Chapter 5: The gigs and Visit

An explosion erupts while soldiers herbivore and carnivores dress in tan-slacks; run towards their enemy lines dodging, a storm filled with lasers giving a battle cry. Across the field, taking cover in previously explosion slopes.

Soldier; The enemy is holding their ground! You know what to do, men. The battle was like a tidal wave. One side was pushing up, and the next there pushed back.

Soldier; AAAH!!! The soldier snapped his head to the screams of his men that gave a bloody-cry. That entered the sloped to enter into the enemy base.

A husky in a black robe with bloodshot eyes exit the slope with a blue lightsaber in hand.

"JEDI!!!" As He said this, he was pulled by some unknown force. He flew into the Jedi Husky that gave a strong; yet passionate strike across his chest plate, ending his life.

Jedi Husky: Like a wise Jedi once said. He whips his saber around. "They are no accidents." He gives a cocky smirk. And took off back to battle.

Points gained- 2,000

(Kid) Jack groaned while (Kid) Legoshi watches. They were in Legoshi room like any other ten years old would have.

(Kid) Jack: How can someone get skin like that? That wasn't released yet!

(Kid) Legoshi: They are modders out there. At least that one, don't change the game in any way. He looks blankly at Jack that lay his head on the side of the bed.

"We should report him!" (Kid) Legoshi tilts his head confused. "He's flashing that skin around everyone waited for! That's just mean! Meany face! He flashes his teeth, noticing the same guy is in the first place.

A knock was heard, Leogshi answered.

(Kid) Legoshi; Uh, come in. Leano entered, peaking her head in with a warm smile.

Leano; Got you guys something to eat while I was out. Jack and Legoshi eyes widen.

(Kid) Jack; Thank you, Ms Leano.

"Oh, don't mention it." They ran past her, and she follows behind. Until her phone rings, noticing it was her manager."Hey, Yuri. What do you need?" She leans on her shoulder against the wall watching Jack and Legoshi enjoying their meal.

Yuri: Leano, we have been best friends for a long time-

"Yuri. What are you saying?"

"We gonna...have to let you go." Leano handshakes on her phone by ear. "My boss wanted to 'go with the trends.' and hired a Husky to take your place."

"Yuri! What am I going to do?! I have nothing!" Leano noticed Legoshi and Jack watch her curiously while Leano waves them to continue. She leaves from their line of sight.

"I'll try to look for any parts for you. Just hang in there, ok? Hey, Yuri! The shoot about to start. Another voice called. Uh, yeah, coming! I'm sorry." Her phone hums while Leano couldn't believe her twist of life.

First, she lost her husband, and now, her job that; could feed Legoshi for a long time. Is there no end?

She held in her cries and speed walk into their bathroom. Sitting on the toilet, pulling her sleeve down. Claw marks covered her arm like a step ladder while her tears pour onto the cold floor.

You're ugly. You freak! Kill yourself! You think your life impacts this world? She pressed her dagger-like nails against her veins.Everyone hates you! You'll never be one of us. DO IT!!!

Leano; 'HAAAAAAA!!!' A knock is heard, gaining Leano attention.

(Kid)Legoshi; Mom, Jack left with his father...I just wanted you to know...thanks for the meal. She hears his feet steps away while she noticed a drop of blood leak from her four dotted wounds.

Leano; No. No. No.

She immediately goes to the sink washing the cut while she hiss.

(Kid) Legoshi lay in bed while the moonlight rays into his room. Closing his eyes, letting darkness take him only for someone to wake him up.

Legoshi; M-Mom? Leano wraps her arms around him as Legoshi eyes look back at her.

Leano; I'm sorry. I can't sleep, can I? Legoshi thinks for a bit.

Legoshi; Fine. He sighs, turning from her while she leans her head on his shoulder.

"Goodnight, honey."

"Goodnight, mom." They closed their eyes while darkness takes them.


Eyes reopened, noticing they were hugging a pillow. It was Leano. No sun escapes the blinds while Leano rests in the white sheets. Her baggy eyes stare at the wall while she clutches the pillow closing her eyes once more.

Leano: How long can I work like this? She said lightly while her phone hums on her head dresser. She picks it up, not baring the bright light noticing Kabier's message.

Kabier; Are you ok?

Leano: I'm fine. She lay her head down until her phone hums once again.

Kabier; I maybe no adult, but there's something you're dealing with. I can feel it.

Leano; For a boy his age he, does have a sharp mind. She whispers with a small smirk.

Leano- You and Legoshi still spend time with one another?

😅 Yeah, I can't now. I'm a little busy.-Kaiber

Leano, huff.

Leano- That's fine.

With this much in his hands, I can try to make it work. -Kabier

Leano- Ok, and I'm holding you to it." She cracked a smile.

Leano knew when Kabier makes a promise, he always comes through, but life has its ways of taking a u-turn. Will his promise; come through?


Someone sits in a booth at the corner of the room. The stranger set his head on the table, sliding his phone aside while Falcon with mix eyes; Green and Blue. Approaches the table.

Female Falcon; Rough today? The stranger looks up, revealing Kabier with a bust lip, cuts around his face, and a black eye. She recoiled.

Kabier; You mean escorting a pop star from a horde of horny, feline; it can't get any better.

"Look, K. How long can you keep this up? Jobs like these will get harder as long as you continued."

"I don't know." He looks down at the table, grabbing the back head of his head supporting; his elbows. "These jobs are the only thing I can offer my debt. I don't know what I'll do."

Kabier looks up to his father. (Stated last Season) He knew he was a hard-working man, but Kabier never experienced how hopeless it is to work and have no escape from the threat that will either; cost him his life or someone or something he dear.

"You can always work here?" Kabier looks up. "The risk is the same yet, my father and I are here for you." She slid her phone number to him. "Give me a call when you decide."

Kabier: O-ok thanks, Mia. His phone rings, getting a message.

???- Hey, K. Call me when you're up for the job.

Kabier remembers a week eating steak and other food at the HQ. The tough; yet juicy cooked steak spills into his tongue, giving a firework-like taste that he missed so much, but the bodies he has, seen during his work both at the Shishigumi and Merc Jobs wrestle his mind in disgust. What can he do? He chooses the only logical answer.

Kabier; I'll take it. He gets up and leaving the bar while Mia watches, worried.

???: Ok, this is gonna be a search and recuse. My Client was kidnapped by the Madaragumi.

Kabier; The leopards. Or more, specifically the Spots Group.

"I got info that their outpost is at an electrical station. I'll pinpoint it." Kabier phones ring, giving the location of his job.

About a long walk.

???; I want all this on a down low for me and your sake.

"Understood." He noticed a bear with a Taxi cart on the side of the road.

Across the street in front of the electrical station that his client pin, Kabier hid in the alley while two leopards stood guard behind the red and white barrier arm entrance.

Kabier checks his message.

???: There's a mare( Zebra) being hold against her will. She goes by June. Find her and get out. Don't cause too much of a scene.


Before entering, Kabier uses a dark hoodie, four bottles of water, anti-bacterial soap; he bought from a seller on the way here while he cleans his blood and soap from his body of his training he pro-take and now stilling attending. Once done, he sneaks inside, finding a clipped fence that's showered by rust.

Still, on the ground, he hid behind the only parked truck and by the entrance where a dumpster and trash litter the street, a staircase that leads, to the second ground where the station takes place, but the problem the two members that pose of guards block his only way.

Spot member: I truly; don't understand the herbivores here. Like I know there's hardly not many, but they could be devoured by some crazed bloke wandering the streets like they own the place.He leans on the wall by the steps to the other Spot member sitting on the end of the concrete railing, sipping a cup of beverage(Tiger-ade).

Spot member 2: Hey, it's there lost. He sips. Almost as if there suicidal. He mumbled with the straw between his lips.

Spot member: Tell me about it. CRASH!!! Their head snapped to the noise by a dumpster and the truck that Kabier position behind. Hey! Who's there? They approached while Kabier thought the worst, yet they found a broken beer bottle taking; place in Kabier's position.

Spot member 2: Scott is pissing me off! He rubs his nostril while Kabier sneaked his way to the second ground floor.

Crouched Kabier sneak behind air conditioners and crates, dodging the stares of wandering members. He makes it to the back, where they were fewer guards, yet on the roof. Kabier found debris to climbed. Staring daggers at the roof guard back. He sneaks to the air conditioner just as the guard turns his gaze at Kabier's previous position.

The guard looks to his watch and sighs. He walks to Kabier's previous position while Kabier sneaks past him: looking down the window ceiling that revealing the storage room. He drops into trying to stay stealthy as possible yet, his sneakers squeak against the clean floor.

Spot member; Huh?

Kabier; Shit. He cursed under his breath and hid behind a tall shelf with boxes and cases.

Hearing the steps and a door open makes Kabier's heart race. The shoes of the spot member click the floor pinpointing the last sound he heard. His ears flicker while Kabier held his breath.

Spot member; Hmm..just my imagination. He looks up, noticing the window ceiling open. Did that kid leave that window open?...Huh, whatever. He leaves the room while Kabier slows his breath.

Kabier exits his hiding spot, gaining his attention to the sheet of paper on a desk.

June Ruby O'Hare

Sex: Female

Occupation: Wild Side Club Bartender

Blood-Type; AB

Family; Jacob Felix O'Hare, Sarah Connor O'Hare, and Dennis Malcolm O'Hare.

What is this about? I'm guessing Dennis is the client.

Kabier grabs the sheet of paper, staring at it in fear.

Is anyone safe? He folds the paper and stuffs it in his pocket.

Kabier sneaks to the door the Leopard that previously entered and cracks, the door; revealing him was stone up high on drugs. He sits on the couch unconscious while Kabier slowly closes the door silently. He exited from the other side of the room, standing on the platform looking down to the first floor with the giant; shelves and five members were scattered around the big room doing things to pass the time.

Kabier sneaks around the platform while hearing two other members conversing.

Spot member: You extracted a sample?

Spot member 2: I wish I give her the other sample.~

Kabier; 'Disgusting.'

Spot member; Other than that, we wait till pick up. Lock the room tight? The spot member 2 rolls his eyes, waving his hand as Kabier quickly took cover behind a desk a foot from the steel stairs while the other two leave the room- giving Kabier- clear access to the door leading downstairs.

Spot member 2: She's lock-up n tight. Kabier enters downstairs, seeing it the only place he hasn't check.

He silently walks through another storage room of equipment and snacks while entering another guard looking through the window at the target he's looking for.

Kabier places a hand on the guard's shoulder, causing the guard to jump.

Guard; Christ! Knock before- He looks back, but for a hoodie figured to crack a gun across his face, he hits his head flat on the desk while blood leaked from his cheek.

Kabier: Sorry, mate. He said in deep voice.

Kabier unlocks the door causing a blindfolded June tied to a chair, ear, and nose to twitch. Her mouth was sealed while Kabier noticed her fingers twitching.

"You're scared. Are you?"

June: Scared? You should be shaking in your boots.

"You're right." He pulls the blindfold while her eyes widen, seeing Kabier. "Let's blast this joint." He untied her.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Keep your voice down. Can you walk?" June rubs her wrist while Kabier texts his client, getting a reply.

K- Got her.

Excellent! The car is around the corner. - Client

June; Yeah.

Kabier; Let's go. He climbs the steps while June hesitantly followed.

Heading upstairs, they came to a roadblock. Five Spot members, playing poker on a crate surrounding it in the center of the big room. Kabier peeks through the crack of the door.

Spot member 3: Ha, haha! Seriously!? He peeks at his cards.

Spot member 4; Like he nearly blew us into a bloody mess. The idiot can't tell the difference between a paint grenade and real one. He focuses on his cards, getting annoyed by that past memory.

Spot member 2: It looks like the short bus is here to pick him up. He snickered with a smirk while Spot member 5 glances at him.

Spot member 5; Your the one to talk. Spot member 2 glared.

Spot member; That's enough cats. Have you guys heard a human cruising with the Shishigumi?

Spot member 5; Weird yet even a red deer boss.

Spot member 2; What's next? A honey badger as a getaway driver?

Spot member 4; They're not gonna last a month here. Kabier's phone vibrant while he quickly answers.

Kabier; Hello? He whispered while June watched, dazed.

Shelia; Hey, K. I like to tell you, I had a great day.

"Tell me about it." Kabier noticed June's gaze while he avoids them.

"I met a white fur sheep...I believe we're actually...friends."

"Hey, figure your opposite." Kabier noticed one of them walking to a cooler, taking a beer.

"K, why are you whispering?"

"I uh, Didn't want to wake the others. Hotel-remember?" Shelia stays silent, making Kabier nervous.

"K." Kabier's eyes widen, seeing the same Leopard with a beer-bottle; looking at the door.

Spot member 5; Hey, I think; I heard something from over there. He said, gaining the others; attention while he slowly approaches them.

Shelia; Jackass! What are you doing?! He draws his head back as he quickly waved June to head downstairs.

"I'm sorry, Sheila. I gotta go." Kabier hangs up while holding he his aim pistol at the door.

Kabier heart race. This is no practice. No restarts. This is the only life he got. He must get back to them! The spot member 5 hands grew inches from the door.

???: Hey! All the leopards turn their attention to a Hippo in a dress shirt. Do you have it?

Spot member: Yes, we do. Spot member flicks his finger at Spot member four that look back at the door but went back to the table. Pulling out the case and opening it.

Hippo approach it, looking inside with a smirk. Kabier took this chance with June to sneak to the desk in front of the staircase to the platform.

Hippo; I have what I need. He nods his head. Suddenly four black-masked men; burst from the door behind him, lighting them up; gunfire echo like banging drums, the flashes of their rifles lit up the room like a flash bang. June and Kabier hid once again, hearing the screams and metal hitting soft tissue. The fire stops while Kabier and June slowly peak with the urge to puke.

Blood leak through the many holes pouring from the members while some were unlucky enough to have their brains splattered on the floor. The Hippo earpiece lit up while it seems someone is talking to him.

Formal Hippo; Yes, sir. Search for any remaining, and after that, we'll recoil. He takes the case leaving.

Black-mask men; You heard him, spread out. Distorted voice commanded while he or she looks at the platform where June and Kabier was but now was gone.

They managed to escape with their lives but were scarred by the bodies that were members the outpost. Kabier drops June off at the drop-off point where his client, her brother Dennis( another zebra), but she let Kabier ride with them. They drop him off in ShiShigumi territory to get his payment ($5,000) and show their gratitude.

Kabier made it back to base and crash on his bed in shock. His breathing quicken while his heart beats right out of his chest. The food. The gigs. The injuries. The children. The guns. The leopards. The dark. The bodies. The Hippo and the black-mask men.

Kabier; I-I don't- Tears pour from his face like a flood gate as he wipes them, but more continued. I can't do this... He cries, taking gasps, and crying uncontrollably.

Kabier thought he got this. Even during high school in his previous world, he was scared of what life is out there. He missed his family, his girls, Xavier. At the start, he thought. He got everything figured out, but life is always five steps ahead. How can he survive this world?

"M-mom. D-dad...Xavier." He's starting to have trouble breathing. A knock was heard while Kabier stays silent.

Miguel; Hey, uh, a grey wolf is to see you. Kabier eyes widen.

Legoshi? He did his best to wipe the tears and fixed himself. He followed Miguel while the other seven is in front of the door blocking Kabier view.

Grey wolf: D-don't try anything. Or else I'll bite. She said bravely, yet you can hear her tone shake.

Kabier; J-Juno? They clear a path while her eyes lit up seeing Kabier.

Juno; Kabier! STATIC!!!