Knowing bits and pieces of him

Sleeping on a proper bed was truly amazing. It was as soft as those clouds in the sky, bringing out the child in anyone's heart. But when did it get firm?

I squeezed myself into it. Indeed, the bed somehow felt harder. But it still offered comfort and… warmth?

Slowly, I opened my eyes. Opening and closing them until my vision grew clearer.


I blinked and blinked. After a snap, my eyes widened as my brain fuzzed. 

"Oh, morning, fuzzy bunny." Sam greeted sluggishly. He only gave me an indifferent look, his fingers casually stroking my back.

I stiffened. My spine shivering. 

Who wouldn't? I woke up with my head on his shoulder, my arms over his chest, and my leg wrapped around his waist!

Was this a nightmare…?

"You should sleep more. It's too early." Samael urged, staring at the ceiling with little to no emotion in his tone. He wasn't moving, letting me cling onto him in my sleep.