-san! They pant sweating up a storm while Pina grin grew wider.

Xabier; Are- are you ok, big guy?

Riz; I'm..fine, you?

"My arm is still attached." He chuckles. 'I knew something was different!' Xabier remembers the ShiShigumi raid as a Baboon stick hits his arm, causing a crack. 'Was it that vile? I hope they stick with my false background.'

Ellen; IDIOT!!! She storms out of the club while Xabier looks back in shock.

Xabier; Wait! Xabier picks himself up and races after her.

"Ellen, wait." He walks after her while his buffed left arm hangs. "Ellen, please."

She turns back with a glare.

Ellen; You need to get to that check. She slaps Xabier. And talked to me when you have some sense! She walks away while Xabier watches.

Kai; Tough break... Everyone stares out the door.

Legoshi; 'Thanks to you, Xabier, we might have our guy.'

-Next day-

Shelia is walking to her dorm with a smile on her face. She decided to call Kabier to share her experience.

Kabier; Hello? He whispers.

Shiira; Hey, K. I like to tell you, I had a great day.

"Tell me about it."

"I met a white fur sheep...I believe we're actually...friends."

"Hey, figure your opposite ...Kabier paused while footsteps faint into the background.

"K, why are you whispering?"

"I uh, Didn't want to wake the others. Hotel-remember?" Shelia was debating his words for it.


"Hey, I think; I heard something from over there." Another voice states while Kabier cursed under breath.

And this made Shelia paranoid.

"Jackass! What are you doing?!" Other students were frightened by her sudden change in demeanor.

"I'm sorry, Sheila. I gotta go." He hangs up.

"That ass!" She continued to call him back as the theater club door open while Legoshi peaks his head around until Sheila and Legoshi eyes connected. " What are you doing?" She asked, annoyed.

Legoshi; Just Shelia, clear. Xabier runs from the door, holding Kibi in his arms with Riz holding a sack in his arms after while Legoshi follows behind.

Shelia: I have a bad feeling about this.

The three ran down the halls while Legoshi speed passes Xabier and Riz. And he looked down the; hall on his left. Legoshi points to keep going straight.

What's happening? Well, Kibi lost his arm. After the battle of the Century. Everyone looks up to Xabier's strength while Ellen doesn't bare to speak to him.

Preparing for the first years play and Xabier, deep thought about approach Ellen and How Riz could be the guy there looking for.

Tao(Panther member) was being too rough with Kibi that was being carried way. To Tao to accidentally rip his arm off. Everyone freaked out while Bill tried to calm down, panicking Tao making this situation worst as it is.

Kibi was a mess. He freaks out when anyone comes near especially, carnivores, and he said it himself.

Xabier was sick to his stomach. He came to a realization that Ellen was right. If he's unknown strength didn't come to past, he would be just like him.

When Xabier came to with the help of Juno and Els, he hears Kibi called his name. He was chosen to carry him. Xabier was hesitant, but he won't betray his trust in Kibi. Riz-carried his arm while Legoshi volunteered to keep a lookout, they want all this under the rug, and Xabier can't blame them.

They ran outside avoiding, any unwanted attention.

Xabier; How doing? He pants.

Kibi; Will they take me to the hospital?

Legoshi; Maybe...I think the nurse will call an ambulance.

Xabier; 'He's shaking.' Xabier's eyes land on Kibi pouring- tears. Kibi, I'll come to visit ya...When this is over. How about we grab some antshakes?

Kibi; S-sure. Xabier smirks.

Xabier; That's a promise.

They made it to the nurse's office, and she took Kibi off his hands. They apologize while she was disappointed. After that was over, Xabier leans against the wall in front of the nurse's office, rethinking the scene.

Riz; Xabier, I know what your thinking. It's not your fault.

Xabier; Yes, it was! Damnit! He beat his hand against the wall causing a small crater. Have you seen them praised me?! This strength! I work so hard for it! He looks at his shaking hands. Is; a curse!!!

Legoshi; Not everything...Perfect. Xabier looks up at Legoshi while Riz glance at him. Every solution is not a perfect solution, but the best solution. With problems like these, you only limit yourself to better. Solutions create conflict. Conflict creates growth. Us carnivores are living proof. Xabier becomes steady.

Xabier; Y-yeah, ok...

Riz; Hey, you got blood on your uniform.

"Uh, ok. I think I should get this wash." He gets up while a dark aura spills from Xabier and Legoshi. "Eh...So it was you. That killed Tem; was it is?" Riz stares, blankly.

Legoshi; Don't try it, your only wasting your breath. He said in a cold tone.

Riz; Is that so?... That french kiss threw me off , but it seems to be your trump card...and Looks to Xabier. And you threw me for a loop.

They explained how they came to that conclusion, Legoshi that night kisses the culprit to steal the saliva and traced his smell. On the three following days after that, Legoshi stayed behind in the Member's locker room and analyzing everyone's drinks leaving Riz for last. He found his water bottle only to be crushed, giving a message of Defiance and anger.

Xabier was the last piece of the puzzle. Arm wrestling, he tested everyone but; seems it doesn't match the description from Legoshi even from Bill. And Riz was last Xabier didn't want to do this, but the clues Legoshi found could put an end to the hunt.

Xabier; Being honest, that was all true. I didn't figure to have the strength that equals yours, but while we were slate mate, your grip felt different from the others. His glasses flare. Their grips from yours were friendly and competitive, but the last bit and what Legoshi described came to light.

Legoshi; That match did surprise me, but I cross Xabier out because he and his brother weren't transferred here before Tem death.

Riz; Well, your hiding something from us too. He looks at Xabier with a smirk. I wonder how long can you and Kabier will keep it up?

Legoshi quickly glances at Xabier but return to their target.

Xabier: I know it was a mistake, but 'Every solution is not the perfect solution.'

Riz; Is that so...He shreds wallpaper from the ceiling letting his dark demeanor; come to light. I'm going to have to silence you two...Permanently...

Legoshi was frozen by fear while Xabier stood in front of him preparing; for a fight while Riz smirks.

Pina; Ugh! Y'all taking too long. He passes them that glances at him awkwardly standing in front Nurse door.

He let them know that everyone wanted Pina to take Kibi backpack to him which, was a hassle. He said. He does so while saying he'll keep silent about the Tag Team fine work. This put Legoshi and Xabier on edge. And Pina wishes to discuss the terms without a fight.

Now they are sitting at a table Xabier by Legoshi in front of Riz while Pina in between the two leaning back.

Pina; So let's begin. Don't look at me like a predator Riz-senpai. I bet you are. Three students know what you did. And try to calm yourself down, brownie.

Riz; Pina..I must kill you. He kept a calm stare.

Legoshi; I won't let-

Pina; Killing me. Will, make your hide and seek game; end. The police will do a hard; investigation and all the clues will lead to the drama club, after interviewing the; others, they'll come for you. We learn this from Kindergarten. He smirks while Riz grunts. And don't even try Xabier. The police may think of that 'you doing them a favor.' But, his brother is still out there. He may talk high and mighty. But in his tone of voice, he will not let that past. You remember, The great raid of the last kind?

Legoshi: Twenty humans vs. hundred Herbivore and Carnivores at Swarm Beach?

Pina; The Humans were outmatched against their creation with abilities to overpowered their creators, but all hundred of them fell into sand pits while the twenty dispatch them. If you don't understand, don't underestimate humans intelligence.

Riz's face darken while Xabier was amazed.

Pina; You look flustered. And that was a sense of justice for you. Sleep well, ok? He leaves with Xabier and Legoshi following after while Riz faces turn into rage. To hate herbivores.


Pina, Xabier, and Legoshi stood by the railing, looking out the campus.

Pina; Maaaaan, this is bad for my shoulders. I don't usually get so worked up like this.

Legoshi; Y-you got involved, knowing the risks. Why?

Xabier; He knew we will die. Pina leans on the railing and winks.

Pina; That match was interesting at best, but when it comes to throwing down like a guy like that. Human none, Carnivore One.

Xabier looks to Pina.

"You have the strength, but Riz also has experienced. Quit running and learn to defend yourself like Mowa..."He touches his chest with a smile.

Xabier; 'I hate him. I hate him so much, but...Kabier keeps telling me that. How did he know just that situation alone?'

Legoshi; I'm in your debt. I'll do my best to protect you. He left his hand hanging.

Pina; Is that so... He claps Legoshi hand and clenches it in his. But first, give me your number.