You made me proud, Lil.

When the breakfast ended, Fabian gave me a thorough tour around the mansion. From the great hall, we headed towards the closest room, which Fabian called the buttery.

Then each led to another. From the kitchen, pantry, larder, and cellar. Fabian toured every corner of the mansion.

He showed me even the lavatories and bathrooms; empty guest rooms, solar, and a boudoir where I could spend some time alone!

It almost felt exhausting just touring around, but the excitement within me was overflowing. I've never stepped inside a proper home. Every thing was new to me and it was amusing how the halls, quarters, and rooms had different purposes.

"This is a cabinet or a study, My Lady. Usually, it is used by Lord Samael, but he granted us permission to be off used by her ladyship." Fabian beckoned.

As I stepped inside the cabinet, the scent of old wood wafted my nose, albeit smelled strangely pleasant. I looked around, amazed at the shelves filled with books.