Chapter 30: Can't Take it Anymore

My left eyebrow involuntarily twitches as the three of us head off. I let out a few audible breaths, causing Suguru to look over his shoulder.

"I have calmed down, stop worrying about me," I say while averting eye contact.

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2007: Tokyo Cursed College

The grounds are damp from the early morning rain. A broad grin grows on my face bird perches on my left shoulder.

"What is going on?" I turn around, facing Suguru. He stands next to Satoru. Both keep their hands inside their pockets.

"I have been feeling different, that is all." I turn away from them, keeping my eyes on the sky.

"We gathered that. Why?" The way Satoru's question comes out makes me look over my shoulder. A light mist reflects from my eyes.

Do I tell them about my sleepless nights?

"What is keeping you from talking with us? Are you afraid of something?" Satoru asks, trying not to yell.

I am afraid of a lot of things. Losing two more people is on the list. Hell, what is there to gain by keeping my feelings to myself?

I take a deep breath, placing my hands inside my pockets. A light dusting of blood runs over my palms. My shoulders touch my ears, making me freeze in place. My brow knits before I continue my speech.

"Thirteen was a shitty year for me. I left my brother behind at our foster home...for reasons, I am not delving into right now. When we reconnected, something seemed off with him." I tap my forehead with a sense of urgency. The bird flaps its wings quickly while chirping up a storm. "He claimed to feel okay; He just wanted to see his kid sister for old time's sake. The thing that gets me to this day, his foster parents did not claim the body! And I fought tooth and nail to see him at the morgue!"

My heart jerks inside my chest, causing me to hiccup. I cover my face trying to hide the flood coming from my eyes.

"I was at an all-time low and started giving up. I spiraled into a depression stronger than this one, got expelled from an international school, and nearly got caught by Jujutsu sorcerers." The corners of my cheeks rise at the sorcerer part.

A hand rests on my shoulder, bringing my ranting to an end. I bite my lower lip and look up at Satoru and Suguru. They say nothing regarding what I have shared. My body feels warm and tingly.

Suddenly my phone vibrates.

"Hey, you finally picked up!" Amina shouts, making me blink in confusion. "I have been trying to get a hold of you for the last three hours!"

I sniff quietly.

"What happened?" Her voice sounds concerned and exasperated. "Are the two cute boys with you?"

I clear my throat and turn my back. "Yes. And I just had a crying spell in front of them both." I wipe away a tear before it hits the ground. "Why are you calling?"

"She is safe." Amina places a hand over the phone. Muffled sounds come from the receiver, making my head prick slightly. "I will call you again tomorrow with an update." She hangs up.

Great! What happened with Riko this time around? I shake my head and hold my shoulders to my ears. A cup of coffee sounds good right now.

"How about we get off campus for the rest of the day?" Suguru suggests with a grin.

We walk in silence to the front gates. Right before we step out of the grounds, I grit my teeth. I turn around slowly, looking past my counterparts.

"What is this? Have I interrupted a private party?" The green-eyed monster asks sarcastically. "Are you crying, Santa-Clara? You seemed stronger the last time we met."

Suguru and Satoru square up with the antagonistic jerk.

"There is no need to escalate this conversation, Zenin. Now leave." My brow relaxes at Suguru's words.

"Fat chance of that." Naoya scoffs before turning his eyes toward me. "Remember how my father said we would talk again, sweetheart? Well, today is the day. Follow me." He gestures for me to walk toward him.

"No. Get lost." As I turn away from him, I sense my friends stepping to the sides and allowing Naoya closer to me. The minute he touches my shoulder, I have him pinned down.

"Tu es stupide, Naoya. Je ne comprends pas quel est votre problèm avec l'expression non. Tu comprends, non?" I smirk at his stupid face. He has no idea what I am saying. He regains control of his body and makes me fall onto my butt.

While getting back on his feet, he brushes the dirt off his clothing. "You think you are clever, eh? Talking in another language. I will show you!"

The cartilage in his nose sings out loud upon impact. A smile grows in my eyes as I run toward him for a second hit. He zooms out of the way, making my fist connect with hard metal instead. A slight touch on my sleeve makes me freeze in place. Satoru steps in front of Naoya while Suguru blocks my path toward my opponent.

"Your guy pals are fighting on your behalf now?" Naoya huffs out.

"You want your ass handed to you for the third time? Come here!" I try moving forward, only to run into Suguru's chest. Two auxiliary managers and an elder are on their way.

Naoya starts laughing under his breath. "You don't get it, Santa-Clara? I am untouchable and someone you want on your side. Jujutsu Tech wants you under their watch but so do a lot of other people. You have a gift that is hard to pin down. A gift that is owned to the Zenin Clan!"

This piece of work needs to shut up.

"Suguru, let me through." He steps aside, sending Satoru a warning look.

I let out a huff before walking up to the scum bag. I look him dead in the eyes, "your threats are nothing to me. You are nothing more than a spoiled brat who hides behind his family name!" I grab his collar and put my face in his, "let me give you some advice, sweetheart. When I say leave me alone, it means leave me alone!"

My eyes flash deep purple as a sinister grin grows on my face. It would be too easy to snap his neck! It would be unsatisfying to shed his blood. I let him go as the auxiliary managers and the elder come into view. While regaining control over my pounding heart, several labored breaths escape my lips.

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2007; 10:00 am

"Umm, don't you think you are drinking that a bit fast?" Satoru asks as I throw back my coffee in thirty seconds. I shake a jittery finger at him, implying I have done this before. He lets out a sigh before helping himself to some pastry.

"How are you doing after last week's disaster?" I spurt out after placing my cup down.

Suguru sits down and looks at Satoru. Satoru stares at me like I have five heads. After thirty seconds, they look at each other for an answer.

Suguru's eyes hold darker bags. His cheeks are slimmer than before...his sensitivity is higher. Satoru's confidence feels more potent. His eyes are sharper...anticipation rests in his irises. My quiet giggling turns into a full-on cackling. The laughing is so intense my eyes start watering.

When it dawns on me that people are watching, I calm myself down. My face twitches involuntarily before settling on a smile. I cast my eyes toward the ceiling while sticking out my lower lip. I wring my hands under the table.

"If you need to go, Satoru, don't let me stop you." I take the last gulp from my drink as Satoru looks over his glasses.

"Are you telepathic?" Satoru asks in a flat tone. "How did you know something came up?"

I shrug my shoulders, trying to keep myself together.

The three of us rise at the same time. Once on the sidewalk, an icy chill runs through my body. My discomfort does not go unnoticed as Suguru quickly glances at me. We start walking in the same direction as the campus.

"Stop fretting about Riko and the mission. You did what was best given the circumstances." I dry heave at Satoru's words. "See you two later." He crosses the street, leaving Suguru and me close to the Shibuya subway station.

My body warms up, making me break out into a cold sweat. It is hard for me to swallow. I can't focus on anything as darkness encapsulates my eyes. The last thing I remember is hearing muffled voices before eating the concrete.

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2007: 2:30 pm

I can't help but shiver as a rhythmic sound vibrates in my ears. My hand grazes my forehead. A row of cold metal touches my fingertips.

"She is awake." I hear a chipper voice shout out before a curtain opens and closes.

A cold hand suddenly touches my back, making me jump in place.

"There is no need to panic." The chipper voice says. "Your friend here wanted me to get him when you woke up. How are you feeling?"

I squint my eyes, focusing on a civilian wearing baby-blue scrubs and a stethoscope around their neck. I shift my purple orbs to the 186cm boy with crow-black hair and furrow my brow.

"I am fine. Can I go?" I avert my gaze, resting my eyes on the wall in front of me.

"Let me get your discharge papers ready. I will be right back."

I roll my eyes and start removing the IV bandages from my arm.

"Should you be doing that? It looks painful." Suguru says while trying to maintain his composure.

I roll up my sleeve revealing a crown of roses hugging my left bicep. He raises an eyebrow as the curtain opens behind him.

After twenty minutes of answering questions, I am given two sheets of paper and a bottle of pills. I thank the nurse and other staff members before leaving. Once outside, I look up at the blue sky and yawn.

"You are welcome to walk next to me. I don't bite." I say while looking over my shoulder. My words make Suguru stop in place, light pink tint colors his face. I smile in return.

"Ugh, sure. But we need to go this way", he points in the direction of campus. My shoulders and arms drop.

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2007, 5:00pm

"Are you sure they are on their way?" The salt-and-pepper hair Gojo asks.

"Yes. Suguru says they got caught up in something personal." The younger Gojo says through gritted teeth. His glasses rest on his eyes.

"There is no need to talk amongst yourselves. Share what you are discussing." A green-eyed serpent says a fresh bruise adorns his right eye.

"Mind telling us what this is about?" Satoru says while glaring at the Elders. "We already talked this morning about The Star Plasma Vessel incident. And don't you have a school to manage?"

"New information has been brought to our attention." Gakuganji spouts back.

As Suguru and I are about to step onto campus, he gently tugs my shirt, halting me in my tracks. I turn and face him, noticing a small frown on his face. I hold my palms out in a reassuring manner, prompting him to perk up. I walk inside the building first.

When we round the corner, I sense hostility coming from the room in front of us. Low murmurs and shifting bodies make me subconsciously wipe my forehead.

"We would expect you two to show up late…"

"Alright, Zenin, we get it. Geto and Santa-Clara are held up on a personal errand." The older Gojo says, trying not to laugh.

"Finally." Satoru gets up from his seat and hurries me back outside. Suguru meekly follows us. He stops and looks at my forehead, clearing his throat before talking. "What did…"

"Get back inside of here. All three of you, now!" Gakuganji yells.

I gesture for Satoru and Suguru to go in ahead of me…when I point out Naoya is waiting inside, they get the message.

"We are glad you made it, Santa-Clara. Mind telling us why you are late?"

"I passed out and was in the emergency room. Next question."

"Where is the Star Plasma Vessel?"

"How should I know? She is not in Japan and no longer…"

"Cut it with the attitude or we will arrest you with treason and kidnapping."

I clear my throat and close my eyes. Dismissing Gakuganji's threat.

"As I was saying, Principal Gakuganji, Riko is no longer under Jujutsu Technical College's care!"

I notice Satoru's grandfather raising both eyebrows at me. I send him a half smile that fades into a frown quickly.

"You sound just like her." Naoya's father chimes in. "Do you know who I am talking about?"

Humor me, I am all ears.

Satoru's grandfather clears his throat. "Now is not the time nor the place to bring up the past." His dark blue eyes lock onto the current Zenin head's green eyes.

Another chill slithers down my spine when a name crosses my mind.

Carbella, Grenadine.

My eyes are glued to the table. My mind searching for answers on how she…then it dawns on me.

I start laughing under my breath while sitting back in my seat. Suguru rests a hand in front of me. Satoru looks at me like I have five heads, and Naoya jumps in place when I look at him.

I clear my throat and look toward the ceiling. I notice Satoru's grandfather squeezing his forehead. His jaws are clenched together.

"I am waiting for an answer. Do you know who I am talking about, Santa-Clara?"

I look the older Zenin in the eyes. "Grenadine Carbella." Naoya and he have the same smile.

Before coming back to Jujutsu Technical College, Businge pestered me to no end on doing research. She shoved three books worth of information down my throat. If I had stayed longer, she would have fed me more information. Grenadine's name came up several times. So did a slew of other names…most of them crossed out in black ink.