
"Let's not make love." I dared. "Let's fuck… hard."

Sam's eyes darkened even more with lust. That's what he wanted. Now that only made sense why he seemed to have a hard time in Whistlebird.

He had to fight against his own demons. He should've told me. But I couldn't really blame him.

The extent of how far and long vampires could take it remained unknown to me. They said a vampire had an insatiable lust.

That's why they could last for days without stopping. I still couldn't comprehend the entire painting of drinking someone's blood to borrow strength. 

But I wouldn't need that now, would I?

Suddenly, Sam bit his thumb with his fangs.

"Have some." When blood appeared on his thumb, he offered it to me. "Lick it."

Sam's voice was flat, but his eyes flickered with fascination. He's thrilled.

"Your blood…?" I raised my brows as I darted my gaze from his thumb to his eyes.