Chapter 31: Come Again?

My fingers slowly tap the table.

"So you know of her?"

I smile and stop moving my fingers. "And if I say yes, what are you going to do with my information?"

"Enough!" Satoru's Grandfather slams the table with his fists. The veins in his eyes are red as a poker. His blood pressure soars to the ceiling. "Santa-Clara, please take my grandson and Geto away from here. This conversation is not one you need to worry about."

"On the contrary." The Zenin head says. "I am sure Santa-Clara is eager to know more about"

I want to punch the smile off this old man's face. Then kick his son where the sun doesn't shine! Maybe he will leave me alone if he's too busy nursing his nuts back to good health.

I clear my throat before resting in my seat. "I know as much about my family as you do." My right-pointer finger aims at the clan leader. "The issue at hand is not informing me about my blood relations, is it?"

My question comes as a statement, causing Naoya to look at his father.

"Let me clue you in, Naoya. Jujutsu Tech has little to no information on the Carbellas." Satoru's Grandfather throws his hands in the air before falling into his seat.

Naoya looks at me and asks, "why are you telling me this?"

"Read between the lines, dude! Our fights have been nothing but a ploy. A ploy for you all to learn more about my family's cursed techniques!"

I place my knife in front of me, causing Nayoa to wince.

"What business do you have brandishing a stolen object? The crest on the handle..."

"This object belongs to my family! The clan Jujutsu Tech wants to eradicate!" My voice is calm as a summer breeze.

I grin from ear to ear. Satoru and his grandfather look at my dagger, then at me. Both of their mouths form a tight line. Suguru glares at Naoya through gritted teeth, and the Elders hide their content with neutral expressions.

"That is a strong accusation. What evidence do you have to support your claim?" Gakuganji asks.

A dark shadow moves across my face. I turn my head slowly around the room looking every person in the eyes.

"We will continue this conversation on another day. Santa-Clara, Geto, and Satoru leave." The level of restraint behind the Gojo Clan leader's words makes my skin crawl.

A slight tug on my shirt gets me to stand up. Before going into the hallway, I stop and turn around.

"If we are going to compare notes, I want full disclosure on..." the door closes before I finish my statement.

If Grenadine is alive, we need to talk! There are too many nuances and unknowns to my inherited technique. Reverse Curse is a bitch but, I am getting more efficient in using it. Then there are the issues with Simon.

Pre-Star Plasma Vessel Mission

"Simon?" The coffee pot chirps, signaling the start of something good. Nutmeg rubs my l legs while purring nonstop.

"I was walking home from school the other day, and two people passed by me." A heavy sigh leaves his mouth. "They made eye contact before I turned a corner."

I get up and fill my cup before rubbing my arm. The room is at a comfortable temperature but, something is off. "What happened?"

"Nothing. They just...I don't know, left an unsettled feeling in my stomach."


"What did these people look like?" My money is on a blond person, around our age with...

"One of them had pale skin and blue-green eyes. Or maybe they were green? And the other, I don't know." He lets out a loud grunt before continuing. "I...have seen some things."

I take a bite of food, covering my mouth before proceeding. "Specify, please. What things have you seen?"

"Are you always this curt with people?"

Back to the Present


I look up from the floor, noticing my thumb propped under my chin. My brow knits, causing my forehead to crease.

"What is going on?" Suguru asks with a half smile. I twist a finger around a curl before opening my mouth.

"Simon." I look at both of my partners, "has he contacted either of you?"

Satoru and Suguru move their heads from left to right. I fold my hands in front of my face, closing my eyes tightly. Do I reach out to Simon? Will he remember the details of the people following him? My stomach hurts thinking about this.

My phone vibrates, causing me to jump in place. I silence the device after I see the unknown number. I feel knots forming in my stomach and a pulsing sensation in my wrist. The cool air rips through my body, forcing me to hug my torso. Chills slither down my spine when my phone vibrates again.

The same unknown number stares back at me! Its putrid white digits make my hands shake! I hit the end call button and silence my phone.

"Hey! Are you good?" My bulging eyes meet Satoru's naked blue orbs.

"No. I don't know?" I rub my chest, trying to suppress the uneasiness. "Do either of you recognize this number?"

I hold the phone up; three missed calls from the same unknown number are listed. Each call was five minutes apart. Both classmates shake their heads. My shoulders drop as though a pound of bricks was set on them.

"You were asking us about Simon," Suguru says while directing us off campus. "Do you need us to help with something?"

I bite my lower lip and look up. "I will let you know once I get a hold of him. Thanks."

A wave of nausea hits me hard, making me speed up the stairs to my door. Once inside, I bolt to the bathroom, hurling green and white fluid into the toilet. The second wave of vomit makes tears stream down my face. I stay on my knees for five minutes...shaking. After my stomach stops churning, I drag my shaking body to the bedroom.

Stupid me, why did I smack my head earlier today? I should have stayed in the emergency room longer...given my body more rest. But that would have prolonged the meeting. For goodness sake!

The vibration in my back pocket snaps me from my rant.

"Who is this?" I spit the words out faster than the vomit. I hear low breaths coming from the other end.

"I know someone is there! Who are you?" I clutch a hand to my abdomen, closing my eyes when my stomach quivers. "Are you going to answer me or not?"

I am met with a sudden click from the other end.

I throw my head onto the pillow, sprawling my arms for maximum comfort. Whether a figment of my imagination or real, the distant giggling of children makes my eyelids heavy.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Ready or not, here I come. I steady my breathing while throwing myself into the hallway closet. Zyler runs into the bedroom at the end of the long hallway. Not even three minutes into the game and the atmosphere turns black. A wet substance touches my bare toes as I emerge from my hiding spot.

The abrupt screaming causes me to duck and cover. I grit my teeth, curl my toes, and pray until the voices subside. When I look up, there is nobody else around. What kind of hellscape is this? I curl my nose when an acidic smell hits my nose. Then I notice it...the viscous, wet substance under my feet is not water. It is a river of blood. My body shivers, prompting my stomach to gurgle yet again.

I look around at the vast emptiness and notice a faint light in the distance. I reluctantly pick myself up, ignoring the nagging feeling inside my head. It is not until a pair of footsteps echos me that I pick up my pace. The closer I get to the light, the further away it moves! The moment I break out into a sprint, I trip and fall. The person following me touches my shoulder, receiving a swift punch. Instead of hitting a person, my fist contacts the air!

"It is alright. We are in a safe place." A voice says. Simon's ginger hair and soft eyes come into view.

I swallow hard, trying to control my nerves. My mouth goes dry the moment I open it. Nothing comes out. Simon smiles before disappearing...I look around and feel something warm inside my chest. A distant buzzing and purring sound make my body relax.

I bat my eyes open and see Nutmeg's brown eyes staring at me. He gives me a quick lick on the nose before jumping off my chest. Every bone in my body hurts. The stitches on my forehead itch like hell, and my phone says it is 10:00 pm. I flip through my contact list and punch Simon's name.

Thursday July 4th, 2007 6:30am

He had better show up. I left a voice message saying it was urgent to meet. What if something happened to him? Worse, what if he wants to sever ties with me because of the accident?

A cold sweat breaks over my face at this last thought. I shake my left leg under the table, causing my chair to vibrate. After waiting for ten minutes, I bolt for the door.

When I am a few meters from campus, I freeze in place. I scan the area, noticing a flock of birds circling a tree. The damp earth kicks up behind me. I keep a steady pace, glancing over my shoulder without moving my neck. A figure around Satoru's height walks among the shadows. I try getting a better look, only to run head-first into someone.

"Whoa there. Let me help you." Suguru extends a hand which I shoo away. He cocks his head to the side. "Is something the matter?"

I point my thumb behind me. Suguru scratches his head.

"Do you not see the person standing near the edge of the trees?" I ask. Fear laces my words.

He shakes his head slowly. My phone vibrates. Without a second thought, I hoist the phone to my ear and start shouting. "Think you are being sneaky, eh? Following me at a distance, show your face. Coward!"

"Are you feeling alright?" Simon says with a flat tone.


A few people walking around the campus stop and stare at me. Suguru nudges me toward the edge of the walkway.

"Where are you?" I hiss, "thirty minutes and no phone call?"

"Why don't you look up and see for yourself." I look at the doors, noticing Simon's hand waving at me. My heart drops as he ends our call.

I run ahead of Suguru and nearly crash into another person. Satoru and Shoko wave at me as I pull up to Simon.

"Ça va?" Simon raises an eyebrow at me.

I point a finger, gesturing for him to walk forward. He rolls his eyes and heads inside.

I brush my face with my hands before following him. The door to a classroom at the far end of the hallway stands wide open. We are about to step inside when a voice calls out to us.

"Santa-Clara, what are you doing?" Yaga comes into view, making me swallow hard. I push Simon behind me.

"Nothing. Got to go!" I drag Simon into another classroom and shut the door.

Simon opens his mouth but, I cut him off. "Why are you here?"

"Hello to you too." I roll my eyes and lean against the door.

He sits down, furrowing his eyebrows. I fold my arms across my chest waiting for him to talk. All he does is look at the ground, avoiding my face.

"I have not checked my phone" he mumbles under his breath. His brows relax as he glances at his screen. He shrugs a shoulder before continuing.

"Sorry for standing you up," he says flatly.

The corners of my mouth reach toward the ceiling. I let out a string of breathy laughs before throwing both hands into the air. Simon scowls at my reaction.

"Forget standing me up. How did you get here?" I ask in a whispered tone.

Visitations to Jujutsu Technical College are restrictive. An impenetrable barrier protects both campuses and sorcery is...discreet in Japan.

I hold my hands out, waiting for a response. Simon shrugs and holds his arms across his chest. He leans into his chair.

"Did someone force you to come here? Do you feel threatened? What about the individuals who left you unsettled?" I start pacing around the room while shaking my hands near my head.

"No." A simple one-word response is all I got.

I turn my back toward the window, squaring off with Simon. He shrugs his shoulders again and gets up.

"Are we done here? I have a meeting with someone and..."

Before he finishes his sentence, I have my hand firmly on the door knob. He scowls at me and tries to push me aside. I shove his shoulder, making him stagger backward.

"What has gotten into you?"

"What has gotten into me, Simon? You called me last month saying you were being followed."

"Ya, and you just followed up with me last inviting me to a last-minute coffee meet-up!" He places his hands on his hips. "What type of friend does that?"

I flinch back at his tone, looking around the room for an answer.

"I have been busy...with work," the words slip out.

"Likely excuse. And thanks a lot."

What the hell is he talking about?

"My partner keeps asking me if I am going to stick up for myself more. When we switched bodies, what did you do?"

"I punched your bully when he called you pizza face."

He lets out a forced laugh before rubbing his face.

"It is just like elementary school all over again! You coming to my rescue without me asking. Have you not grown up these last few years?"

Me? Coming to your rescue? Growing up?

My jaw drops to the floor. I feel the inferno growing in my face.

"Maybe if you grew a backbone, I would not need to come to your rescue," I shout at him. "And how dare you assume I have not grown up these last few years!"

I point a finger at him and close the gap between us. He does not move an inch. A low coughing sound draws both of our attention to the door.