
In the middle of the night, I woke up. I fell asleep on the table, on top of the book I was reading.

Slowly, I pushed myself to sit up. As I did, a quilt over my shoulders cascaded down, which I caught before it landed on the floor. 

I furrowed my brows. I'm certain I just fell asleep while reading. How am I…

Subconsciously, I raised my head. My gaze instantly caught the figure sitting across me.

Samael was staring outside the window. His jaw was resting on his knuckles, seemingly in deep thoughts as he hasn't noticed me.

I pursed my lips. Our previous conversation surged inside my head, which made me clasp my hands on my lap.

This was another side of him I haven't seen until now. He was just staring outside the window, his expression solemn.

I wonder what he was thinking? To have such expression…

To be honest, Samael may be sitting across me. But, he felt so distant; so far, he was beyond my reach.