
"And then, for arithmetic, I…" I trailed off, realizing I've been talking nonstop.

I pursed my lips and glanced around quickly. When my eyes landed on Samael, he was smiling subtly.

With a wineglass in his hand, his jaw resting on his knuckles, he raised his brows.

"For arithmetic…?" He asked with interest.

"Sir Fabian taught me addition." I dropped my gaze to my plate.

Since the dinner started, Samael started asking me questions, and I answered them. I didn't realize that the more he asked, the more I detailed everything enthusiastically.

Talk about etiquette. I failed to apply the tact Fabian taught me.

The realization was akin to a tight slap. I still have a lot to learn to become a proper lady.

"Ah… is My Lady shy now? Why, though? I want to hear more." Samael urged.

I glanced at him as he leaned closer to the table with a smile.