Let's f*ck... hard.

They said there were multiple truths in certain things. I didn't fully understand that until now. 

In this fall, it was true that I'm afraid. Not that I didn't trust Sam; I trust him, and that's a fact. However, this fear had been part of human nature.

This arousal as he locked lips with me was also true. It was a simple example of how multiple truth could confuse a situation but made sense — a bit. 

I feel hot despite the generous air around us. My heart racing, confused if it was because I'm subconsciously aware we're falling, or because of how he deepened his kiss.

It felt nice, either way.

Suddenly, I felt his lips smile against mine. I slowly opened my eyes and immediately tighten my drip around him.

I'm scared to look to where we're landing. However, my stupid eyes subconsciously moved and saw how close we were to the ground.