Thank you

When the training ended, I couldn't even lift my arms. I just collapsed on the ground, not caring about the dust as I laid my back flat against it.

I thought I'd die today. No, I just cheated death today. I actually thought it's not just a training, but a torture.

After swinging the sword left and right, getting scolded by Rufus by holding it incorrectly, and Sam's interference whenever Rufus got close, I'm beat.

Yet, my heart felt full as I stared at the tangerine sky because of the sunset. How pretty and satisfying.

My body was exhausted and aching. But, I could not help but smile.

Today, I learned how to hold a sword properly. It was not much of an achievement, but it felt good.

It felt just as satisfying as fulfilling my curiosity. I'm happy to make such a decision.

Suddenly, something blocked my view. A towel landed on my face.

"Do you want me to carry you?" 

It was Sam. I smiled behind the cloth covering my face.